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In the previous part1, part2 and part3 we have seen on how to export the DB from AIX and to install ASCS and SCS on Linux. In this part we will see on how to import the DB which we exported previously onto Linux.


1.   Successfully exported DB from AIX.

2.   /sapmnt directory is mounted on piqdb00.

3.   ASCS & SCS Instance is successfully installed.


1.   Login into piqdb00 with root and goto root directory. Once we are in root create four directories like shown below. Once we create these directories we will add the mounts from ASCS in /etc/fstab. Given below are the screenshots.

[root@piqdb00 ~]# pwd


[root@piqdb00 /]# mkdir -p /sapmnt/PIQ/exe /sapmnt/PIQ/global /sapmnt/PIQ/profile /SWPM

[root@piqdb00 /]# vi /etc/fstab

##Mount points from ASCS

piqascs00:/sapmnt/PIQ/exe       /sapmnt/PIQ/exe         nfs     defaults        0 0

piqascs00:/sapmnt/PIQ/profile   /sapmnt/PIQ/profile     nfs     defaults        0 0

piqascs00:/sapmnt/PIQ/global    /sapmnt/PIQ/global     nfs     defaults        0 0

piqascs00:/SWPM                      /SWPM                       nfs     defaults        0 0


2.  Once we added, mount it using command mount -a and check they are successfully mounted using df -k.


[root@piqdb00 /]#mount -a

[root@piqdb00 /]# df -k


3.   Run SWPM and login with root user and password and Accept the certificate.

[root@piqdb00 SWPM]# nohup /SWPM/sapinst -nogui &



4.   Login with root user and password.


5.   Select Database Instance from the below path.


6.   Select Custom.


7.   Specify the path for JVM.


8.   Specify the mount for Profile directory.


9.   Specify Master Password.


10.   Specify sidadm password.


11.   Specify the database copy method as "Standard System Copy / Migration (Load-Based)".


12.   Specify Database SID and host.


13.   Specify the Kernel, HostAgent, DBATools location.


14.   Specify sapadm password.


15.   Specify the location of AIX Migration Export.


16.  Unselect Target system Will Replace Source System in the below screen.


17.   Specify the path for Java Component.


18.   Specify the number of Parallel Jobs.


19.   Specify Database Server and Client Version.


20.   Specify Oracle sidam user.


21.   Specify Oracle sidadm password.


22.   Specify ABAP and JAVA schema names.


23.   Specify No for Install Multitenant Database.


24.   Specify Oralce Listener parameters.


25.   Specify standard database users password.


26.   Specify location for Oracle Server Software.


27.   Check Database parameters. Since in step 19 we selected Advanced DB configuration - For Oracle Experts only we have the below options to check and change.



Added one entry for Init.ora:  db_files=2000


28.   Specify the Migration Key.


29.   Specify Secure Store Key Phrase.


30.   Specify to run Database Statistics yes or no. In our case we have selected Yes.


31.   Specify Oracle client software location.


32.   Make sure the parameters specified so far are good else revise in the below screen and click Next.


33.  Installation will start and will stop at the below screen for installing Oracle from OS level.


34.   Install Oracle from OS (not covered in this series). If we want to know on how to do this please comment I have to do a different weblog.


35.   Once Oracle is installed from OS level say OK in the above screen.


36.   Given below are some screen shots while it is executing.

Note: First it imports ABAP and then JAVA. If all goes well then we are lucky 🙂 But thats not reality. If we get errors during import then logs are written to: /tmp/sapinst_instdir/NW740SR2/ORA/COPY/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS/DB

At the end of ABAP import if we recieve any indexes as errors then we might ignore it by going into the corresponding .tsk file and change the err to ign. In my case I have an index error which is shown in the file: SAPAPPL1.TSK as P GVD_SGASTAT~0 C err

Change it to P GVD_SGASTAT~0 C ign --> save the file and rerun the process. Keep a note that way when the process is completed we have to regenerate the indexes.


37.   Once ABAP imports successfully if we ignore anything then we recieve the warning like below and we say OK.


38.   Once ABAP imports it moves to JAVA.


39.   Once ABAP and JAVA imports successfully then we receive the successful message.


With this we have successfully imported the Database.

Now we have successfully exported AIX Oracle DB onto Linux lets move onto installing Primary Application Server and Second Application Server in Part5.


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