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As we known that the allocation table in SAP retail system can be created reference to a purchase order. But the purchase order here mainly is stock transfer order (STO), for example, the stock transfer from a DC to Store, or the stock transfer between two stores.


See my below demo.


1,We create purchase order 4500000737, it was created by me using transaction code ME21N.



The document type of this purchase order is UB, it is a stock transfer order between two stores within the same company code, in this UB STO, the stock will be transferred from store NM03 to NM01.


In the item details data, the Retail Tab,  the value of the field “ATab-Rel.”is 1, see the above screenshot.



2, Now we execute transaction code WA01 to create a new allocation table.

For the field Allocation Table Type, we input Z007, then input the purchase organization and purchase group. See above screenshot.


Then click the button ‘Create with purchase order ref.’, SAP system pop up a new window:


Here we input the purchase order 4500000737,select the radio button‘Warehouse Orders’, then click the execute button.  SAP will goto below screen,


We select the item,then click the button ’Adopt in alloc.tbl’,  we got below screen,



We change the item category into F, see below screen:




We maintain other mandatory data then save,



Now we create a new allocation table 12.



The conclusion is that we just can create allocation table reference to a STO document.
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