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The corporate world is full of innovation. One aspect of it that’s particularly interesting to observe is process optimization. Everyone wants more projects done in less time, so managers will take anything that automates minor tasks and boosts performance on the major ones.


But let’s wind back to the beginning. All of this optimization starts with improving the performance of employees on these processes. And before you can improve anything, you first have to measure it and analyze the current state of affairs. That’s when employee behavioral analytics comes onto the scene.


This procedure involves tracking employees while they’re performing tasks, mapping out the findings for the entire projects and, by careful analysis, pinpointing the most efficient routes to task completion. One way to do this is by using work time track for employees’ computer activities.


How to Use Project Time Tracker App to Analyze Employee Behavior?


First of all, a short general introduction on how employee time software works and what it can do. It’s an app that can track user activity on as many corporate computers as you choose in order to compile time data, productivity reports, attendance sheets as well as provide you with real time overview of what your employees are doing.


Now, on to how we can use hours tracker app for employee behavioral analysis.


Since project time tracking software can be used to measure the efficiency of employees, it can provide plenty of useful data to act as a basis for process optimization. This is the way it works: You can use the app to record work hours, with a specific focus on active time (i.e. time when employees are actually using their computers). Within the active time, employees will indicate which tasks they’re working on, either manually, or, in the case of automated time mapping, by the names of the files they open.


Computer time tracking software will record all this data on how long employees take to finish certain tasks, as well as which apps or online platforms they use for it. These accurate reports give you the opportunity to analyze the time they spend on tasks and projects and see which methods are most efficient. This might be a particular employee who’s familiar with shortcuts or has a special methodology in which steps they take, or a specific software that enables employees to work faster and produce better results.


These efficient steps, activities and apps discovered by the computer usage time tracking software are the basis for future behavior that’s likely to lead to enhanced performance on projects.


From Analytics to Optimization


Now that you’ve found the most efficient way to do projects based on time tracking data, you can use your findings to optimize business processes and make your company more efficient.


Basically, you’ll want to use the insights in order to integrate new guidelines into work methodology. If your computer usage time tracking software showed that using one system over another for a specific task produces better results, you should instruct your employees to migrate to that one completely.


Implementing the behavioral analytics findings into your workplace should start as early as the onboarding for new employees. That way, you’ll make sure that only the most effective patterns in doing tasks are acquired. Instruct new employees on which steps to take during the task progress as well as which software and platforms to use.


And finally, think about team dynamics. Compare time tracking software data not just on individual, but also on a team level. Then organize your teams and departments according to the system that yields the best results. Delegating effectively is the key to making sure everyone does what they’re best at.




A company completing projects more efficiently might make all the difference in the business world. That’s why it’s important to conduct employee behavioral analytics to measure the current performance, detect the optimal pattern of behavior and apply it to other business processes.