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Before Driving deep into Technical details . let me give some brief about why we need to do this ABAP Development Tool (ADT) is an Eclipse  based tool provided by SAP, You will need ADT if you have to work on the  ABAP CDS views. Even though,CDS views are emdedded into the ABAP Dictionary, there are some Difference in the features available between the Eclipse and the Data Dictionary environments.

Earlier Blog where we  gone through how to install in windows

Now in this Blog we help ,trouble shoot if any issues and learn to Install Studio in Mac OS X from update-site


For Reference  SAP Note 2004651- SAP  HANA platform SPS  08 release Note where explained in steps.


1. Install Eclipse Standard 4.3.2 in the Mac:
a) In a web browser go to, and press Download, select Mac OS X (Cocoa).


Eclipse web page

b) Download the 64 Bit version of ìEclipse Standard 4.3.2î.



c) After the download is complete, move the .tgz file to an adequate location (E.g. inside ì/Applicationsî).

d) Double click on the downloaded file. The content of the package will be extracted into a directory ìeclipseî.


2. Run Eclipse:
a) Go to the ìeclipseî directory created in the last step.
b) Execute the following command: Eclipse

c) If you get an popup with the message ìEclipseî canít be be opened because it is from an unidentified developerÖ you have to:
i) Open System Preferences, Security & Privacy, and either click on button ìOpen Anywayî if offered
or select Allow apps downloaded from ìAnywhereî.



3. In Eclipse, specify the update site as follows:
[see SAP HANA Studio Installation Guide "3.1.3 Update the SAP HANA Studio Using an Update Site"]
a) From the main menu, choose -> Eclipse -> PreferencesÖ -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites.
b) Choose Add... and specify the name of the update repository (optional) and its location,
for example, http://<host>:80<instance_number>/sap/hana/studio/ if you are using the SAP HANA XS Web server
or file:/<target_repository_path> if you are using a file system location.


4. Install Studio Tools:
a) Go to main menu -> Help -> Install New softwareÖ
b) From the dropdown control ìWork with:î select the update-site you configured in step 3.
c) Select the Studio features you want to install.
d) Press ìFinishî.





This Blog will be useful while installing Eclipse for ADT in Mac OS.

I hope this blog made it easier for you to troubleshoot all the issues while installing Eclipse for ADT in Mac os . Please leave your comments or suggestions you might have.


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