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Digital thread : Digital thread simply means, connecting the data flow across engineering and business systems throughout the life cycle.

In the past there could be many threads in the process of product being designed to product being manufactured , product delivery to product operations, product operations to product  service . There could be many  threads that were being used in the entire end-to-end flow of design to operate in a point to point to integration environment . There was no common thread of info in entire ecosystem. Service info like warranties and product re-calls never used to reach engineering for future analysis and design optimisation in right times.

To be able to share information in seamless co-existence and allow it share real-time data across the stakeholders in right time and right place will help in faster responsiveness to market requirements like personalized customer requirements, faster time to market and high quality .

I have called it data circle , simply due the fact that , in the flow of information in communication framework  , both the start and end point of data always meet.

Data circle


In the entire process of Design to operate , ( See pic below), one can see flow of information being stitched( #Digitalthread) between engineering-> plan and Procure -> manufacture->Operate ->Service

Engineering teams needs to innovate faster to capture market opportunities by managing the ideation to innovation process to match R&D investments to adopt quickly to market potential and customer needs. Managing asset intelligence across networks will open opportunities for new revenue streams and business models like ( Asset as service ).Receive real time feedback from customers in a integrated approach will help in enhanced product design to the market needs ,helps in lower the cost and improve quality and profitability .

Digital thread(D2O)

Manufacturing : One can leverage new technologies to streamline production processes . A single data model with connected integrated processes eliminating data silos which open path for connected manufacturing.( Schedule, produce, Receive, deliver)

By Collaborating throughout the asset life cycle (Asset registration, Monitor Asset, Plan Maintainance , Perform Inspection,Request improvements )and sharing the health of asset information, it is possible to improve the asset visibility to eliminate downtime and maximise efficiency and accelerate time to market . For more info on intelligent Asset pls refer to link (

In order to improve complaint product life cycle management , it is necessary to improve collaboration across key stakeholders and integrate product development with all other stages of process in design to operate life cycle.(#Digitalthread)

SAP-Siemens relationship will add exceptional value in building a seamless flow of info between engineering (team center) and business ( S4/HANA and customer experience ( C4/HANA + Qualtrix).The feedback captured during and after sale via various feedback tools in C4/HANA or through real-time qualtrix feedback which will help enterprises immensely in enhancing the product design and quality to the level of customer requirements.





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