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Hello, Developers/Architects/Project Managers

My name is Partha,

I'm an "Architect-Developer".

Let me share some of my experiences and realizations.

So far... I have been involved in multiple S/4 HANA implementations.

One thing, I realized vividly and truly believe is that developers are the king in Software/Technology Industry!

Let's analyze the power of developers.
For that purpose, I would go a little deeper and categorize the developer tag.

Again per me, there are three kinds of developers
1. Development-Developer
2. Pro-Developer
3. Architect-Developer (like me 😎)

I will conclude the blog with the definitions of the 3 developer tag.

Let's come back to the topic now...
As I said, "Developers are the King" here! I mean it. 🤴

For a successful S/4 HANA Implementation in the new era (keep the core clean), we definitely need the Project managers, Digital Transform strategists (big names.. haha)...
But don't forget the developers, repeating myself ''Developers are the King".

So, what are the skill sets we need, to praise a developer, as the "KING" !?
Or how you can become the "KING" as a developer !?

A must-have skill sets for any successful S/4 HANA Implementation project with the "keep the core clean" strategy in BTP (Business Technology Platform),

here you go...


how to become the "KING" - Roadmap to become SAP BTP Developer:

Please enlarge the image to get a complete view or simply download it from the given link below.

Roadmap to become SAP BTP Developer


Download PDF : Click here

If you are afraid of seeing the above pic with a whole lot of new things or having a kind of FOMO, please don't worry! Maybe you don't need to know all the skills at the initial go, to be part of any S/4 implementation project with BTP

Keep reading...

Now as I promised earlier, let's analyze a bit more the developer's category. So that you can get some relief.

1. Development-Developer:
The majority of the developer pool falls under this category. And this is also one of the most important developer personas we need for any successful implementation. This category of developers has hands-on experience in a particular area ( like frontend or backend or database or  integration or.. etc)

2. Pro-Developer:
The ratio is less compared to the point 1 developers. But this pool holds specialized skills to solve the problems faster and with bug-free delivery, at the same time, generally, they are lazy developers! 😛
Sometimes they are known as full stack cloud developers ( can code for multiple areas) and can help development-developers in the overall delivery of software.

3. Architect-Developers:
As a project manager, you might need a very less proportion of this kind of developer persona, but you definitely need it, I have seen projects were failing badly just because there is no allocation for this position at all. Or sometimes, there is no right kind of allocation for this position.
Now, the question is who are those Architect-Developers?...
You can imagine someone who has profound knowledge of all the skill sets mentioned above (pdf) and is visionary enough to give futuristic/future-proof solutions.

In simple words, as a project manager, you should hire one or multiple Architect-Developer(s) who have the overall system understanding, business understanding, and definitely technology hands-on experience.


So far whatever I said, is completely based on my own experience. Please don't get offended if somewhere the truth is coming harsh to you.

We can always discuss this topic further.
I will try to reply to the comment section here. You can also reach out to me on LinkedIn: /parthasap

Thank you for reading!

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