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Prerequisites in SAP EWM

P.1.  All transit bins must be empty

All transit bins must be empty before the inventory process start

Move stock (for example from the acceptance area, etc) to a storage area

P.2.  All opened WT must be closed

All opened WT must be closed before the inventory process start

Understand and finish all WTs

/SCWM/MON/ -> Documents -> Warehouse Task - > Open WTs

The result (ideal picture) must be - 0(zero) WTs

P.3. Align EWM/ERP stock


Stock comparison with ERP System with option 'Display Differences Only'

Understand and fix Differences before the inventory process start

(For example, Inbound/Outbound deliveries not completed, queues was stacked in an SMQ1/SMQ2, etc)

The result (ideal picture) must be - 0 (zero) products

P.4. Determine the employees responsible for the inventory

Check (adjust) roles assignment in EWM for employees responsible for the inventory

Don't forget about settings in:

/SCWM/PI_USER (Assignment of User to Tolerance Group Posting and Recounting) for working with /SCWM/PI_PROCESS

/SCWM/PI_USER_DIFF  (Assignment of User to Tolerance Group Difference Analyze) for working with /SCWM/DIFF_ANALYZER

P.5. Enter a physical inventory year

Enter a physical inventory year under 'Settings -> Default Values' (/SCWM/UI_PI008)

Submit Warehouse number and year in transaction /SCWM/PI_PROCESS

P.6. Optimize Whse Order (INVE) creation

Consider a typical warehouse structure almost all pallets during the inventory process are located in a storage area.

For the counting process employees, typical used Medium and high-level order pickers (something like Jungheinrich 412s with Max Picking Height - 14.3m)

Order pickers driving at the same height is more time economical than moving up and down

So in an ideal picture - 1 WHse Order (INVE) for 1 row in 1 Storage Area

Based on this idea before the inventory process start transform Physical Stock from EWM to Pivot table in MS Excel

Sheet #1 - Excel export from /SCWM/MON - > Stock and Bin -> Physical Stock

Sheet #2 - Pivot table with filters (Storage Bin, Storage Area, Row, Highest-Level HU, etc)

With this file, you can easily print useful paper tips for the employees responsible for the inventory and easily retrieve Storage bins sets for the Inventory process in SAP EWM. Step #1

Step 1. Physical Inventory Document Creation (EWM)

Transaction - /SCWM/PI_CREATE (Physical Inventory Document Creation)

Open Advanced Search.

Fill out

Planned Count Date

Physical Inventory Procedure (for example - AL, Annual Physical Inventory, storage bin specific)

Storage Bins set (for example from Pivot table described in Prerequisites section)

Search bins

Set Flag and Set Block Indicators


Result - WHse Order (INVE) created

Find WHse number(s) in /SCWM/MON -> Physical Inventory -> Physical Inventory Documents

Step 2. Physical Inventory Count (EWM)

Transaction - /SCWM/RFUI

04 Internal Processes -> 01 Inventory Counting -> 02 Inventory Counting Manually

Whse Ordr - WHse Order (INVE) created on Step #1

Confirm storage bin

Possible scenarios (a few examples):

Scenario 1. Integrity confirmation

Scenario 2. Empty HU

Scenario 3. Performing inventory without discrepancies

Scenario 4. Performing inventory with discrepancies

Scenario 5. Finding a new product in the empty bin

Scenario 6. Finding a new product is a not empty bin

Consider Scenario 1 in more detail.

Scan storage bin - scan HU in the storage bin - Enter

F3 (HUCmp) - F11(Save)

Step 3. Physical Inventory Processing (EWM)

Transaction - /SCWM/PI_PROCESS

Search (Filter with WHse Order (INVE) or by Physical Inventory Doc. Number)

Possible options:

  • Recount (New WHse Order (INVE) and Physical Inventory Doc. Number will be created)

  • Delete

  • Post (For Scenarios with finding a new product you must specify packaging)


Step 4. Physical Inventory Difference Analyzer (EWM)


Find Difference after Physical Inventory

Filter - Product number, * - also acceptable

Find the difference and Post-it


At this moment:

The difference with +: HU with a product and specified packaging material will be created in the desired bin

The difference with -: Stock will be removed from the warehouse

Integration to ERP(S/4HANA) will be triggered

Step 5. Physical Inventory List (S/4HANA)

Transaction - MI24

Find a Physical Inventory Documents number created after difference posting in EWM (Step 4)

Filter with Plant + Storage Location and Fiscal Year / Count Date

Step 6. Print country-specific forms (S/4HANA)

Transactions - J3RALFINV1, J3RALFINV3, J3RALFINV19
Example for INV-19 form:

With Physical Inventory Documents number from Step 5 print an INV-19 form by the report J3RALFINV19 (related for customer with compliance in Russia)

This report creates and prints the Difference List for Stock (INV-19) form.

This form reflects how the stock figures recorded during physical inventory deviates from the book inventory.

The accountant prints this form in two copies. Separate forms are printed for each storage location.

Step 7. Inventory in SAP ATTP

A current situation for SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals Release 2.0 Feature Pack 5 and STTPEW and STTPEC Add-ons

any out of box tools are available.

But these tools are mandatory during inventory.

For example, in your scenario:

After inventory HU (SSCC box) contains XXX SGTINs but in ATTP in this SSCC YYYY SGTINs

You must have at least two custom reports and QR-code scanner:

Report 1 - Scan parent epc (SSCC box / SSCC pallet), SCAN child epc (SSCC box, SGTINs)

Report 2 - Find a difference (ALV report with an opportunity copy difference and create (for example) 552 message on it)


SAP EWM routine task with examples from real life was provided.

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