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The good news first. More and more SAP customers want to join us on the SAP for Me journey. Of course, this makes us very happy and shows that we are on the right track. And we'll keep at it to make SAP for Me better.

In this context, I would like to briefly mention the blog post of my colleague Anna Withum. In her new blog post "How can I provide feedback to the SAP for Me team?" she talks about how you can help us make SAP for Me better.

But now back to this blog post. As mentioned, SAP for Me is becoming more and more popular.

However, our customers are increasingly facing a challenge. Many of the roles in the company that are interested in SAP for Me and the content there do not have access today because they lack the necessary, technical user.

Background: For SAP to identify a user as a customer employee, the so-called S-User is in place. Historically, the S-User was created in the context of SAP support. This means that, customer employees who have contact with SAP Support have an S-User. Another reason why an employee might already have an S-User is that this person was involved in a product purchase, was defined by the customer in the relevant software order as a "Main Contact" and thus an S-User was automatically created.

Since SAP for Me now also addresses license managers, purchasers, and enterprise architects, they must also be assigned an S-User in order to identify themselves to SAP as customer employees. This is the only way to ensure that they receive secure and adequate information in SAP for Me.


The three access levels of SAP for Me

As mentioned in my blog post "Who is SAP for Me for?", we will offer three different access levels in SAP for Me. Public Personal and Business Access.


Business Access

Let's start with Business Access, because this is the only type of access used at the moment. Technically, Business Access is realized by the previously mentioned S-User.

If you already have an S-User you can log in to SAP for Me immediately. Under certain circumstances, you will still need authorizations for individual functions and content. SAP for Me makes you aware of this. I also recommend "What authorizations do you need in order to fully leverage SAP for Me?".

Things are now getting more interesting for customer employees who do not yet have an S User. In the simple case, you know the responsible S-User Super Admin in your company. In this case, the solution is not difficult. Contact this person and request them to create an S-User for you.

If you do not know your responsible S-User Super Admin, there is a solution for this as well. Just contact our SAP Customer Interaction Center via mail, phone and chat, for example. The agents there will help you to identify the necessary Super Admin in your company


Personal Access (In Process - no delivery date set, yet)

The preparation of the personal access through a so called P-User is in process. This will allow us to offer the user mainly personal content. This is for example content in the context of Knowledge & Learning or also from the topic "Product Trials".


Public Access (In Process - no delivery date set, yet)

In addition to Personal Access, we are already working on the possibility of Public Access. This will allow anonymous users to access SAP for Me . Of course, only public content will be offered here. This will include, for example, news from Apps for me or allow exploration of product content.


How can S-User Super Admins help you?

Most likely your Super Admin will know how to create S-User. Nevertheless, just in case, I would like to point here to a blog that also describes the steps for the Super Admin: Fundamentals of S-user ID for new SuccessFactors customers.


Best regards


Twitter: @JJcomment