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It's getting closer to the big event, and the organizing team is really busy pulling together all the strings. This blog post will give an update on all that is happening, and also outline the road ahead. So without further ado, here we go.


It seems that SAP Online Track has gotten quite the traction in the community, and we are extremely happy to see the responses. Let's look at some numbers.

  • Discord server members: 100+

  • YouTube subscribers: 300+

  • Confirmed sessions: 50+

  • Hours of learning: 30+

The sessions will be scheduled on the SAP Online Track YouTube channel as separate streams. That means that you'll be able to set reminders for the individual session you want to follow, and YouTube will alert you when it's time. There will also be a playlist with all sessions and replays.

Which also leads us in to one of the biggest news. The schedule is set, and it's rocking. So go and check it out on when you're finished here!

Some changes in the plans

As we say in The Norwegian Mountain Code; There is no shame in turning around. After having the three Q&A session, and evaluating our technical platform, we have decided to make some changes. The biggest change, is that we will not use Discord for in-session chat, but instead use the embedded chat on YouTube. The reasoning behind, is to simplify it so people don't have to have both YouTube and Discord open at the same time, to be able to participate. This way it will also be easier to attend from a mobile device or tablet. This also means that all Q&A question will be visible in the YouTube chat, and also accessible during replay. This is good news for all presenters using pre-recorded sessions, as this enables the "recording" of Q&A, as it will take place in the chat.

All interaction outside the sessions will still take place on Discord.

The challenge

One of the biggest challenges, has been to get volunteers for the role of stream producer. With 30+ sessions going for the "Easy mode", there is a need for people who can stream the presenter from Discord to YouTube. We still hope that all streamers in the SAP community, and also those who would like to try it out, will step forward so we can go ahead as planned. But we can assure you that the team is examining all possible options, no matter how crazy they are, to make sure that the event won't suffer from it. But with this in mind, it would be really helpful if more sessions would opt for either pre-recorded, and that DIYers would volunteer as producers for other sessions than their own. Please reach out to uxkjaer or rslettaif you want to have a stab at producing, or speri  or nabheetscn if you want to change from "Easy mode" to pre-recorded session. You can find all of us on Discord.

In closing

We're just short of one week away from what looks out to be one amazing weekend of learning. We really hope to see many of you fantastic people there, and that you'll have a great time in both the sessions, and on the Discord server. And thanks to our sponsors, there will be lots of great prizes to win during the 24 hours. So check out the agenda, and pick out your favourite sessions. And remember to subscribe to the SAP Online Track YouTube channel if you haven't already, so you'll get notified when the sessions are scheduled.

And with that, it's time to wrap up this little update. If you have any questions or any other comments, please reach out in the comments below, or ping us on Discord. Take care everyone!

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