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/ARBA/MASTER_DATA_EXPORT using this program we can upload master data  to ARIBA Cloud from ECC

  1. The program /ARBA/MASTER_DATA_EXPORT should be set up to run on a desired schedule to extract information  from the relevant SAP tables for the objects

  2.  The output of the program is a .CSV file containing the information necessary for the update

  3.  The file automatically transmitted to the Ariba on -Demand application through  an HTTP post

  4.  The file is received by the Ariba on-demand application processed by a receiving job that is triggered at the time the data is transmitted( Immediate processing in Ariba)

  5. The values in Ariba on -Demand are updated with any errors noted in the processing log of the Ariba on-Demand administration console

  • Full load

  • Incremental Load 

Following data can be transferred to Ariba Cloud

  • General ledger

  • InternalOrder

  • Costcenter

  • Wbselement

  • Asset

  • Supplier related data

  • Remittance location

  • Purchaseorg

  • User related data

  • User and User group

  • Companycode

Overview for multiple systems:

To differentiate Master Data  from all the ERP(ECC) systems , We have to do prefix specific to system  for the following data

Example : Supplier Number : 123456 , if we add  prefix to suppplier  it will be - ERP1_123456 like wise , we have to do for each and every system..

  • General ledger

  • InternalOrder

  • Costcenter

  • Wbselement

  • Asset

  • Supplier related data

  • Remittance location

  • Purchaseorg

  • User related data

  • User and User group

  • Companycode

  • Plant

How to do a prefix for master data ?

Following  BADI  will be implemented,   prefix  will be added in the runtime, send the data to Ariba

This Badi has multiple methods

each method is relevant  for specific data like Company code , Plant ...using this methods we can enhance and   prefix the master data

Example : prefixing Vendor Purchase group information

Code :
ls_vendor_info type /arba/vendor,
ls_vendor_PORG_INFO type /arba/vendor_Po,
lv_lifnr(20) type c,
lv_lifnr1(20) type c,
lv_ekorgx(20) type c,
lv_namex(50) type c,
lv_purcsx(20) type c,
lv_sidx(20) type c,
lv_tbix type sy-tabix,
lv_system(4) type c,
lv_value TYPE tvarv_val,
lv_name TYPE rvari_vnam VALUE 'ERP_ID'.

SELECT SINGLE low " will read value from buffer
INTO lv_value
FROM tvarvc
WHERE name = lv_name.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
lv_system = lv_value.
CLEAR : lv_lifnr,lv_namex.
LOOP AT vendor_info[] INTO ls_vendor_info.
lv_tbix = sy-tabix.

CONCATENATE lv_system ls_vendor_info-lifnr INTO
CONCATENATE lv_system ls_vendor_info-name1 INTO
CONCATENATE lv_system ls_vendor_info-systemid INTO

ls_vendor_info-lifnrx = lv_lifnr.
ls_vendor_info-namex = lv_namex.
ls_vendor_info-sidx = lv_sidx.

MODIFY vendor_info from ls_vendor_info INDEX lv_tbix.

LOOP AT vendor_PORG_info[] INTO ls_vendor_porg_info.
lv_tbix = sy-tabix.

CONCATENATE lv_system ls_vendor_porg_info-lifnr INTO
CONCATENATE lv_system ls_vendor_porg_info-ekorg INTO

ls_vendor_porg_info-lifnrx = lv_lifnr.
ls_vendor_porg_info-ekorgx = lv_ekorgx.

MODIFY vendor_porg_info from ls_vendor_porg_info INDEX lv_tbix.


Conclusion : This way , We can send multiple ERP system data to ARIBA Cloud .