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We have some exciting new topics in the upcoming SAP Cloud Platform Practitioners Forum (Asia Pacific) this September. This forum is a monthly series designed to bring together customers and SAP subject matter experts to share their experiences on using SAP Cloud Platform and also provide updates on latest capabilities of SAP Cloud Platform. If you are using SAP Cloud Platform for Integrating & extending your SAP solutions and would like to maximize your return on investment, we would like to invite you to this free SAP Cloud Platform Practitioners Forum.



Session 1: What is process mining, and why does it matter?

Process mining has changed the way organizations leverage data to deliver improvements, remove costs and sustain their transformation investments and the benefits provided are astounding.

Over time, friction creeps in processes: departmental silos, manual workarounds, and disparate systems cause costs to rise and experiences to suffer. In this session, Stuart Chambers from Chrome Consulting will show you how SAP Process Mining by Celonis helps you pinpoint those sources of friction and purge them from your processes.


Session 2: Automate & optimize your business processes with SAP AI Business Services

Regardless of the industry, automation of business processes has become critical to business strategy and success. In addition to robotic process automation, big data and blockchain technology, artificial intelligence in particular is seen as ground-breaking for automation success. In this session, Kevin Lee will talk about how artificial intelligence via SAP AI Business Services can be easily consumed across the entire business, by providing strategic services and applications that automate & optimize corporate processes and enrich customer experience across the intelligent suite.

Kevin Lee

Sr. Director, Product Management, AI Business Services

If this forum is relevant for you, I would encourage you to join using this registration link. Please note that you will need to select the relevant event “Asia Pacific Japan (APJ) SAP Cloud Platform – 3rd Tuesday of the month” and login in order to subscribe to this event. We look forward to meeting you in the Practitioners Forum!

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