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Welcome to our blog series about SAP Subscription Billing’s new features!

This week we are happy to share several features that were recently released: Billing Profiles, withdraw allowances and set pending subscriptions to failed. Let’s have a look together in detail:

Billing Profiles

You can now use billing profiles to define certain billing settings for subscriptions. This gives you more flexibility to control billing.

Billing profiles initially include settings for the adjustment period and billing delay. These settings were previously valid for all subscriptions, whereas now the valid billing profile for a subscription is determined by its rate plan or specified directly in the subscription.

You define billing profiles in the Business Configuration app and assign them either to rate plan templates or to rate plans. They're then passed on via products to subscriptions and taken into account in the billing process. You can adjust subscriptions to apply a different billing profile if required.

Please also see the blog post on the topic with detailed info and instructions on how to switch from the old Billing Settings to the new Billing Profiles:

Switching Over from Billing Settings Configuration to Billing Profiles in SAP Subscription Billing

Withdraw allowances

You can now withdraw an allowance from a subscription, for example, because it was created by mistake. Also, all the allowances of a subscription are automatically withdrawn when you withdraw the corresponding subscription.

Note that the maximum withdrawal period for an allowance is 2 years from its creation date.

To learn more, see Withdrawal of Allowances.

Set pending subscriptions to Failed

With the Subscriptions API, you can now change the status of a pending subscription to Failed to indicate that the provisioning process failed. When the error is fixed, you can either complete the subscription or set it back to Pending.

That’s all on our latest features. Thank you for reading today’s blog post! ☁️

To make sure you don’t miss the next feature articles, follow the tag SAP Subscription Billing. And in the meantime, you can find out more about our solution in the information section below.

Also: Please like this post if you found it useful, and don’t hesitate to leave us your feedback in the comment section.

In case of questions, feel free to ask them in our Q&A section using the tag SAP Subscription Billing.

Stay tuned and take care!


More information about SAP Subscription Billing