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Having spent last couple of days trying to figure out what seems simple, I spanned through a lot of documentation and articles around SAP Business Application Studio(BAS). What I wanted to achieve was to create a simple UI5 application and be able to connect to my SAP MII destination I created on cloud foundry. Though I could connect the dots, but most of the documents were talking about fiori development utilizing odata services and not external systems like SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence(MII), so I thought of sharing my learning through this step by step guide.

End Object: Simple UI5 application connecting and fetching some data from SAP MII destination on cloud foundry

Knowledge prerequisite: SAP UI5 basics

Assumption: Destination and cloud connector configuration is already done.

Here it goes...

Setup project for MII connectivity using cloud connector

  1. Open SAP BAS and open your workspace.

  2. Create a Fiori application using template SAP Fiori application. Select Start.

  3. From application type dropdown, select SAP UI5 freestyle.

  4. From the tile list which updates after type selection, select SAP UI5 Application. Click Next.

  5. In Data Source and Service Selection, select None and hit Next.

  6. Provide a view name for your application and hit Next, provide a project module name and namespace. This combined together would become alias for your resource path.

  7. Click Finish, your project has been generated.

  8. When you expand your project folder, the root should look like below.

  9. Delete all files outside webapp apart from .gitignore, package.json and package-lock.json.

  10. Under root folder(mii in this case), create new file “xs-app.json”.

  11. Copy the content from this file to xs-app.json and save it.
    "welcomeFile": "/index.html",
    "authenticationMethod": "none",
    "logout": {
    "logoutEndpoint": "/do/logout"
    "routes": [
    "authenticationType": "none",
    "source": "^/XMII/Illuminator(.*)$",
    "destination": "XMII"
    "source": "^(.*)$",
    "target": "$1",
    "service": "html5-apps-repo-rt",
    "authenticationType": "xsuaa"

  12. Add/Edit the env file to have below content. If replace <destinationName> with your destination name like XMII:
       destinations=[{"name":"<destinationName>","url":"http:// <destinationName>.dest","proxyHost":"","proxyPort":"8887"}]​

  13. Update index.html, provide resource path as ""

  14. To to Run Configuration and Click on + to add run configuration for your project.

  15. Select your project, notice Fiori Tools in bracket. Press ESC and go back to project root folder.

  16. Edit package.json, copy, paste below content and save the file.
    "name": "mii",
    "version": "0.0.1",
    "devDependencies": {
    "@sapui5/ts-types": "1.71.x",
    "@sap/ui5-builder-webide-extension": "1.0.x",
    "@sap/approuter": "8.1.x",
    "@sap/html5-repo-mock": "1.6.x"
    "scripts": {
    "build": "ui5 build --include-task=generateManifestBundle generateCachebusterInfo",
    "start-local": "node node_modules/@sap/html5-repo-mock/index.js"
    "ui5": {
    "dependencies": [

  17. Now, again click on + next to run configuration, you should see the list updated as below. Notice FioriTools changed to flat_html5.

  18. Select your project. Select latest version from the list.

  19. You would see something like below and on expanding node, you would see Data Source as defined in xs-app.json. Click on bind to connect to data source.

  20. Select the destination system name from Could Foundry.

  21. Modify the controller.js file to call MII service, something like below. This is to test if your application is able to communicate to destination.

  22. Now run the configuration using play button. It would give you a prompt to open in a new tab, click open.

  23. In the network tab, you should see the request successful and also in console, the document written from above ajax success.

  24. So your new application is ready and is able to communicate to MII destination system.


Hope this helps ease your development! Open to feedback 🙂


Nice time....!