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SAP was providing the trial system to get to know on their SaaS application and a step towards the same, SAP has extended its trial account expiration to 1 year from 30 days. In this blog, We will see how to set up a Trial account in SAP Cloud Platform for Integration Suite which in turn can get you to access SAP CPI, SAP Integration Advisor, SAP API Management, SAP Enterprising Messaging and SAP Open Connectors.

Creating Trial Account:

  • Navigate to SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit ( and Sign In if you already have a SAP account.

  • If not, register for the new account with your email and providing the necessary information’s.

  • Click Trial Home and you will be navigated to below screen. Accept the “Terms and Conditions” and then, select “Enter Your Trial Account”. 

  • If you don’t have any trial account configured already and if you’re logging into you trail home first time, you will be prompted with the below screen to choose the region in which your trial account needs to be created.

  • Select the near by region and click “Create Account”. Your account setup will be started Showing the progress on each process.        

  • Once everything is done, click “Continue” and you will get to see the below screen. Select the “Enter Your Trial Account”.



  • You can now see the trial home with the account that was created now along with the sub account. You can make use of this sub-account for our integration suite (or) we can create another sub account dedicatedly for our purpose.

  • *** In this way, we can create as many as sub accounts dedicated to specific purpose like separate account for CPI, another one for API management etc. We can have this dedication by subscribing only the related services in their respective sub account.

  • You can change your display name of your trail account with the edit option and you can enable beta features too.

  • Navigate to your sub account and you can observe that, the cloud foundry environment has been enabled with the spaces. If this was not enabled, you have to enable the cloud foundry and create a space.


  • You can add more members to your cloud foundry by adding the related emails in 2 places.

    • In the left-hand side pane, select Cloud Foundry -> Org Members.

    • In the left-hand side pane, select Security -> Users.

  • Next, you must configure an entitlement which is needed to setup a Service Instances. You will get to know about the Service Instances in the future.

Entitlement and Subscribing Integration Suite:

  • Select “Entitlements” in the left-hand side pane and you can observe the list of entitlements configured already.

  • In our case, we must set for “Integration Suite”. Select “Configure Entitlements” -> “Add Service Plan”.


  • Search for the “Integration Suite” and you could see the Available Plans on the right-hand side. Select the all the plans and click Add n Service Plans.

  • In our case, it was already added when the system created the trial account.

  • Now, we have to subscribe the services which we wanted to access. In our case, we have to subscribe the “Integration Suite”.

  • Select Subscriptions on the left-hand side column and search for the “Integration Suite”.

  • You can get the result with the service Integration Suite. You can also observe that, it will be in the status “Not Subscribed”.

  • Select the Service and click Subscribe. It will be in “Processing” State for a while and once the status gets changed to “Subscribed”, Select “Go to Application”.

  • You will be navigated to separate page of “Integration Suite”. In that, we have to add the capabilities with which we wanted to work.


  • Click “Add Capabilities” and select the services you wanted to access.

  • You will see a summary of what you have chosen and Select “Activate” button. Once done, you will get to see the page which shows the status of each services.

  • Once all the services are activated, you can access each and every features of the Integration Suite by navigating to their respective tabs.

  • You can observe the URL on each tab to navigate to its respective feature.

Assigning Roles:

  • Now, we have to assign roles to the user with which we are going to access the services. As of now, we have got only one user which is actually our trial account user.

  • We can also add other users as mentioned earlier in the document.

  • Navigate to Security Tab on the Left-hand side column, select “Trust Configuration” and then, click the “Default identity provider”.

  • Now, input the email address of the user to whom the role needs to be assigned and click “Show Assignments”.

  • You will see a list of Role collection assigned for that particular user.

  • Now, Select the “Assign Role Collection” to add more role collection related to the services Cloud Integration, Open Connector and API Management for this user.

  • In this way, add all the below mentioned roles to the user.



  • Now, we have to add below roles which is specific to Cloud Integration. But the individual role assignments are not possible in the above-mentioned way. So, we are going to create a role-collection by assigning the below roles and then, assign the created the role collection as showed in the previous step.


  • Now, this role collection (CPI_Roles) should have been assigned to the user in the role assignment automatically as we have added the user directly here.

  • You can verify the same by navigating the role assignment page.


We have reached the end of the document and hope, it helped you a lot in setting up the trial account. Please be noted that, the trial account will get expired for every 30 days once which needs to be extended after logging into cockpit and the same procedure need to be carried for 1 year.
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