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As we see more & more customer moving to SAP S/4 HANA, we have lot of discussion around various offerings of SAP and how is it different from the other offering of SAP.

Looking at the depth of the discussion we have as SAP Consultants amongst our peers or with customers, its important that all of us are having clear understanding of various differences amongst the SAP S4 HANA offerings i.e. SAP S/4 HANA 'Rise with SAP' vs SAP S/4 HANA Cloud vs SAP S/4 HANA AnyPremise (On-Premise).

As a SAP Consultant being in the consulting industry for 20+ years and working on RFP's( Request for Proposals) , i have come across many RFP's where customer hasn't finalized on the SAP Product though they are clear that they want to move to SAP S/4 HANA but aren't clear on which SAP offering they should go for.

The intent of this blog is to help our SAP customers / SAP consultants understand the various parameters which they should assess while contemplating on the SAP Product offering which they want to go ahead with. Hope this blog will help in terms of getting a birds eye view in terms of key parameters & insight on how do various SAP product offering stand against those key parameters for the customers / organizations to make better decisions.


Hope this comparison will help our SAP customers / SAP Consultants to take better informed decisions with a clear understanding of benefits related to each option and the options which suits their organizations digital journey.

If this interests your further, then request you to follow :

RISE with SAP topic page , Digital Transformation question - post and answer questions and read other posts on the topic Digital Transformation

RISE Question - post and answer questions and read other posts on the topic RISE 


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