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In this blog post , we will learn steps involved in MSO Process along with Prerequisite.

Purpose -

Your customers may include large corporate groups with many of their own intermediate distribution centers or Ship-to customers depending on them. You can maintain regular business relations with all distribution centers of such a corporation, if the distribution centers and the corporation hold the same functions, for example, as a sold-to customer, a ship-to customer, and a payer.

In addition, you can accommodate orders from a corporation, in which the corporation orders goods for direct delivery to one of the following:

  • Ship-to customers: The corporation specifies how many pieces of a certain article each Ship-to customer receives.

  • Intermediate distribution center: Here, the distribution center takes over the actual delivery to the final destination of the customers associated with this distribution center. In this case, the distribution center is identical to the corporation or a certain customer. Even in this special case, the corporation specifies the articles and the quantity each customer receives. You flag these deliveries in your warehouse for easy recognition of what and how much each customer is to receive, so that the distribution center can deliver the goods to them as fast as possible.

Note - Configuration is not the part of this blog.

Step 1- Create MSO

MSO order will be the same as standard sales order with enhanced function to leverage multi ship partners with two different types of Partner-

  1. mark for

  2. Ship to

Partner type is to be selected in Multi Ship to Order Tab and Partner number is to be provided for further actions.

below example has two different partner types with two different Partner number along with their Explosion status.

MSO- Sales Order with Two Partner types

Step - 2

Explode MSO- Create Child Orders

Once MSO is created then through FSH_MSO,it can be exploded for given Partners and child orders can be created as below-

FSH_MSO- Explode MSO in Child Orders

Another Sales order as MSO child document will be created with provided information as follow on document from Main MSO.

MSO Child Order- Display

Step- 3

Create Standard Deliveries

Delivery for Ship to Partner


Step - 4

Create Standard Invoice

Invoice for Child SO

Step - 5

Entire Document flow-

Entire Document Flow


Please note Process steps could be different for client using Arun for release and optimize Supply chain.



This Blog post is to understand MSO process in Retail/FMS system.

Kindly let me know if you have any questions on the same.

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