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I really love XSLT mapping. In SAP Cloud Integration, you need to understand XSLT and XPath well to use Integration Advisor. However, I find it is sometimes better to just build up an XSLT mapping for an EDI integration without even using Integration Advisor.

Another case I use XSLT in Cloud Integration: If the target JSON structure is very complex, the default JSON converter step doesn't cut it. I use the XSLT json converter in those cases, instead of using Groovy scripting. (I might share an example later)

Overall I thought, a tool that improves the developer experience for XSLT mapping will be useful!

The Practical & Mapping-focused Solution


It has been 2.5 years since I shared Groovy IDE. Time passes by so quickly! In 2020 when I announced it, I didn't expect the interest the community showed. Thank you for being part of this journey!

As a token of goodwill, I made important features free in Groovy IDE. But this time, XSLT IDE online version will be free for XSLT version 1, and it will require only a few coffees per month for XSLT v2 and v3.

I have many ideas, but I also have limited time and energy. As you already know, working in this field, development is costly, especially the human side of things.

Don't worry, I will be around and continue to work as an integration consultant. This can only pay some server bills, and signal that you value this product, and motivate me to invest time and energy improving it. I won't be able to retire early to an Aegean village, in the foreseeable future.
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