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I was recently building a web application using Angular 8 and fundamental-ngx library. As stated here the @fundamental-ngx/core library is a set of Angular components built using SAP Fundamental Styles.

SAP Fundamental Styles library is a design system and HTML/CSS component library used to build modern product user experiences with the SAP look and feel.

Working with modern javascript libraries since last 7 years,It was pretty easy to pick up fundamental-ngx with Angular 8 and create a SAP standard user experience. But then I faced the real challenge: How can I deploy my application to SAP Cloud Platform in Neo environment?

Let me share with you ,how I approached this problem and created an easy shell script to help with my regular deployments.

I broke the problem into three steps and it helped me achieve my goals:

  • Adding SAP Cloud Platform Neo environment specific files in Angular 8 project.

  • Preparing Angular 8 project for deployment on SAP Cloud Platform Neo environment.

  • Deploy the final project to SAP Cloud Platform with SAP Web IDE.

Let's go through each of the steps below in detail.

Adding SAP Cloud Platform Neo environment specific files in Angular 8 project.

I created  a folder neo-settings in route directory of my project and added the following files.


It is important to mention the destinations created on the SAP Cloud platform in Neo environment for consuming services required by your web application,The neo-app.json file contains all project settings for SAP Web IDE and is created in the root folder of your projects. One can find more about neo-app.json here
"welcomeFile": "/index.html",
"routes": [
"path": "<SCP DESTINATION>", //
"target": {
"type": "service",
"name": "<SERVICE NAME>"
"sendWelcomeFileRedirect": true,
"authenticationMethod": "<AUTH TYPE>" // I have used saml in my case



"name": "<APP NAME>",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "",
"private": true,
"devDependencies": {
"scripts": {


Preparing Angular 8 project for deployment on SAP Cloud Platform Neo environment.


This involves the following steps:

  1. Building the angular project for production

  2. Copying the files from neo-settings folder to route directory of project build

  3. Creating webapp folder in root directory of project build.

  4. Moving index.html from root directory to webapp folder in project build.

  5. Creating a zip of the build.

The steps seem fine but since I needed to prepare a simpler deployment scenario ,I created a  shell script to perform this repetitive tasks and put the same in my route project folder.

#remove earlier build folder for neo
rm -r ./dist/<FOLDER_NAME_FOR_NEO>

#build for production
ng build --prod

#go to dist folder (angular-cli puts the build file in dist folder by default)
cd dist

#create build folder for neo(better to separate neo build from regular build

# create web app folder in
mkdir <FOLDER_NAME_FOR_NEO>/webapp

# copy neo specific files to your build folder for neo
cp ../neo-settings/neo-app.json ./<FOLDER_NAME_FOR_NEO>/
cp ../neo-settings/package.json ./<FOLDER_NAME_FOR_NEO>/

# copy angular build files to neo folder

# copy index.html from angular build to webapp directory
cp -r ./<ANGULAR_BUILD_FOLDER>/index.html ./<FOLDER_NAME_FOR_NEO>/webapp/

# remove index.html from neo build folder
rm ./FOLDER_NAME_FOR_NEO/index.html

#create the zip file for up[loading to neo]


Now the zipped file is ready and next step was to deploy the same to SAP Cloud Platform in Neo Environment.

Deploy the project with SAP Web IDE

Being familiar with SAP Web IDE  I went through the following steps to complete the deployment of the angular 8 application.

Creating a project folder on SAP IDE.

I went to SAP WEB IDE and created a new folder  and entered the name of the project.


Importing zipped project to your folder

The next task was to import the zipped project file by right clicking on the newly created folder and selecting Import > File or Project.

Once the import was completed by SAP Web IDE,I can see my Angular 8 project build.


Moving the contents from extracted zip directory to root project folder.

Since the whole project folder was imported I had to  move the contents from there to root project directory on SAP Web IDE.


Now the app contents are in root folder and ready to be deployed.

Deploying the project

Before deploying its always good to check once ,if the app is running perfectly or not.

Since all went  well, I switched back to SAP Web IDE, right clicked on my project folder, selected Deploy and then Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform.

If needed one can enter the application name or keep the default name and click on Deploy.

And my angular 8 application was successfully deployed to SAP Cloud Platform in Neo environment.


One can click on Open the active version of application to access your app.


As I took you through the steps of preparing and deploying your angular 8 application to SAP cloud platform in Neo environment, you can also try to deploy other Javascript frameworks of your choice or also create a SAPUI5 application on SAP Web IDE.

You can find further information regarding the technologies used here:


Please do share your experience with deployment of Web application in other Javascript frameworks on SAP Cloud Platform below in comments.

