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Solution Manager 7.2 SP 08 Upgrade – Enterprise/Embedded Search Configuration from TREX to SAP HANA – V – ABAP Stack


This blog is the part of post steps after upgrading to Solution Manager 7.2 SPS 08, for earlier post steps , please find the below link for reference.

Solution Manager 7.2 SP 08 Upgrade and Migration Using SUM DMO Approach – IV – Post Steps – ABAP Sta...

In this blog, you configure the settings for the usage of Enterprise/Embedded Search in SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Support Package stack 08.

Execute t-code /nsolman_setup and click on Embedded Search

We need to manually perform the steps

  1. Activating UI Services


These services should already be activated with the "Basic Configuration" of SAP Solution Manager Configuration.


Ensure that the UI services are activated.

 2. Check HANA or TREX Installation

In this activity, you check the necessary prerequisites depending if the Embedded Search is running on SAP HANA or TREX 7.1.


  • For SAP HANA:

Ensure that the Revision 110 or higher for SAP HANA is installed.

  • For TREX:

    • TREX has to be installed with the option type = ESH. Apply instructions from SAP Note 1249465 (TREX 7.10: "Installing TREX for Embedded Search").

    • Ensure that only 1 TREX Index Server node is configured. Refer to SAP Note 1915374 (TREX 710: "Installation of the TREX for Enterprise Search with the multiple master TREXIndexServer instances").

In my case Solution Manager system migrated from Oracle to Hana( SAP Hana version is 2.0 SPS03 Rev35) , hence I stopped old TREX instance .

Go to path /usr/sap/<SID>/TREX_INSTANCE_NO

Start (or stop) TREX:

  1. a) Log on as <SAPSID>adm user.

  2. b) To start TREX type 'TREX start'.

(To stop TREX - if necessary - type 'TREX stop').

 3.Set HANA or TREX Destination

Defining the connection to TREX or SAP HANA.

In my case Solution Manager system migrated from Oracle to Hana, I am defining the connection to SAP HANA.


  1. Start transaction ESH_ADM_TREX_DEST. Here you decide whether the Embedded Search is using TREX or SAP HANA.

  2. If TREX is used, enter the RFC destination to TREX server in the according field.

  3. If the Embedded Search is running on HANA, enter the HANA DB Connection Name in the according field. How to create a DB Connection for HANA and which additional requirements are necessary is described in detail in the following document in the SAP Help Portal:

Creating a Connection between Embedded Search and SAP HANA or TREX/BWA


To enable the ABAP system to communicate with SAP HANA or TREX/BWA (depending on which variant of Embedded Search you have chosen), you must create a connection between these components.


Note that there are different prerequisites depending on which variant of Embedded Search you have selected:

Prerequisites for the SAP HANA-based variant:

  • You have installed the SAP HANA database client.

  • You have created a second database connection:

  • Call transaction DBCO in the ABAP system.

  • Switch to change mode and choose New Entries.

  • Create a new database entry:

Create a database user, this user must be assigned with object authorizations sys.trexviadbsl and sys.trexviadbslwithparameter

The database user also needs authorization to execute the following SQL commands on the SAP database schema (SAPSID): SELECTINDEXALTER.

Specify the corresponding database password.

Specify the connection to the database in the form Server:Port.

The port is comprised as follows: 3<instance number>15.

Example name of a connection: HANA:30015

Here for example, I gave connection name -HDB_CONNECTION

Test connection , it gives error as below

Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'send' failed, rc=32:Broken pipe

Please refer note

2316463 - * -10709: Connection failed (RTE:[89006] System call 'connect' failed, rc=111:Connection r...

Error is due to wrong port number,Use port 3<instance No>41

Test the new database connection in transaction SE38. Specify the name of the program ADBC_TEST_CONNECTION and choose Execute (F8). On the next screen, enter the name of the database connection and choose Execute (F8).

Now Start transaction ESH_ADM_TREX_DEST, here you decide whether the Embedded Search is using TREX or SAP HANA


It gives error -Search connectors exist -> TREX dest / HANA connection cannot be changed

First try to execute task list SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC,

In the task list SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC ,if the step Delete connectors gives error then in that case

  • we need to reset the Embedded Search to Initial State using task list SAP_ESH_RESET  and

  • perform the Initial Setup Of Embedded Search (Working Client) using task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT

I didn't faced any issues with task list SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC, it went very smoothly.

On 3rd step , click edit parameter and select software component as ZSMUD_CORE

At step 'Set Parameters for Consolidating Connector Status', below parameters are maintained by default.

Now run the task list

Select steps Delete connectors and 'Set Parameters for Consolidating Connector Status'

Now execute task list , it will ask to run in background

Run in background

For this above error ‘RFC Communication error’ (TREX_SLM)->This RFC is not working because TREX instance is already stopped.

Leave TREX instance in stopped status because now we are shifting to HANA database.

Now run the tcode ESH_ADM_TREX_DEST , it will switch old TREX profiles to HANA

Now proceed with task list

Now gain run task list SAP_ESH_CREATE_INDEX_SC with below selection(Uncheck the step -> Delete Connectors box)

->Now run the report se38 ESH_REFRESH_RUNTIME_BUFFER (It refresh the buffer)

When you execute report ESH_REFRESH_RUNTIME_BUFFER,It will not give any output

Now we can test your search with report ESH_TEST_SEARCH

In ESH_TEST_SEARCH report, you only need to press F4 on Connector ID textfield and select the search connector you need to search for. Then you can leave it by default with a wildcard in the freestyle search.

Just execute it and your search should be successful.

Select any of the search connector ID and execute

If it gives output, it means embedded search is working .


2054157 - How to migrate Enterprise Search from TREX to SAP HANA

->How to execute task list SAP_ESH_INITIAL_SETUP_WRK_CLIENT (KBA 2626107)

->Task list SAP_ESH_RESET: Error during determination of connection prevents reset (Note 2257493)

->Task list SAP_ESH_RESET: Obtaining customer models (Note 2473348)

->How to execute SAP_ESH_RESET (KBA 2626143)

In the next blog , lets start with process of upgrading java system to latest version and then will proceed with migration process using SWPM heterogeneous Export Import method, please find the below link for the same.

Solution Manager 7.2 SP 08,NW 7.4 Upgrade – Generate Stack File – VI– Java Stack

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