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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

The software company SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG, founded in 2015 specializes in solutions for digital customer consulting, online contract closing with digital signature, digitalization of administration, as well as customer experience management. Having one of the largest health insurance companies in Germany, AOK, as it’s customer, it’s certified solution Live Contract provides customers with a platform that enables secure and individualized dialogue between customers and consultants. Let’s hear from Andreas Mors, Head of Project Management, SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG about their certified solution Live Contract and their journey working with SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC), part of Partner Innovation Lifecycle Services group.

1) Thank you very much for accepting our request to discuss your journey and experience with SAP ICC. Germany’s biggest health insurance company AOK purchased the certified solution Live Contract recently, can you tell us little bit about this wonderful alliance?

AOK has approximately 26m. customers and more than 60.000 employees all over Germany. They have decided to transform their way of digital client interaction across all service lines. Due to the disruptive change in communication in our private lives, health insurance in particular needs to offer a great customer experience in addition to its services to meet the client’s expectations and bind them long-term. AOK chose Live Contract for complex consultations across agents, service and care consultants. This sector is very cost intensive, thus there was also a huge potential to save time and money as Live Contract reduces complexity and effort along the consultation process. With our solution for our customer AOK, the outstanding customer experience that their clients receive comes along with a big increase in efficiency for them.

2) Can you tell us about your company SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG and it’s key services?

SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG was founded in 2015 and has since then focused on the digitalization of sales and service processes. As the markets started to indicate that digitalization is the new standard for corporate strategies and business models, SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG continuously developed it’s solution Live Contract to a customer-centered platform for real-time, case-closing product consultation. It is equipped with high connectivity, flexibility and interactive features for secure, encrypted end-to-end communication. Today, the company's portfolio includes: intelligent software solutions, professional services for 360-degree customer support, an academy for upskilling and technical training, market alliance partners for cross-divisional, digital business strategies and transformation.

3) When and how did SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG begin their journey with SAP ?

We first came into contact with SAP three years ago. We both immediately recognized that our solution Live Contract perfectly complemented the existing SAP Customer Experience Solutions by providing a possibility to take all the information and business intelligence from SAP Systems the last mile to the customer. We started our membership in the SAP PartnerEdge Build program right then and there along with the Application Readiness check to become available on the SAP Store. At the same time, we initiated our first certification for our solution Live Contract through the SAP ICC. Now, we are in close contact with SAP Partner management as well as with the SAP field on various levels.

4) Kindly provide a few points about the challenges that you faced before approaching SAP ICC?

Live Contract is a cross-industry solution with intensive use in the insurance, banking and finance, public, and health sectors. Thus, we often deal with highly sensitive data. Needless to say, our clients’ expectation of a cloud solution like Live Contract is very high. Even though we were able to fulfil these requirements before approaching SAP ICC, the discussions regarding data security and certifications have been hard work. We experienced a similar situation when it came to integration scenarios with existing SAP solutions, even though the main topic here was the feasibility of an integration itself. The certification from  SAP ICC not only gave us confidence but certainty to our future clients as well regarding our technology, security and connectivity.

5) Can you tell us a little bit more about your certified Live Contract running on SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP)?

Live Contract is a 360-degree end-to-end sales platform that enables consultants to interact virtually with their customers the same way they are able to do in a face to face communication. With the usage of SAP Integration Suite services – such as message broker, data base-, mail- ,IAM- and integration services (CPI) - we benefit on various levels.  The dynamic scaling of infrastructure resources significantly reduces the workload and costs in our operations team. The overall processing time of deployments is put to a minimum and the platform architecture supports us in setting up new applications to unveil more customer value We can not wait to bring all the advantages and new functionality of it’s native cloud architecture on the road by finalizing our migration to Kyma and Cloud Foundry environment and thus fulfil our needs in continuous integration and continuous delivery.

6) How did the certification help in improving the quality of the product and positioning it to customers?

Fortunately, during the certification process, we were obliged to review our architecture as well as our development processes and principles along topics of quality assurance, security, performance, and provision models. This enabled us to revise our internal guidelines aiming for a sustainable development process that with each step allows the development of a cloud native, highly secure and connective application. SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG is now able to present the solution Live Contract to the customers not only as THE state-of-the-art tool for digital client interaction but also with the certainty and trust that comes along with a certification through a technology leader like SAP.

7) What is next for your certified solution Live Contract?

Besides Live Contract, SYNCPILOT GmbH & Co. KG is developing various additional solutions that on one hand can extend it‘s functionality and on the other hand can be used as a stand-alone for specific use cases such as asynchronous virtual client collaboration. Getting the migration to Kyma and the Cloud Foundry done, we are up to build more out of the box integration functionality to existing SAP solutions such as Emarsys, DocuSign and other SAP customer experience solutions. Once this is finished, we are happy to start the certification process for the whole suite as well as our connectors.

Customer Testimonial:

 "We were pleasantly surprised at how flexible the platform is. The integration into our systems was implemented via interfaces without any problems or errors. The technical onboarding took place in webinars, resulting in more than 4,000 users being trained nationwide in a very short time. Thanks to the extensive support we received, customer contact was maintained especially in the area of sales, and the economic consequences of the lockdown were mitigated." Günther Sasse, commercial director- VKBit Betrieb