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Recently a couple of cases were reported on this topic.

No changes from the application side, just upgrading the database from MS SQL Server 2016 to 2019, then when you check the database configuration on FIM Admin, there shows an error like the following:

The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. Error: "SQL Server did not return a response. The connection has been closed."

We already have some KBAs for the error message, the root cause is that the default sqljdbc4.jar (a known bug in JDK) does not well support MS SQL Server

To resolve the issue permanently, you can take the following actions:

  • Check your java version for your FIM application server by running "java -version" in a command window, for example in my case I am using Jave 1.8

  • Then go to the following MS documentation page, and click "see previous Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server releases" to find the proper JDBC driver. In my case, I need the JDBC 4.2 which supports JDK 8.

Updated part, 4.2 is not the latest version anymore, check the Matrix below to find the suitable jdbc driver version:

Support matrix - JDBC Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Learn

  • Download the file and unzip it.

  • Go to %Tomcat%\webapps\fim\WEB-INF\lib, rename the sqljdbc4.jar to sqljdbc4.jar.bk.

  • Copy the sqljdbc42.jar to the folder.

  • Restart Tomcat.

Then you will be able to pass the check.