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Experience is an omnipresent word in today's business discussions. But why it matters so much? Your customers, partners, and employees see your company through digital interface lenses.  In the same way, people might form a wrong impression about you if you were walking around talking into an old cell phone with antenna, users might doubt your company's ability to innovate  if you greet them with a cumbersome digital experience.

Furthermore, the pace of innovation is accelerating, and what it's new today is old tomorrow. Dealing with complex and un-intuitive interfaces might not create such hyperbole of emotions as when your teenager asserts that she is "THE ONLY ONE" without the latest iPhone. Yet, people disengage when a lack of innovation erodes efficiency.

Falling behind the competition is a significant concern for many companies today. Wouldn't you rule out an airline company whose website wastes your time? If they cannot deliver a proper website, can they maintain their planes properly? And what about your luggage? Would it ever make it to destination? Below-par digital experiences can undermine the loyalty of your customers and disenfranchise your employees, making your business lose its edge.

If you rely on SAP Enterprise Portal for your intranet, you might already be a step ahead of many competitors in providing an efficient way for your employees to access your SAP business processes. But what is the cost of maintaining it current with the latest functionalities? And, what about the complexity of extending that installation to cover external constituencies or to enable multichannel access?

Transitioning to SAP Cloud Platform Portal to Grow User Engagement

 SAP Cloud Platform Portal is a great solution for building modern, cloud-based portal sites that range from internal employees portals to external portals for suppliers and partners. It delivers business users a central entry point for all SAP business processes that is accessible from any device and gives your organization access to the latest functionalities with automatic upgrades and no upfront capital expenditures.

By transitioning your on-premise SAP Enterprise Portal to the SAP Cloud Platform Portal, you empower your organization with a flexible, multi-channel, modern business portal technology.

Furthermore, you have the flexibility to plan your transition according to your business priorities and choose to execute either a partial (step-by-step) or a complete migration.

For example, if you have several portals, you could start by moving to the cloud just one of them – perhaps one for a specific LoB or subsidiary - and keep the others running on SAP Enterprise Portal. Such a phased approach would allow you to gain experience with the new technology and then leverage what you have learned to move your other portals.

Whatever approach you choose for transitioning to SAP Cloud Platform Portal, we recommend that you carefully define your use cases and adopt the Design Thinking methodology for your project, involving the appropriate stockholders and end-users. Doing so will ensure greater user satisfaction at the end of the process.

Also, be assured that you can continue to leverage your existing investments. SAP Cloud Platform Portal securely integrates both cloud and on-premise systems - including applications and content running in your on-premises portal. Furthermore, to support your transition, you can take advantage of a number of tools that streamline your migration.

For example, you can set SAP Enterprise Portal as a content provider for SAP Cloud Platform Portal to expose your on-premises application and add them to a launchpad site. The Portal Content Management Tool enables you to migrate content from a selected folder in your SAP Enterprise Portal on-premise to SAP Cloud Platform Portal. Egnyte Cloud Migration Manager for Knowledge Management Content allows you to migrate files, folders, and folder permissions from an on-premises server to the cloud.

Being END-USER minded is a top priority for your business and for succeeding in your transition to the cloud. Engage with end-users along the entire process!