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The new feature of down payment processing on contract was released to customer in 2002CE.

Reverse the down payment journal entry

  1. Open "Reset Cleared Items' under group "Journal Entry"

  2. Search the Journal entry you want to reverse

  3. Click the hyper link on the number to open the journal entry

  4. Click the Reverse button, input the correct value in the popup window and click Reverse button. After that the journal entry will be reverse

  5. Check the down payment status on the contract item which is referred to the journal entry. The down payment status will not be changed and there is no log.

  6. Reset the down payment journal entry

    1. Open "Reset Cleared Items' under group "Journal Entry"

    2. Search the Journal entry you want to reset

    3. Click the journal entry line to open the document

    4. In the screen, Click the Reset button. The cleared items will dismiss from the list.

    5. Check the down payment status on the contract item which is referred to the journal entry. The down payment status will be changed from fully paid to partially paid or from partially to not paid and there are logs.

    6. Reset and reverse the down payment journal entry

      1. Open "Reset Cleared Items' under group "Journal Entry"

      2. Search the Journal entry you want to reset and reverse

      3. Click the journal entry line to open the document

      4. In the screen, Click the Reset and reverse button. The cleared items will dismiss from the list.

      5. Check the down payment status on the contract item which is referred to the journal entry. The down payment status will be changed from fully paid to partially paid or from partially to not paid and there are logs.

      6. 1 Comment