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Any coding or configuration examples provided in this document are only examples and are NOT intended for use in a productive system. The example is only done to better explain and visualize the topic.

The Objective of this blog is to explain how C4C Utilities specific UIs can be extended to capture additional information as part of Online Actions and make it available at the ISU backend with very minimal steps.

This blog is an Illustration of – How any individual with the basic Knowledge of C4C SDK and ISU can extend C4C Utilities screens under 60 mins.

As a part of this blog we will extend the Cancel Move In Process of Utilities Premise Overview facets  in Premise Thing Inspector (TI) to include a field called "Reason for Cancel Move In".

We will be referring the below blog which describe how C4C supports extension in their UIs and how you can map the related fields.

Utilities Premise Overview & Connection Details Extensibility

Below is the detailed scope of this Blog: –

  • How to extend Utilities specific Online Actions.

  • How to access the extended additional information in ISU Web Service.

Below will be our targeted "Cancel Move In" Process in Premise Thing Inspector (TI) with the additional fields added.

How to extend

Step 1 – Using C4C SDK extend the common BO (UtilitiesExtensibility) used for C4C Utilites scenarios

Step 2 – Using UI Designer (Which is part of C4C SDK) extend the UIs which you want extend.

Step 3 – Identifying the Web Service used to perform the actions, extend the ERP ISU BADI provided for those Web Services/Function Modules.


1. Extend common Extension BO UtilitiesExtensibility 

Refer to following blog for extending BO and extending the UIs.

Utilities Premise Overview & Connection Details Extensibility

Use the below Business Object Extension code snippet to extend Customer History Node with "Reason for Cancel Move In" field.
import AP.Common.GDT;
import AP.CRM.Global;

[Extension] businessobject AP.CRM.Global:UtilitiesExtensibility {

node PremiseHighlights {

node PremiseCustomerHistory {
[Label("Reason for Cancel Move In")] element Ext_ReasonCanMVI:LANGUAGEINDEPENDENT_EXTENDED_Text;

node PremiseObjHier {


2. Extend C4C Standard UI

Extending Premise Overview UI –To extend the UI’s for the above enhancement select “Enhance Screen” option by right clicking on the business object extension.

Select the UI as:-
Premise Overview Customer Overview - COD_UTILITIES_PREMISE_VIEW_EC

Extended UI path:-
UI Path - /BYD_COD/IndustrySolution/Utilities/UI/Extensibility/COD_UTILITIES_PREMISE_VIEW_EC.EC.uicomponent

3. ERP-ISU side extension.

Implement the BADI of the Web Service to handle the Additional Info.


Web Service Import parameter which holds additional extension data - IT_EXTENSION_DATA .

ISU side BADI parameter Details – IT_EXTENSION_DATA.

Premise Thing Inspector with above Online Action enhancements.

ISU back-end debugging snap shot.


The simplified extensibility allows us to enhance C4C Utilities Online Actions with very minimal steps. This approach allows seamless upgrade of standard enhancements to existing feature.