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Almost all SAP ECC Users use to know by heart or pin their favourites transactions in SAP GUI.

With SAP S/4Hana they still can use SAP GUI and the transactions access but sooner or later they will have to switch to SAP Fiori for at least two reasons : 

1- SAP GUI is being replaced by SAP Fiori and sooner or later will not be maintained by SAP anymore

2- All SAP development and innovation are now focused on SAP Fiori and some functionalities are new in SAP Fiori and don’t exist in SAP GUI

So I recommend all the new SAP S/4 Projects to switch as soon as possible to SAP Fiori.

Nevertheless, if you take a look at both front-end interfaces you will notice very quickly that they are totally different and at first current SAP ECC users will be lost.

The aim of this article is to help you see the link between the current SAP GUI transactions codes and their correspondence with the new SAP Fiori Apps.

There is an easy way to find that link in the SAP Fiori Apps Library. It is public information and no need to have a user id to access it. However you can create a user too, it’s free of charge.


Matching Fiori Apps with SAP Gui transactions. Example of the Finance line of business.


1- Enter the SAP Fiori Apps Library with the following link :


2- On the left-hand side of the screen you see categories choices :

Choose “All Apps for SAP S/4HANA”


3- In the following screen choose “by Line of Business”

4- You see all the lines of business and the number of Apps per Lob. Choose Finance and you notice that 885 apps are available (this is a living basis so these numbers are continuously increasing) 

5- The following screen appears with all the 885 Finance Fiori Apps on the left-hand side

The display by default is the “Detail view” by App. Check the boxes of the Fiori Apps you want to display.


6- Click on “List view” button in the bottom of the page to change the display mode.

Now all the Fiori Apps appear in a list mode but you still not see the mapping between the Fiori App and the tcode SAP GUI.

7- On the top of the right-hand side of the screen click on the star wheel (stands for column display settings). You have a lot of new choices and you can add or suppress additional information In the scroll-down menu choose the field “transaction” to display the following result :


8- If needed (for instance for Project implementation or change Management readiness) you can download your result to excel by choosing the “download” button on the bottom and the right-hand side of the screen.



Here is an easy way to have the last updated matching between the SAP Fiori Apps and the traditional transaction code in SAP GUI.

Don’t forget that there’s not a relation one-to-one between a transaction code in SAP GUI and a Fiori App. In some cases, one transaction code is dissembled in several Fiori Apps and in other cases several SAP GUI transaction codes become a single Fiori App.

Don’t underestimate the change management effort in a brownfield SAP implementation as people who were used to work in SAP GUI will have to forget the “SAP transactions” and learn the new Fiori design.
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