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In the performance world of football, obviously there are always someone in some aspects who are better than the others, because they are talent enough, or training hard enough, or both - and vice versa. If the coach can identify these top players in certain aspects, then he can put the best suitable players to best suitable positions - speedy player? Penetrate! Muscle beast? Take Duels! How do we know who are the better ones? Performance test can tell.  SAP Sports One provides a classification methods to let the coaches know who are the top/flop performancers.


First Look

Here is a bar chart in SAP Sports One, illustrating the performance of players in a 30m sprint test. Some of the bars are green, which means the player had a better performance, or simply ran faster in this test. Obviously the red bars means he used longer seconds to finish the 30m test.

Here comes our attention. There are 3 standard lines - top, average and flop. Who set the position of these standard lines?


Search in Book

Fortunately the answer isn't hard to find. In "SAP Sports One User Guide", there are descriptions below:
A top value is smaller than the average minus standard deviation. A flop value is larger than the average plus standard deviation. In instances where the performance parameter results are better the larger they are, the flop vallue is smaller than the average minus standard deviation.



Is that description true? I will have a test about it. Thanks to the downloading functionality of SAP Sports One performance test, I can get the detailed result in excel easily.

With some small calculation in excel. We get the flop = 4.43, top = 4.04, avg = 4.24.

Two words: it matches.
Players who ran less than the top standard time will be classified as top. Then above average, below average, and flop.



Why Group Like This?

Using the average plus/minus stdev way generates a normal distribution, thus will distribute the data in a more even manner, players with close results will be grouped together.


I Want to Group on My Own!

Yes you can do it. Just go to the Performance Parameters Catalogs!



SAP Sports One provides a versatile way to group your performance test results. By default, it is grouped by normal distribution, so that players with close results will be grouped together. It also offers flexbility to group on your own.
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