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In this blog post I would like to bring to your attention how to get "Audit Trail" report for SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HANA for the custom objects which includes custom tables and long text (Custom as well as Standard).

Business Scenario 

Pharma companies follow Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and it is a process for ensuring that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards.

It is designed to minimize the risks involved in any pharmaceutical production that cannot be eliminated through testing the final product as well as track the changes in product after commercialization.

To fetch audit trail report based on various parameters i.e., date/time, changed by etc. for the custom objects which includes custom tables and long text from SAP Portfolio and Project Management, business user should use S_AUT10 tcode.

Follow the below steps to get the details for long text object as well as for Custom Fields

  1. Run Tcode S_AUT10

  2. By default, system will open standard mode. Change screen mode from standard to Enhancement mode by clicking on "Goto" and select "Standard Mode/Enhancement Mode".


3. Under enhancement mode, user will find multiple options to check audit trail.

  1. Table + Change Logs

  2. Change Logs

  3. Table Logs

  4. Long Text Logs



  1. In order to check "Long Text Logs" for SAP Portfolio and Project Management, user needs to select Text ID and Text Object.

Select text Object = CGPL_TEXT and select Text ID from the list of text ID. Below list of text ids are available for selection for Text object = CGPL_TEXT

DESC      Description
FACT      Findings
LOCA     Audit Location
LOG       LOG for User Data
LTXT      Long Text
NEGA    Improvement Options
NOTE    Note
OBJT     Objective(s)
PART     Partner Note
PCT1     Project Charter: Problem
PCT2     Project Charter: Scope
PCT3     Project Charter: Goals
POSI      Strengths
RTOM    Real-Time Offer Management
STRA     Strategy



  1. If users want to search Notes, select text ID as NOTE and for long text, select text ID as LTXT.

  2. Once all required inputs are maintained i.e., start date/end date, start time/End time, Text object and text ID, execute the report.

  3. Based on the inputs, user can see the audit trail report will all information.

  4. For table and change log, the change document object is RPM_OBJECT, PPM_OBJECT and DPR_PROJECT. User can also do wild search by maintaining "Changed by" as an input.




  1. Custom fields which are part of standard table and you have activated change document checkbox for custom fields, in that case those custom field change log will be captured automatically.

  2. If custom table is created and you want to check the audit trail, in that case developer needs to create change document object for custom table. Then system will start displaying audit trail data for custom table also.

Note: If user don't see the audit trail for long text, in that case user must check some important SAP notes provided below relevant for activation and troubleshooting Long text log.


Hope this blog post gives you an overview and a basic understanding of "How to run audit trail report for SAP Enterprise Portfolio and Project Management.

Feel free to post your comments and I encourage you to post questions about the topic in our SAP Community using this link.

Stay Tuned!

Amit Dhar