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In this series regarding “Important Functionality in Storage Types”, I will be testing the SAP standard functionality of the HU Requirement field under General Tab with option HU Not allowed.

As per SAP standard in Storage Type/General Tab for the HU Requirement Field when we select the option as ‘Y’ i.e. HU Not Allowed the system will only allow storage of products into the storage type and not HU’s

 Reference from SAP as shown below


To achieve this we select HU Not allowed while defining the Storage Type.

Path- SPRO--IMG--Master Data-- Define Storage Type

Storage type definition for 9030 i.e. Bin for doors Goods Receipt with selection as HU Requirement


NOTE - HU Requirement can only be changed if the storage type is EMPTY

Now we create a PO (T-Code - ME21N)with required settings and do Inbound delivery (T-Code- VL31N). For this test case, I have packed 2 nos. product in a carton box.

Saved the document and delivery got distributed successfully.

The packing detail data for HU in ECC.

In EWM environment using TCode-/n/SCWM/PRDI and Complete the Inbound delivery process

As can be seen the Source HU i.e. 1000000715

WO created


As we can see that before confirming the WH Task i.e. the Status is‘ blank’ & Source HU and Destination HU is displayed i.e. in our test case 1000000715


After the WH Task is confirmed IN BACKGROUND the Status – ‘C’ the destination HU is not displayed. Because as per the Storage type definition it can only store the product and not HU.

Click on Form View for the WH task


The Warehouse Task created was HU Whse Task

The qty packed in the source HU was 2 EA.

In the Movement Data, the Source Storage Type HU are Allowed hence the source HU is shown but in Destination HU as the Storage Type doesn’t allow HU’s hence no destination HU is there.



To summarize, if a HU WT is created in a storage type with HU’s not allowed then the products in the HU will be stored in the bin, and source HU will remain in the source bin.

The decision lies with the business whether to store products in loose or in HU and dispose of the source HU.

Thank you for reading this blog post, appreciate feedback and corrections if required for this blog. All testing is conducted in ECC6 Ehp 7 and EWM 9.5
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