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In the last part of this blog, we saw how to create the necessary configuration on the SAP S/4 HANA side. In this part, we'll create the configuration on the SAP Cloud Platform.


I. Setting up Generic Configuration in SAP Cloud Platform Master Data for Business Partners

The Generic configuration tile provides the basic configuration necessary to support different business scenarios. The tile contains the following configurations:

Pre preparation: Records in this status are created in SAP Cloud Platform but not replicated to the leading system. These are the records that have not been validated in the leading system. Set this value as False.

Harmonized Numbers: The harmonized number scenario allows you to maintain a business partner number that is harmonized with the number in the leading system (SAP S/4 HANA System) to maintain consistency across different landscapes.
In the non-harmonized number scenario, SAP Cloud Platform adopts the incoming business partner number and generates a new one if that number is not available.

Business System: This is used to configure the name of the MDM Business Partner tenant. This value is used to create the key mapping. iI is recommended that you set this value as the subdomain name of your tenant from which you have subscribed to SCP Master Data for business partners


II. Setting up consumer destinations in SAP Cloud Platform

These destinations are will be used to connect to the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system. Before we configure the SAP S/4HANA Cloud destination on SCP, we need a few details from the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

  1. The business system name of SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
    To retrieve the Business System Name, go to Communication systems tile and filter by Own System.

  2. SOAP Endpoints
    Go to the communication arrangement that was created in Part 1 of this blog and copy the following endpoints.

Navigate to the subaccount, and click destinations. Create the following 4 destinations.


For each of the destinations use the respective endpoint that you copied from the communication arrangement. Eg.

0MB85VI_BPOUTBOUND -> https://wdf-824-api.wdf.sap.corp/sap/bc/srt/scs_ext/sap/businesspartnersuitebulkreplic

Set Proxy Type as the Internet and use Basic Authentication. Here provide the inbound communication user that was used in the communication arrangement. In our case it is WSAPPLUSER.
Additionally, create and additional property MDOConsumer and set it to true.


III. Setting up provider destinations in SAP Cloud Platform

The provider destination is an endpoint that will act as a source application from which data will be distributed to consumer applications. To create the provider destination follow these steps:

  1. Create a destination with the name <IDENTITYZONE>_PROVIDER. The value of identity zone is available in service keys.

  2. Give the URL: https://mdmbp-production-distribution-service.cfapps.{region}.hana.ondemand.com/odata/v2/mdo.orchest...

  3. Authentication: OAuth2ClientCredentials
    Provide clientId, clientSecret and TokenServiceURL. This information is available in the service keys.

  4. Create an additional property MDOProvider and set it to true.


IV. Creating a Distribution Model

The distribution of business partners created is done via the service SAP Cloud Platform Master Data Orchestration. In addition to handling the distribution of master data, this service provides additional features such as data filters, data replication status UI, business logs, etc.

  1. Navigate to SAP Cloud Platform Master Data Orchestration application.

  2. Open Manage Object Type Owners application.

  3. Click Create. Select the Business Partner object type from the dropdown. In the Destination, dropdown, select the BPOutbound consumer destination. Save.

  4. Open the Manage Distribution Model tile and click Create.

  5. Provide a name for the model and select Business Partner in Business Object Type dropdown. Set the continuous distribution checkbox if you want the business partners to be replicated as soon as they created/updated.

  6. Click Save. Open the model.

  7. Click the Edit button on the top right side. Select API_BUSINESS_PARTNER in the Provider Interface section. Save

  8. Now, to create a Provider and Consumer, click the create button and select the provider that you created in the previous steps.
    Similarly for the consumer, select the BPOUTBOUND destination. Do not provide any value for the application category.

  9. Activate the Replication Model.


The configuration is now complete. You can now replicate the business partners from the SAP S/4 HANA Cloud System to the SAP Cloud Platform and vice versa.