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“AFRIKA KOMMT!” is a quality education program for Young Professionals from Africa, which provides future leaders the opportunity to come to Germany, develop international management skills and work in a partner company like SAP, BOSCH or B. Melsungen for eight months. I interview Ilka Wiskemann, the SAP project lead for “AFRIKA KOMMT!” on the details of this one-Year program. In addition to that, two fellows of this program who both work as Engineers at SuccessFactors, Faith Mwema and Tawio Lapido, provide some insights about their experiences.


Some key information about the “AFRIKA KOMMT!” program

The talent program focuses on the entire African continent and has already attracted 46.000 people, of which 9.000 have submitted an application. More and more companies show interest in this program and keep expanding slots for new participants – also at SAP!

After passing the two-day assessment center in the course of the application, the candidates participate in a three-month language training course at the Göthe institute in Bonn, Germany, followed by a nine-month internship at the company. In cooperation with the GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), the fellows learn about the German culture as well as management topics such as leadership or conflict management and responsibility.


Potential of the “AFRIKA KOMMT!” Program

Ilka emphasizes that the program offers huge opportunities for companies such as SAP - and ther eis much to learn from each other.


Insights and experiences gained through the program

In terms of professional skills, both Tawio and Faith were able to expand their computer science and management skills and to move into the direction they are striving for in their future.

They also learned a lot about the German culture and especially the culture at SAP– the language and worhship the openness and collaboration in flat hierarchies,  networking within the company, and even the food and beer. Actually they were positively suprised by german food - they loved it - even if the latter aspect required some time to get used to ?

Now both Tawio and Faith would like to stay within the SAP family and work further towards their life goals.


Tipps for applicants and other companies who want to do such programs or participate

Any company is welcome to participate in this program – even if there is no branch located in Africa. There are many options in regards to the expectations of the applicants.

It is possible to either stay in Africa or come to Germany. Just reach out at for more information!


Further interesting links and listeneings to personal development

I found the below links and the discussion around personal development interesting, also because there were quiet new podcasts discussed - e.g. the Podcast Unf*ck Your Brain - with concrete tips for women, like how to overcome the imposter syndrom.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck –