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There are many blog posts on this subject. However, I was not aware that SAP note exists on this subject. For the benefit of all the consultants who may not have access to SAP notes, I am putting the contents of the note here. This is the most asked question while implementing S4H.


2640393 - Differences between t-code MD01N and classic MRP t-codes MD01/MD02/MD03

Version 6 Type SAP Knowledge Base Article.

Language English Master Language English.

Release Status Released to Customer Category Problem.

Component PP-MRP (Material Requirements Planning) Released On 14.04.2021.

Please find the original document at https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2640393
MRP live (T-code MD01N) is suggested to run MRP on S/4HANA systems. This KBA explains differences between t-code MD01N and classic MRP t-codes MD01/MD02/MD03.

• SAP ERP Production Planning (PP)
• SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
• SAP S/4HANA, on-premise


Classic MRP (t-codes

MRP live (t-code MD01N) Related Note/KBA








MRP list






MRP parameter "Create MRP list" can be used to control whether MRP list should be created.

No MRP lists are written by MRP live as MRP lists were intended for checking the MRP result. MRP lists were used to find materials with issues quickly. MRP lists are snapshots of the material supply and demand situation at the time of the last MRP run. The snapshot is often outdated. With HANA, stock/requirements lists can be read with high speed. MRP cockpit can be used to determine materials with late supply issues in real-time. T-code md_mrp_force_classic shows all master data related issues(like no production version found). In SAP S/4HANA there is no

need for outdated MRP lists.


2268085 - S4TWL

- MRP live on SAP HANA - MD01N 2554382 - MRP List (MD05)

can't be found after MRP Live run 2327795 - MRP on HANA:

Requirements aggregated on the MRP List


Scope of planning

MRP parameter "Scope of planning" can be used to combine a group of plants or

MRP areas.
Scope of planning is not supported. MRP Live can plan many materials in many plants. It always plans all MRP Areas.



creation indicators

Classic MRP has a complicated set of rules for instructing the MRP run to create either purchase requisitions or planned orders for externally procured materials. MRP

parameters "Create purchase

MRP live on HANA always creates purchase requisitions for externally procured materials and schedule lines if there is valid scheduling agreement or source list with scheduling agreement. MRP live on HANA always creates planned orders for inhouse

production materials.



2268085 - S4TWL


req." and "Schedule lines" can

be used.


opening period

In classic MRP, parameter "Creation indicator for Purchase Requisitions" can be set as 2:Purchase requisitions in

opening period.


MRP live on HANA doesn't consider opening period.

2490226 - MRP

Live does not Consider Opening Period



planning horizon


MRP parameter "Processing key" NETPL can be set on ERP systems, but it is removed in S/4HANA systems.



MRP live doesn't support planning horizon

2270241 - S4TWL

- Planning Horizon 2639021 -

Planning horizon /

procesing key NETPL in S/4


processing key
MRP parameter "Processing key" NETPL can be set on ERP systems, but it is removed in S/4HANA systems.

The indicator "Regenerative planning" in MRP live replaces the MRP parameter "Processing key". If it is set, it works similar like processing key = NEUPL in classic







On ERP systems, if MRP parameter "Scheduling" is set to "2 Lead Time Scheduling and Capacity Planning", Detailed planning, Rate-based planning, Rough-Cut Planning are all supported. On S/4HANA systems only detailed

scheduling is supported.


On S/4HANA systems only detailed scheduling is supported. If Rate-based and rough-cut routings are maintained in the production version, exception message MD425 occurs "62: Scheduling: Master data inconsistent (P2)". MRP live also supports advanced planning for PP/DS.




2270240 - S4TWL

- Rate and Rough- Cut Planning




planning mode


Classic MRP t-codes have 3 options for planning mode: 1 Adapt planning data (normal mode) 2 Re-explode BOM and routing 3 Delete and recreate planning data


No planning mode 2. Planning mode 1 works different from classic MRP. For planning mode 1, either 100% reuse or delete and re- create. AMDP BADI PPH_MRP_REUSE_BADI can be used to influence system behavior.

2583090 - MD01N

deletes purchase requisitions and recreate them with planning mode 1

2469065 -

MD01n: New internal BADI for Reuse Check




T-code MD02 has 2 indicators "Simulation mode" and "Display results prior to saving" to simulate MRP run. T-code MD03 has an indicator "Display

results prior to saving".



MRP live doesn't have simulation mode.










T-code MD02 can be used to run MRP for single-item, multi- level. There is also an indicator "Also plan unchanged components".



MRP live has an indicator "BOM components" if components are also to be planned. Indicator "Also plan unchanged components" is added to MRP live by note 2584201. If change number is involved in BOM changes, please check KBA 2611243 to make sure MRP live works correctly.

2584201 -

Enabling Plan also unchanged components for MRP Live 2611243 - T-code

MD01N doesn't consider BOM changes made with change




T-codes MD40/MD41/MD42/MD43 can

be used to run MPS planning.

Field "Material scope" is added in MRP live. If it is set to "S" or "A" MPS materials are



stock transfer materials


Classic MRP can use the field "Scope of planning" to plan both supplying plant and receiving plant.

Indicator "Stock transfer materials" is added in MRP live to control whether you want to plan materials in the supplying plants during the planning run for stock transfer. Only if a change in the requirement happens, the

supplying plant is also planned.



perfomrance log


Reports RMMDMONI and RMMDPERF can be used to analyze classic MRP performance.
New field "Name for Performance Log" is added in MD01N. Performance logs can later be checked by t-code MD_MRP_PERFLOG. No Performance Log per material.

1865330 - MRP:

Performance issue - useful reports 2003405 - Technical Settings for MRP Live




period lot size



In classic MRP, the date of the earliest requirement for the planned material determines the start of the periodsfor grouping the requirements.

In MRP Live on HANA, the start of the periods is determined by the planning date of the MRP run. As a result, different requirements are grouped in classic MRP and MRP Live on HANA. This means that depending on how the materials are planned, planned orders (or purchase requisitions) could be created with different

quantities and dates.



See the F1 help on field "No. of Periods" in t-code OMI4.




User exit M61X0001 can be used to influence which materials are selected to be planned during classic MRP



Fields "Product group" and "MRP Controller" are added in MRP live.





user exit key



User exit M61X0001 can be used to influence which materials are selected to be planned during classic MRP run.



User exit M61X0001 is not supported by t- code MD01N. The BADI MRP_DISPATCHER_BADI can be used to implement own logic

2403691 -

MD01n: Extension of Selection Screen (S4CORE) 2473397 -

MD01n: Extension of Selection Screen









See the following 2 notes about classic MRP BADIs: 2583203 - How to find PP user exits and BADIs 2012620 - MRP:

Problems with BAdIs

Any enhancement or BAdI implementation of the classic MRP run does not work with MRP Live. A new set of AMDP BADIs will be available for MRP Live from SAP S/4HANA on-premise edition 1603. BAdI implementations of the classic MRP have to be translated into AMDP BAdI implementations if still required. See a list of

BADIs in note 2268085.


2268085 - S4TWL

- MRP live on SAP HANA - MD01N 2276376 - MD01n: AMDP

Customer BADIs



Runtime is fast for many or "few complicated" (big BOMs, configuration) materials. Runtime may be slow for one or

few (simple) materials

2023766 - MRP

Live/MRP Classic: Performance Information

Planning in MRP live on HANA has certain

restrictions. See the restrications in note

1914010 -


1914010. Some materials can only be planned in classic MRP. T-code MD_MRP_FORCE_CLASSIC can be used to force a material to be planned in ABAP by t-code MD01N. Direct usage of production version in PIR not support in MRP Live on Hana. See note 2540959 - MRP Live

support for PIR with production version.
Restrictions for Planning in MRP Live on HANA

See Also


2268085 - S4TWL - MRP live on SAP HANA - MD01N




MD01N, MD01, MD02, MD03, MRP live, MRP on HANA, classic MRP, differences, MRP list, opening period, BADI, performance, planning mode








SAP ERP Central Component all versions
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SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions
SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions

This document refers to

SAP Note/KBA Title
2638465 MRP differences between S/4HANA and ERP systems
2268085 S4TWL - MRP Live on SAP HANA - MD01N

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