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In this blog post you will learn how to create a new Business Partner Role and how to add it to the Outbound Delivery Order.

The new role will be ZTEST and for simplicity we'll copy the CARR Partner Role.


1. Create Custom Role

The first thing to do is define a new BP Role, in order to do so you have to access the customizing in:

SPRO>Cross-Application Components>SAP Business Partner>Basic Settings>Business Partner Roles>Define BP Roles

ZTEST Business partner role

For sake of simplicity we keep the same category of CARR and so we keep Std Assignment BP Role-> BP Role Cat. unchecked.

1.1 Create/Extend a BP with new role

Now in transaction BP it's possible to extend or create a Business Partner with role ZTEST, it will have same dataset of Carrier Business Partner Role.

BP of ZTEST role

2 Add Custom Partner Role to Outbound Delivery Order

Now it's needed to access customizing on:

SPRO>SCM Extended Warehouse Management>Extended Warehouse Management>Cross-Process Settings>Delivery - Warehouse Request>Partner Processing>Define Partner Role


SPRO>SCM Extended Warehouse Management>Extended Warehouse Management>Cross-Process Settings>Delivery - Warehouse Request>Partner Processing>Define Partner Profile

The Partner profile /SCWM/OUT_PRD is linked to the ODO. Now fill new profile detail:

2.1 Partner Role in Outbound Delivery Order

Now the new role appears for selection in the dropdown list when adding a new partner in a ODO document:

Unfortunately an error occurs when adding a new partner number to this role...

To fix the error it is needed to add new key in the customizing

SPRO>SCM Extended Warehouse Management>Extended Warehouse Management>Cross-Process Settings>Delivery - Warehouse Request>Extension of Delivery - Warehouse Request>Define Logical Field Names

It is needed to select structure /SCDL/S_SP_A_HEAD_PARTYLOC and add a new key combination:

In the logical field name we'll copy all the CARR logical field changing the name and the key in order to have logical field name available for our new party role

This way the logical field name have been defined in the structure /SCDL/S_SP_A_HEAD_PARTYLOC but in order to make them available for the outbound delivery orders it's needed to extend the linked system profile /SCDL/OUT_PRD.

Customizing activity

SPRO>SCM Extended Warehouse Management>Extended Warehouse Management>Cross-Process Settings>Delivery - Warehouse Request>Extension of Delivery - Warehouse Request>Extend System Profiles for Field Control

Double-click Permitted Fields

In the partyloc structure have been added less fields than those defined for the key ZPARTY_ROLE=ZTEST anyway now it is possible to add new partner on ODO with role ZTEST!

3 Open points and summary

At the end of the process new role ZTEST is available for use in Outbound delivery order but there are some points that need more work:

  • When selecting the partner for ZTEST role the search help it's not filtered by bp role instead CARR is filtered by CRM010

  • Add custom fields to customer bp role

  • Fill custom partner role in ODO when transferred from ECC

I will try to inspect those points in further blogs post in the meantime if someone has suggestions on improving the information or if you have questions about some points please let me know in the comments or start a new question here!
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