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Note: This blog post is the third part of a tutorial series. If you arrived here without reading the first and second part, please do so before you continue, and then come back here again. Part I describes principal propagation between an application frontend running on Microsoft Azure, calling a Web Service deployed to SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP). Part II extends the scenario by propagating the Azure-authenticated user via BTP and SAP Cloud Connector to an SAP Gateway system for displaying the user's data. Part III (this blog post) adds the application layer on top of the infrastructure and shows how to use and configure common platform services in Azure and BTP for principal propagation in the context of a chat bot in Microsoft Teams. A live demo of this scenario is also available on Episode #31 of the great SAP on Azure Video podcast series (starting at min 23:30) from hobruche , goran-condric, and roboban. Part IV uses a “low-code” approach for implementing the chatbot of this part with Microsoft Power Platform, demonstrated in episode #40 of the SAP on Azure Video Podcast series. Part V looks at different aspects for production readiness, such as API management, monitoring and alerting (live demo available on episode #83 in the SAP on Azure video podcast series). Part VI turns the scenario into the opposite direction by propagating the SAP-authenticated user of a BTP business application to call the Microsoft Graph API and retrieve the user’s Microsoft Outlook events. Finally, part VII looks at principal propagation from Microsoft Power Platform to SAP in the context of making Remote Function Calls (RFCs) and using Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) with the Kerberos protocol. See episode 142 of the SAP on Azure video podcast series for a live demo of this scenario.

Adding the business application

Up to this point in the blog series, you have a working setup to enable end-to-end principal propagation between Azure, SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) and an SAP ABAP system on premise. However, we are still missing a real application scenario on top of the infrastructure. Testing so far occurred at the raw HTTP(S) protocol level using Postman as our tool of choice. With this 3rd part of the blog series, you will build a distributed cloud application with different components running in Azure, BTP and SAP backend on-premise. From an end-user perspective, this application offers a chat bot interface in Microsoft Teams, which allows to search for IT equipment in a product catalogue. The product data such as price, category and an image is retrieved from the SAP backend system, where access control is enforced based on the Azure AD-authenticated user's authorizations. Let's have a look at the application components in more detail.

The client: Teams Bot

You will use a conversational bot in Microsoft Teams to let the user search for the product in the catalogue for a given product identifier. The bot application's implementation is based on the code samples for the Bot Framework V4 SDK and is using single sign-on (SSO) authentication with Teams. This feature provides a true SSO experience to the user: The initial authentication in Teams is used to the authenticate the user at all other application components in the scenario which helps to achieve the main goal for this scenario: The user should only be promted once to enter her login credentials, and must not be asked again to authenticate when accessing any other components or services for a seamless and secure user experience. This includes authentication to the bot in Teams itself, but also any other service in the Cloud and on-premise as described below.

The integration layer: SAP Cloud Platform Integration

SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) provides services to develop and manage enterprise-wide integration scenarios across heterogeneous landscapes between applications on BTP, other Cloud platforms such as Azure, and on-premise solutions. In the first and second part of the blog series, you deployed a web service on BTP developed from custom code and the SAP Cloud Platform SDK. In this part, the custom code will be replaced by an integration process deployed on CPI which transfers and transforms the data between the Teams bot and the backend on-premise. CPI offers rich capabilities such as the web-based integration flow (iFlow) designer tool to develop the integration process as a graphical model, and monitor its executions. The new process exposes an API endpoint to the bot in Teams and connects to the backend with the built-in OData Connector in CPI. The SAP Cloud Connector (SCC) connection configured in the previous blog post will be reused

The backend: Core Data Services

SAP Core Data Services (CDS) is a Data Definition Language (DDL) which allows the ABAP developer to design and create database views. CDS uses an SQL-like syntax and enhances it with additional features, such as exposing a view as an OData service. You can further implement access-control logic to the data returned by a CDS view using a Data Control Language (DCL) document. In this scenario you will deploy a CDS view which exposes selected fields from the product catalogue table as an OData service. Users can only view products which are in the product category they are allowed to access. The product categories are managed in a classical authorization object assigned to a role.

Application scenario overview

The following new components are added to the scenario:

  • The user is running the Microsoft Teams desktop or Web client, which connects to the bot application deployed to Azure App Services. App Services are also used to host other types of applications on Azure, such as static or dynamic web sites.

  • Azure Bot Service makes the bot application available to the communication application(s), such as Teams, Facebook or Slack, using channels. For this scenario, you register a Teams channel in the Bot Service which facilitates the communication with the user in Teams based on messages.

With the new components the general flow of messages remains almost unchanged from part II:

  1. The user is signed-in to Microsoft Teams using her work, school, or Microsoft account, and starts the bot application in Teams. The bot (running in Azure App Services) sends back a message to tell Teams to obtain an authentication token for it.

  2. Teams requests the access token for the bot application from the Azure AD OAuth token endpoint using the user’s session. For a true single sign-on experience, this step does not require the user to enter any login credentials. Only if the user is using the bot application for the first time, a request prompt appears asking the user to provide consent to any of the requested scopes and/or to handle step-up authentication (if required), such as two-factor authentication.

  3. Upon successful exchange of the user token sent in the previous step, Azure AD sends the bot application access token back to Teams. Teams sends the token to the bot in Azure which contains the required identity information such as the user's email address.

  4. Similar to the scenario in part I and II, the bot now exchanges this access token for a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertion containing the user’s attributes and unique identifier, using the On-Behalf-Of (OBO) flow in Azure AD.

  5. Following RFC 7522, the SAML assertion is used as an interoperable user credential across  the two Cloud platforms. This step reverses the previous exchange by sending the SAML assertion to the OAuth authorization server (XSUAA) in BTP to receive a new OAuth access token, now issued by BTP. Similar to the token request from Teams to Azure AD in step 2, this token request also requires a client id and secret from BTP, which is generated from a service key bound to the Process Integration runtime in BTP.

  6. With the access token issed by BTP's OAuth authorization server, the bot can call the Product Search Process endpoint URL to trigger the execution of a new instance in BTP. As one of the steps, the process invokes the OData service exposed by the SAP backend through the SAP Cloud Connector (SCC). The follwing picture shows the integration process in more detail:
    The first box with the label Create message takes the HTTP header productId containing the product identifier entered by the user in the conversation with the bot from the incoming request and creates a message header from it. This message header is referenced in the next process step (label Call OData Service) to pass it as a parameter in the OData call to the backend.

  7. Similar to the HTTP destination from the setup in part II, the HTTP connection to SCC calls the URL exposed by SCC and uses the authentication type Principal Propagation. It also passes the product identifier from the message header as a query string in the OData call.

  8. Finally, SCC converts the user’s identity into the short-lived X.509 certificate that is used to invoke the OData service exposed by the CDS view in the ABAP system defined as follows:
    @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZPRVIEW'
    @AbapCatalog.compiler.compareFilter: true
    @AbapCatalog.preserveKey: true
    @AccessControl.authorizationCheck: #CHECK
    @EndUserText.label: 'Product view'
    @OData.publish: true
    define view ZPRODUCTSVIEW as select from SEPM_I_Product {
    key ProductUUID,

    The CDS view filters selected fields from the table SEPM_I_Product and enforces an authorization check by setting the AccessControl.authorizationCheck annotation to true. The corresponding DCL defines a PFCG condition (aspect pfcg_auth) that associates the CDS element ProductCategory with the authorizations of the current user for the authorization object S_EPM_PD. You will configure the authorization object to restrict the user's access to specific product categories in the catalogue, such as Headsets, Tablers or PCs.
    @EndUserText.label: 'Access control for product category'
    @MappingRole: true
    grant select on ZPRODUCTSVIEW
    where (ProductCategory) = aspect pfcg_auth(S_EPM_PD,
    PDCATEGORY, ACTVT = '03');


That's it! Let's follow this implementation process, starting in the backend, continuing with the integration layer in BTP, and finalizing the frontend in Teams:

  1. Create the Core Data Service in SAP Gateway and protect it with the DCL.

  2. Create an new role in the backend to configure which allows you to configure the test user's authorizations for selected product categories.

  3. Implement the CPI-based integration process which orchestrates the invocation of the product search service from the bot in Teams via SCC to the SAP Gateway system.

  4. Finally, configure the bot channel for Teams and deploy it as an App Service in Azure.

Secure, deploy, and activate the Core Data Service

Step Description Screenshot
01 Start Eclipse and click on Open Perspective
02 Change to the ABAP Perspective
03 Select Create an ABAP Project

Select a system from the list.

As outlined in part II, I am choosing my local instance of the free developer edition for AS ABAP 7.52, SP04, running on Hyper-V.

Click Next.
05 Keep the default connection parameters and click Next.

Enter the login credentials of a user with developer permissions in the system (e.g. user DEVELOPER in the free developer edition).

Click Next.

Choose a name for the new project (e.g. ProductSearchService).

Click Finish.

In the context menu of your package choose New.

Select Other ABAP Repository Object.

Select Data Definition.

Click Next.

Enter the name ZPRODUCTSVIEW, and a description (e.g. Product Items).

Click Next.

Accept the default transport request (local).

Click Next.

Select the Define View template.

Click Finish.

Open the file zproductsview.asddls from the Git repository subfolder /SAPGateway. Copy & paste the content into the new Data Definition.

Save the file with Ctrl+S.

Then click Ctrl+F3 to activate it.
14 In the context menu of the new ZPRODUCTSVIEW Data Definition, choose New Access Control.

Enter the name ZDCLPRODUCTCATEGORY and choose a description (e.g. DCL for product category).

Click Next.

Again, accept the default transport request (local) and click Next.

Select the Define Role with PFCG Aspect template.

Click Finish.

Open the file zdclproductcategory.asdcls from the Git repository subfolder /SAPGateway. Copy & paste the content into the new Access Control.

Save the file with Ctrl+S.

Then click Ctrl+F3 to activate it.

Login to the SAP Gateway system with SAP GUI.

Start transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE for activating the new CDS-based OData service.

Click Add Service.

Enter Local for the System alias.

Enter Z* as the Technical Service Name.

Click Get Services.

Activate the checkbox for the service PPRODUCTSVIEW_CDS from the result list.

Click Add selected Services.

Enter $TMP for the Package Assignment and activate Enable OAuth for Service.

Click OK.

Your OData service is now up and running in the SAP Gateway system. It is protected by the DCL which requires the user to be assigned to the requested product category via the build-in authorization object S_EPM_PD. In the next step you will configure a role to assign and configure the required authorizations to your user(s).

Maintain the user's authorization in the backend

Step Description Screenshot

Start the role maintenance with transaction /nPFCG.

Create a new role by entering the name (e.g. PRODUCT_SEARCH).

Click Single Role.
23 Press Ctrl+S to save the new role, then switch to the Authorizations tab.
24 Click the pencil symbol to change the new role's authorization data
25 Click Do not select templates.
26 Select More -> Manual entry of authorization objects
27 Enter the following authorization objects:


  • S_EPM_PD

Click OK.

Change the value of the field SRV_NAME from the authorization object S_SERVICE to restrict the user's access to the CDS-based OData Product Search service only.

Click on the pencil symbol for the field.

Select TADIR Service from the Type box.

In the first row of the table, select object type IWSV and click on the value help to search for the service object name.

Browse through the list and select ZPRODUCTSVIEW_CDS.

Click OK.
31 In the second row of the table, select object type IWSG and click on the value help to search for the service object name.

Browse through the list and select the entry ZPRODUCTSVIEW_CDS_0001.

Click OK.
33 Click Save.

Open the tree view for the fields of the S_EPM_PD authorization object.

Change the value of the field PDCATEGORY to limit access to only a selected product category for the user.

Click the pencil symbol for the field.
35 Select a product category (e.g. Flat Screen Monitors) from the list and click OK.
36 Click Save.
37 Click on the pencil symbol for the field ACTVT.
38 Select (03) Display from the list and click Save.
39 Click Save and confirm the dialog to assign the suggested profile name with OK.
40 Click Generate to generate the profile.
41 You can now close the Authorization editor by clicking Exit.

Switch to the User tab.

Enter the User ID of your test user (e.g. JDOE from the previous part of the blog series) to assign the new role. Make sure that this user has an e-mail address set in its profile that matches the e-mail address of your Azure AD-logged-in user in Teams.

Click Save.

Update the assignments of the role profile to the newly added user by clicking on the button User comparison.

Then confirm the dialog with Complete comparison.

The status of the User comparison should now turn to green.

Save the role and user assignment.
45 Click Exit.

The new service in SAP Gateway is now ready and can be called by SCC. At this point you should make sure that the SCC instance you configured in part II is up and running. You don't need to apply any changes to the configuration since you specified the access policy in SCC's Cloud to On-Premise settings for the root path (/) in the SAP Gateway system. This also includes the new CDS service deployed for the Teams bot integration.

Continue with the integration layer in BTP.

Implement the Integration Flow with CPI

Step Description Screenshot

Open the BTP Cockpit in a new browser tab and login with your (trial) account admin. Navigate to your trial account and select Services –> Instances and Subscriptions from the left side navigation menu.

Click Create to create the subscription for the integration suite.

Enter "Integration" in the search filed and select Integration Suite with plan trial.

Click Create.
48 Select the new subscription after successful creation and click on Go to Application.

The Integration Suite application opens in a new tab.

Click Add Capabilities.

For this scenario you only need to select the first capability for process integration.

Click Next.

Click Next on the second step of the wizard.

Click Activate to enable the selected capability.

Wait until the status changes to Active.

Then close the browser tab.
53 Back in the previous browser tab, click Create again.
54 Enter "Process" in the search field and select Process Integration from the results.
55 Enter or select the following values:

  • Plan: integration-flow

  • Runtime environment: Cloud Foundry

  • Space: dev (or any other space in your org)

  • Instance name: pir (or any other name you prefer)

Click Next.
56 Paste the following JSON snippet into the text field:

Click Create.


Select the newly created instance from the list.

Click Create in the Service Keys section.

Enter a name (e.g. "productsearch") for the new service key.

Click Create.
59 Select View from the context menu of the newly created service key.
60 Download the service key for later use. The credentials included in this file are required by the bot to request the access token from SCP.

Assign yourself the necessary roles to access and use the BTP Integration capabilities.

Select Security -> Trust Configuration from the left side navigation menu.

Select the Default Identity Provider from the list.

Enter your account admin/user's email address and click Show Assignments.

Click Assign Role Collections and select the role collection PI_Administrator from the list.

Click Assign Role Collection.

Repeat this step for the role collections PI_Business_Expert and PI_Integration_Developer.
63 Select Instances and Subscriptions from the left side navigation.
64 Click on the Go to Application icon of the Integration Suite subscription.

The application opens in a new tab.

Click on the Process Integration tile.
66 Click the pencil icon on the left side naviation.
67 Click Import and select the file from the folder SCP of the cloned Git repository.
68 Click on the imported content package for the Product Search Integration Flow.
69 Select the tab Artifacts and click on the Product Search integration flow.
70 Click Deploy to create a new process instance.
71 Switch to the Operations view by clicking on the eye icon. Wait until the tile for processes in state Started shows the count 1.

The invocation of the iFlow requires the end user to be assigned to the role ESBMessaging.send. Therefore you need to add this role to the existing Role Collection "Application User" which you created in part I, step 12.

Maintain the user's authorizations in BTP

Step Description Screenshot

In the BTP Cloud Cockpit browser tab, navigate to Security - Role Collections in the left side navigation.

Select Application User from the ist.
73 Click Edit.
74 Click the value help for the new role name.

Select MessagingSend from the list of Role Name.

Activate the checkbox for the new entry in the table and click Add.
76 Click Save to update the existing Role Collection.


You have now deployed the process integration flow successfully. Let's finalize the application scenario with the frontend component by setting up the chat bot in Teams.

Register the bot channel for Teams

Step Description Screenshot
77 Login to the Azure Portal and move over the Resource groups icon. Click on the + Create button to create a new resource group for the bot resources.

Enter ProductSearchBotRG as the name for the new resource group and a region closest to you. Click Review + create.

Upon successful validation, click Create.
79 After a few seconds, click on the Notification icon and Go to resource group
80 Click + Add to create a new resource in the group.
81 Start searching for the new resource by entering "Bot" in the search field. Select Bot Channels Registration from the list.
82 Click Create
83 Enter the following data for the new Bot registration:

  • Bot handle: A unique name of the new bot, e.g. "<Your company name>ProductSearchBot"

  • Pricing Tier: Select F0 for development and testing purposes.

  • Application Insights: Off

Click on Microsoft App ID and Password at the end of the form to avoid the automatic creation of an Azure AD app registration for the new bot. You will reuse the existing app registration from part I (step 16ff).
84 Click + Create New
85 Enter the following values:

If you don't have these values any more, repeat steps 16 to 20 from part I. Just as a reminder, you may have them also stored in your Postman collection configuration.

Click OK.
86 Click Create.
87 After a few seconds, click on Go to resource in the notifications.
88 Select Configuration from the left navigation menu and click on the Manage link to open your bot's Azure AD application registration.
89 Select Authentication from the left side menu and click on Add URI.

Enter the value

in the field. This is the authorization callback URL used by the bot to receive the token from Azure AD.

Click Save.

Select Expose an API from the left-side navigation.

Click on the pencil symbol to edit the Application ID URI.

Change the URI to

api://botid-<AAD client id>

Save the changes.
92 Click + Add a client application

Add the client id


to the list. This is the id of the Teams mobile/desktop application. By adding it here you will avoid that users in Teams are asked to give their consent when using the Product Search Bot application.

Click Add application.

Repeat the previous step and add the client id


for the Teams web application.
95 Close the Expose an API settings to go back to the bot configuration.
96 Click the Add setting button.
97 Enter or select the following values:

  • Name: BotOAuthConnection

  • Service Provider: Azure Active Directory v2

  • Client id:  The value from step 23 of part I of the blog series

  • Client secret: The value from step 20 of part I of the blog series

  • Token Exchange URL: Enter the application ID URI that you changed in step 91:
    api://botid-<AAD client id>
    Replace <AAD ID> with the ID of your app for the bot.

  • Tenant ID: Enter common

  • Scopes: The full qualified value of the scope exposed by the (api://botid-<AAD client id>/scp.access)

Click Save.
98 Test the new connection by selecting it again from the list
99 Click on Test Connection

As a result you should see a successful login confirmation.

If you are interested in the token content, copy the token value in the clipboard and analyse its content at

Close the tab.
101 Select Channels from the left side navigation and click on the Teams tile to add a new channel for Microsoft Teams to your bot.
102 Click Save to add the new channel and confirm the Terms of Use.

Configure and deploy the bot

Step Description Screenshot

Start Visual Studio Code.

Select File -> Open Folder... from the menu and open the subfolder /ProductSearchBot containing the bot source code from the directory where you cloned the Git repository.

Run a build task to compile the bot sources by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B.

Select Build from the list.

Open the file appsettings.json from the root of the /ProductSearchBot directory.

Replace the <placeholders> in the file appsettings.json with the following values:

  • MicrosoftAppId: The value from step 23 of part I of the blog series

  • MicrosoftAppPassword: The value from step 20 of part I of the blog series

  • XSUAAClientId: The value for clientid in the service key file downloaded in step 60

  • XSUAASecret: The value for clientsecret in the service key file downloaded in step 60

  • AADTenantID: The unique ID of your tenant. See step 45 of part I for more details.

  • scpAccountName: Your (trial) account name, e.g. ab12de34trial

  • scpLandscape: The landscape of your account, e.g. eu10 or us20

  • XSUAAACSURLSuffix: Depending on your account's landscape, e.g. aws-live-eu10

  • CPIBaseURI: The value for url in the service key file downloaded in step 60

Press Ctrl+S to save the changes to the file.

Open the file manifest.json from the subfolder /TeamsAppManifest and replace all <placeholders> for <AAD bot app client id> with the value from step 23 of part I of the blog series.

Note: This is the same value used for the MicrosoftAppId setting in the previous step.

Press Ctrl+S to save the changes to the file.
107 Go back to your web browser tab in the Azure Portal and select your ProductSearchBotRG resource group from the lop-level navigation

Create a new App Service resource to deploy the bot in Azure.

Click + Add.
109 Enter "Web App" in the search field and select Web App from the search results
110 Click Create.
111 Enter or select the following values for the new Web App resource:

  • Name: A unique name, e.g. <YourCompany>ProductSearchBot

  • Runtime Stack: .NET Core 3.1 (LTS)

  • Sku and Size: Click Change Size and choose Dev/Test -> F1 which is sufficient for testing purposes.

Click Review + create.

Click Create.

Wait until the deployement has finished.
112 Open the notifications and click Go to resource
113 In the App Service Overview, click Copy to clipboard for the URL.

Select CORS from the left side navigation.

Enter the following URLs to the list of allowed URLs:

Click Save.

Select Overview from the left side navigation.

Navigate back to the ProductSearchBotRG Resource Group for the Bot.
116 Select your Bot Channel Registration from the resource group.

Select Configuration from the left side navigation.

Paste the URL from the clipboard in the field Messaging endpoint. Append the path /api/messages to it.

Click Apply.

Open a command prompt or new Terminal in Visual Studio Code, and change to the subdirectory /ProductSearchBot of your cloned Git repository.

Login to Azure with the Azure CLI command az login.

A browser window opens to process the login.
119 Upon successfull login, use a ZIP tool of your choice to compress the subdirectory /ProductSearchBot in a ZIP-file (

Deploy the ZIP file to your App Service instance with the command

az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group "ProductSearchBotRG" --name "<YourCompany>ProductSearchBot" --src "./"

Make sure that you replace <YourCompany> in the name parameter of the command with the name chosen in step 57.

Wait until the deployment is completed.

Ready for testing? There are many options to test the new bot, e.g. locally with the Bot Framework Emulator, in the Azure Portal using the Web Chat on the Bot Channel Registration resource, or directly in the Teams Web or desktop app. You will use the latter in the following section, but before that you must add the bot to your Teams app catalogue.

Upload the Bot and test it in the Teams Desktop Client

Step Description Screenshot

In the command prompt, change to the subfolder /TeamsAppManifest of the ProductSearchBot.

Use your ZIP tool to compress the three files in a ZIP-file (

Login to Teams Admin Center with your M365 administrator account.

Select Teams apps - Manage apps from the left side navigation.

Click + Upload.

In the dialog windows, click Select a file.

Select the file you created in step 121.
124 Upon successful upload you should see the confirmation that the Product Search Bot has been added to the apps catalogue.

Open your Teams desktop app. If it is not installed yet you can download it from here.

Login with the credentials of your test user in Azure AD.

Note: This user must have an email address in Azure AD matching the user's email address in the SAP backend system.
126 Click the Apps icon.
127 Select the tile for the Product Search Bot app.
128 Click Add.

The bot starts with a welcome message.

Follow the instructions and type anything in the chat (e.g. "Hi there!")

The bot confirms that your are (single) signed-on based on your existing login to Teams.

Confirm the question to show your Azure AD token with Yes.

The Base64-encoded access token is shown in the chat.

Answer the question on which product to look for with the input


The bot replies that no products were found.

HT-1000 is a product in the Notebooks product category. However, the user assigned to the PRODUCT_SEARCH role in the backend only has access to the Flat Screen Monitor products.

You will extend the authorizations of the user now in the backend to also lookup Notebooks from the catalogue.

In the SAP Gateway system,start transaction PFCG and navigate to the authorization settings of role PRODUCT_SEARCH.

See steps 22ff for more detail.

Select Notebooks in the second row of this table.

Click OK.
134 Update the authorizations by (re-)generating the profiles.
135 Continue with the chat flow. This time click No when being asked to orint out the access token.
136 Again, enter the product name "HT-1000" in the textfield.

Thits time the bot shows the result from the query.

This proves that the user has been single-signed on through Teams at the Bot and successfully propagated via CPI to the backend. There the DCL kicked in when calling the CDS-based OData Service and ensured that the user can only view products from categories she is allowed to access.


Thanks for staying tuned on this long journey and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
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