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SAP Datahub is an unique offering - data orchestration redefined with a flow based design paradigm (Data Pipelines) ,containerized software, and automated fast deployment, scaling, management on kubernetes clusters. Features such as Meta data explorer,Data profiling, catalogue search, Data modeling (Pipelines) lets customers take control of data sets on varied data sources like HDFS, Oracle, DB2,MYSQL,MSSQL,SAP ABAP, SAP Data services, Azure Data Lake (ADL), GCP - Big Query, S3 etc

Currently there are close to 290 predefined Operators to incorporate in a data pipeline they include but are not restricted to : Data Modeling, Data workflow, Kafka, Tensor flow, R, Python,spark submit, HANA client, Write File (HDFS/S3) etc plus support to build customized operators (e.g using own python code) and save then as a docker image, reuse them in several pipelines and scale it massively on Kubernetes clusters.

In this blog I'm going to discuss the underlying technology and  implementation aspects of SAP datahub on AWS EKS (Managed K8S in cloud) using some recent experiences from a proof of concept. The installation steps are covered in detail in the SAP guides but this blog is more a real life experience on running SAP datahub on AWS including the steps to expose the datahub UI on a public AWS Route 53 registered domain.

What we need as the base platform to deploy SAP Datahub?

Containers: What is a Container ?  Containers are a way of running multiple isolated applications on the same hardware (just like VM's)  but it does that using virtual memory on the host and by using the hosts underlying OS for providing basic services to all containers. (VM's on the other had have their own OS), so its basically OS abstraction. As there is no dedicated OS (only virtual memory in play) think of it as a way of running 1000's of services with very less startup time and ability to scale massively.Another important point ,Containers mark a paradigm shift in how applications are packaged and delivered - Development and Operations together, which means that while we are developing our applications we have to be first fundamentally aware of the OS environment, libraries, kernel i.e your *dependencies (* not leaving it for Operations to figure out during deployment) and then develop your application code on top to create an image which when deployed can by itself deploy its dependencies and create a scalable deployment scenario. An example of one such application (among many others in the modern world like Google Docs) is SAP Datahub. 

Container Runtime: For running containers on an OS , we need a container runtime  which enables containers (e.g. providing a network for Containers to communicate) and providing features such as image management(i.e. the software images which executes in a Container). Good example of a Container Runtime is Docker (Ansible as well from RedHat). When Docker installs on an OS, you would see a network interface docker0 which enables contianer networking, cgroups are used to restricit CPU resources per container. Lets understand from SAP Datahub's Context, each component of SAP datahub like internal HANA DB, Engines like DQP, Flow graph (pipelines), text, graph,consul, distributed log etc run as containers (deployed as a docker image), and one or more such containers running together constitutes a service or functionality, so we also need an environment on top to orchestrate , manage, scale and expose the endpoints of various services in containers  running on several nodes - This platform is Kubernetes (Container Orchestration).

Container Registry : Its the place where docker (or the container runtime) stores all images, SAP Stores the relevant docker images in SAP Public repository, when we install datahub on-premise or in cloud AWS/Azure/GCP these images are pulled from SAP Public repositories to the local repositories that the customer sets up. AWS provides  Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) for this purpose and has to be setup separately before the SAP datahub install is started. For On-premise customers  a local docker registry can be configured( it can be internet facing or otherwise images can be downloaded separately and pushed to the local registry).

Python and Base YAML packages : Some bases packages for Python(python 2.7) and Pyyaml are required as pre-requisites.( check the install guide and the install steps below)

Kubernetes (K8S) : K8S is a container orchestration environment.Think of it as an environment used for managing containers across various nodes. K8s gives rise to the concept of “PODS” - a set of containers working together , having their own network and storage.  K8s creates an overlay network (over docker0 we discussed before) to allow PODs to communicate with each other , Kube-DNS helps resolving the names of various services exposed by pods. Google, AWS and Azure all now have managed K8s in cloud.

HELM / TILLER : K8S Package manager, to Deploy packages in K8S. Tiller is the server component and runs as a POD and helm is the client side component(helm command on linux).We will cover some steps to configure it later.

How does this environment benefit us?

Below example is just a food for thought , and maybe not very correct way of solving the problem but just wanted to highlight the benefits.Imagine multiple users in a large Enterprise working on plethora of data that the enterprise generates and the need to get their flavor of data from this ever changing data siloed across several data sources. A data pipeline can work work well to integrate such data and provide real time insights as the data changes, and now imagine 1000's of users in the enterprise running pipeline (inadvertently spinning their own piplelines- containers) , so we have 1000 instances and various containers in action.


So, Lets Run SAP Datahub on Amazon Web Services EKS , I'm going to focus more on the SAP Datahub installation part on AWS EKS , for more details on how to provision an EKS instance please refer the AWS guide :

Pre-requisites : Get K8S(AWS EKS)  up and running (We are going to use 3 EC2 nodes)

Create an IAM role for the EKS Cluster as below :


Create Cluster --> Pre-requisite a VPC should exist:


Add worker nodes once the status of the Cluster is active , add additional EKS nodes :


Configure Security groups

Please allow inbound communication between EKS nodes on Internal IP's for the K8S network to work.


Checking the EKS K8S and configuring the setup for Datahub deployment:

Login to the master node and use "aws configure" to connect to the EKS user which was created before as the cluster admin :

First login to IAM and generate access key for the EKS admin user:

[ec2-user@ip-~]$ aws configure

AWS Access Key ID [****************3NMQ]:

AWS Secret Access Key [****************SbIi]:

Default region name [ap-northeast-2]:

Default output format [json]:


Download and configure Kubectl :


Check the Kubernetes enviroment:

[ec2-user@ ~]$ kubectl get nodes

NAME                                                 STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION

ip-<>.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal   Ready     <none>    23d       v1.10.11

ip-<>.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal   Ready     <none>    24d       v1.10.11

ip-<>.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal      Ready     <none>    24d       v1.10.11


Check the existing K8S PODS :

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods

NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

aws-node-292gw                               1/1       Running   2          24d

aws-node-5d8wt                               1/1       Running   2          24d

aws-node-whz2n                               1/1       Running   1          23d

heapster-7ff8d6bf9f-lsk5x                    1/1       Running   0          23d

kube-dns-5579bfd44-6qpxd                     3/3       Running   0          23d

kube-proxy-4g6qf                             1/1       Running   0          23d

kube-proxy-chmgh                             1/1       Running   1          24d

kube-proxy-sdq7k                             1/1       Running   2          24d

kubernetes-dashboard-669f9bbd46-ccp8m        1/1       Running   0          23d

monitoring-influxdb-cc95575b9-24qxg          1/1       Running   0          23d


Check Kube-DNS is configured correctly , A typical error which means the KUBE DNS is not able to resolve logical names in the K8S network, this can be a problem with they way the K8s was provisioned or with the VPC security groups  , this issue can cause problems later when we deploy datahub   :

root@wg-node1:~# kubectl exec -ti busybox -- nslookup kubernetes.default


Address 1:

nslookup: can't resolve 'kubernetes.default'

command terminated with exit code 1

kubectl exec -ti busybox -- nslookup kubernetes.default


Address 1: kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local

Name:      kubernetes.default

Address 1: kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local

redeploy the cluster if needed or check the connection between nodes works fine.


Download HELM and deploy TILLER:

helm should be available (just type helm on the OS) if not please download the suitable version for your distribution from :

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ kubectl version

Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10", GitVersion:"v1.10.11", GitCommit:"637c7e288581ee40ab4ca210618a89a555b6e7e9", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-12-06T02:30:38Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"10+", GitVersion:"v1.10.11-eks", GitCommit:"6bf27214b7e3e1e47dce27dcbd73ee1b27adadd0", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2018-12-04T13:33:10Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.3", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

download Helm Archive on OS and Extract:

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ ls -lrt|grep helm

-rw-rw-r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user   30054400 Jan 29 06:50 helm-v2.9.1-linux-amd64.tar

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ cd linux-amd64

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ ls -lrt

total 29348

-rwxr-xr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 30033696 May 14  2018 helm

-rw-r--r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user     3310 May 14  2018

-rw-r--r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user    11373 May 14  2018 LICENSE

copy it to the bin locations under your $PATH env:

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ which helm



Create Cluster Role binding and start Tiller (Runs as a POD, we should be able to see it running later)

$kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller

 $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default

 $ helm init --service-account tiller

##additional Step : I had to create this additional clusterrole binding as the dtaahub install later gave an error

root@ip-10-0-1-82:~# kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-clusterrule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller "tiller-clusterrule" created


[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods

NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

aws-node-292gw                               1/1       Running   2          24d

aws-node-5d8wt                               1/1       Running   2          24d

aws-node-whz2n                               1/1       Running   1          23d

heapster-7ff8d6bf9f-lsk5x                    1/1       Running   0          23d

kube-dns-5579bfd44-6qpxd                     3/3       Running   0          23d

kube-proxy-4g6qf                             1/1       Running   0          23d

kube-proxy-chmgh                             1/1       Running   1          24d

kube-proxy-sdq7k                             1/1       Running   2          24d

kubernetes-dashboard-669f9bbd46-ccp8m        1/1       Running   0          23d

monitoring-influxdb-cc95575b9-24qxg          1/1       Running   0          23d

prodding-walrus-kube-lego-85467b8dd4-vqxm7   1/1       Running   0          12d

tiller-deploy-f9b8476d-wnmgj                 1/1       Running   0          23d


Configure AWS ECS : Elastic Container Registry : Remember we discussed in our description of datahub above that we need a Container registry to store various  images of software, during the SAP datahub install we would be pulling software images form SAP Public repository to the ECS registry.


[ec2-user@ip-<> linux-amd64]$ aws ecr get-login --no-include-email

docker login -u AWS -p eyJwYXlsb2FkIjoiMlg4eXFmT050N3JlN29ReUovenNWWWxqU0d3ZkFEeElkYXRlZFBMMlJKWk9RNjE3WTRiMmRJOUVYMVRuV0tRUk9CcjNMN3B0S2tiU0syQi9iMGF2Fqa200emNiNWVNMDFWaEdpNVdoTGNncG9BbkdCd2FZRjVEdFFPM2M1Ry9qeEJVTzJ3ZE5xV1ZaQ24vRGlOSyttMVlaV04xaUJoODZncmFPUGlCcmU1SkRlMUc4T25MNUJFQ0txZ . ... . . . . . . . . 

##Run the complete putput of the above command :

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ docker login -u AWS -p eyJwYXlsb2FkIjoiMlg4eXFmT050N3JlN29ReUovenNWWWxqU0d3ZkFEeElkYXRlZFBMMlJKWk9RNjE3WTRiMmRJOUVYMVRuV0tRUk9CcjNMN................ https://<>

WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.

WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/ec2-user/.docker/config.json.

Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

Create below repositories :

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=fabric8/fluentd-kubernetes

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=grafana/grafana

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=kibana/kibana-oss

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=google_containers/kube-state-metrics

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=nginx

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=prom/alertmanager

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=prom/node-exporter

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=prom/prometheus

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=prom/pushgateway

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=consul

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=nats-streaming

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name=vora/hello-world


Goto to the ECS page from AWS management console  :



As we run through the SAP datahub install steps we would see these repositories populating with the images.

Setup Environment variables for NAMESPACE and Container Registry:

check the URI of the ECS registry from the above step and configure the below environment variables. NAMESPACE is the namespace under which all our SAP datahub PODS/containers will be deployed. We would be able to visualize this in a bettwe way with K8S Dadhboard.

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ export NAMESPACE=datahub24

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ export DOCKER_REGISTRY=3*******


DEPLOY K8S Dashoard and access it by opening a tunnel from local laptop, its quite important to have it running before deploying datahub as its very useful for troubleshooting.

K8S dashbaord deployed using AWS documentation

Here is how to run it :

[ec2-user@<> linux-amd64]$ kubectl proxy

Starting to serve on

on your laptop open a tunnel :

Now access the dashboard : http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#!/lo...

Generate a Token to login:

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep eks-admin | awk '{print $1}')

Name:         eks-admin-token-cmljn

Namespace:    kube-system

Labels:       <none>






token:      <use the token from here>

ca.crt:     1025 bytes

namespace:  11 bytes



Create a Storage class : If the EKS cluster was provisioned without a storage class, add a storage class as per :

Make sure yo uhave a default annotation if gp2 storage for example is the default storagre


[ec2-user@<> ~]$ kubectl get storageclass

NAME             PROVISIONER             AGE

eks-cluster-sc   24d

gp2 (default)   23d

vrep-datahub24            23d


vrep-datahub24 : this storage class was created automatically during the install and its basically used for different piplelines


SAP DATAHUB Installation : I'm using he manual install procedure (alternate install procedure)

Download the SAP datahub software archive from SAP market place for Datahub 2.4: DHFOUNDATION04_0-80004015.ZIP

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ ls -lrt|grep SAPData

drwxrwxr-x 8 ec2-user ec2-user        189 Jan 30 04:43 SAPDataHub-2.4.63-Foundation

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ cd SAPDataHub-2.4.63-Foundation

[ec2-user@<> SAPDataHub-2.4.63-Foundation]$ ls -lrt

total 128

-rw-r--r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user   1717 Dec  3 19:05 license_agreement

-rwxr-xr-x 1 ec2-user ec2-user 116588 Dec  3 19:05

-rw-r--r-- 1 ec2-user ec2-user   2953 Dec  3 19:05

drwxrwxr-x 6 ec2-user ec2-user     93 Jan 29 09:09 slplugin

drwxrwxr-x 7 ec2-user ec2-user    106 Jan 29 09:09 validation

drwxrwxr-x 2 ec2-user ec2-user    279 Jan 29 09:09 tools

drwxrwxr-x 9 ec2-user ec2-user    167 Jan 30 04:19 logs

drwxrwxr-x 6 ec2-user ec2-user     74 Jan 30 04:25 deployment


I had no special conditions to pass to the install prompt but depending on the case please refer the instillation guide , a single Install command does it all, i was prompted to enter my SAP OSS credentials to authorize the download of the Software.

[root@<> SAPDataHub-2.4.63-Foundation]# ./

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Running pre-flight checks

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Checking if python2.7 is installed...OK!

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Checking if pyyaml is installed...OK!

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Checking kubectl configuration...OK!

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Checking kubernetes client is 1.9.x or 1.10.x or 1.11.x...OK!

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Checking kubernetes version is 1.9.x or 1.10.x or 1.11.x...OK!

2019-01-30T04:19:41+0000 [INFO] Checking whether namespace exists or possible to create...OK!

2019-01-30T04:19:42+0000 [INFO] Trying to access SAP Container Artifactory by pulling an image...

Error response from daemon: Get no basic auth credentials

You need to login to access SAP Container Artifactory.

1) Login with Technical User

2) Login with S-User

Please select one of the login options: 2

Please provide username: I338450

Please provide password:

WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /root/.docker/config.json.

Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

Login Succeeded

2019-01-30T04:20:01+0000 [INFO] Checking access...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:06+0000 [INFO] Checking push to internal docker registry...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:06+0000 [INFO] Checking pull from internal docker registry...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:07+0000 [INFO] Checking helm client is 2.8.x, 2.9.x, 2.10.x or 2.11.x...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:07+0000 [INFO] Checking if helm installed and initialized...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:10+0000 [INFO] Wait until tiller is ready...

2019-01-30T04:20:10+0000 [INFO] Checking if helm is ready...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:10+0000 [INFO] Checking if there is no failed helm chart in the namespace...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:10+0000 [INFO] Checking if there are any existing persistent volume claims...OK!

2019-01-30T04:20:11+0000 [INFO] End of pre-flight checks


The install will progress from here on and download the images in the ECR address updated using the environment variables: Inputs needed


    1. Accept and Authorize download and installation of docker images.


    1. Provide Subject alternate names for the SSL certificates < this is needed if you want to utilize K8S generated certificates, in our case we wont be using them>


    1. Provide system user Password and vora default tenant password

By running the SAP Data Hub installer and by using built-in operators of SAP Data Hub, Docker images will be built by automatically downloading and installing: (a) Docker images from SAP Docker Registry; (b) Docker images from third party registries; and (c) open source prerequisites from third party open source repositories.

The Docker images from the SAP Docker Registry are part of the SAP Data Hub product. Use of these images is governed by the terms of your commercial agreement with SAP for the SAP Data Hub.

The Docker images from third party registries and open source prerequisites from third party open source repositories (collectively, the “Third Party Prerequisites”) are prerequisites of SAP Data Hub that usually would have to be downloaded and installed by customers from third party repositories before deploying the SAP Data Hub. For the customers' convenience, the SAP Data Hub installer and built-in operators automatically download and install the Third Party Prerequisites on behalf of the customer. The Third Party Prerequisites are NOT part of the SAP Data Hub and SAP does not accept any responsibility for the Third Party Prerequisites, including, providing support. Use of the Third Party Prerequisites is solely at customers’ risk and subject to any third party licenses applicable to the use of such prerequisites. Customers are responsible for keeping the Third Party Prerequisites up-to-date, and are asked to make use of the respective community support and / or to consider commercial support offerings.

The Third Party Prerequisites and associated license information are listed in the Release Note for SAP Data Hub that is published at the download site for SAP Data Hub.

I authorize the download and installation of Docker images from the SAP Docker Registry and Third Party Prerequisites from third party repositories, and acknowledge the foregoing disclaimer. (yes/no) yes




No SSL certificate has been provided via the --provide-certs parameter. The SAP Data Hub installer will generate a self-signed certificate for TLS and JWT.

Please enter the SAN (Subject Alternative Name) for the certificate, which must match the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Kubernetes node to be accessed externally:

SAP Data Hub System Tenant Administrator Credentials

Provide a password for the "system" user of "system" tenant.

The password must have 8-255 characters and must contain lower case, upper case, numerical and special characters . @ # $ %% * - + _ ? !

Please enter a password for "system" user of "system" tenant:

Please reenter your password:

SAP Dat Hub Initial Tenant Administrator Credentials

Provide a username and password for administrator user of "default" tenant.

The username must have at least 4 and at most 60 characters

Allowed characters: alphabetic(only lowercase), digits and hyphens

Username is not allowed to begin/end with hyphens and cannot contain multiple consecutive hyphens

Please enter a username for default tenant: vora

Do you want to use the same "system" user password for "vora" user of "default" tenant? (yes/no) yes

Do you want to configure security contexts for Hadoop/Kerberized Hadoop? (yes/no) no

2019-01-30T04:24:32+0000 [INFO] Configuring contexts with: python2.7 -a -n --set Vora_JWT_Issuer_NI.default --set Vora_Default_TLS_Configuration_NI.default

secret "vora.conf.secop.contexts" created

secret "vora.conf.secop.contexts" labeled

2019-01-30T04:24:33+0000 [INFO] Vora streaming tables require Vora's checkpoint store\n

Enable Vora checkpoint store? (yes/no) no

###### Configuration Summary #######


  AUDITLOG_MODE: production

















  ENABLE_RBAC: 'yes'

  ENABLE_UAA: 'true'
















Do you want to start the installation with this configuration (yes/no) yes

2019-01-30T04:24:43+0000 [INFO] Updating installer configuration...

secret "installer-config" created

secret "installer-config" labeled


2019-01-30T04:24:44+0000 [INFO] Image already exists on the target registry "" as "", will not mirror

2019-01-30T04:24:44+0000 [INFO] Image already exists on the target registry "" as "consul:0.9.0", will not mirror

2019-01-30T04:24:45+0000 [INFO] Image already exists on the target registry "" as "", will not mirror

2019-01-30T04:24:45+0000 [INFO] Image already exists on the target registry "" as "", will not mirror

..... ..



Note in the screenshot above, I had already run the install once before and hence the docker images were already downloaded.


Keep monitoring the PODS spinning up in K8S dashboard and check for example if the Persitent volume claims on the storage volumes are going through well or if there are certain PODS failing with errors , if such is the case, click on the LOGS to see the error messages on each such failing pods. Example below , see the HANA POD:


Launch a shell inside a POD --> click on the POD --> from right hand top select "EXEC" :



At the End of installation , a validation check is done on Vora-cluster, sparkonk8s etc.


2019-01-30T04:36:03+0000 [INFO] Labelling persistent volume claims...

persistentvolumeclaim "data-log-hana-0" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "data-vora-disk-0" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "data-vora-dlog-0" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "data-vora-dlog-1" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "data-vora-dlog-2" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "datadir-vora-consul-0" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "datadir-vora-consul-1" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "datadir-vora-consul-2" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "trace-hana-0" labeled

persistentvolumeclaim "layers-volume-vsystem-vrep-0" labeled

2019-01-30T04:36:05+0000 [INFO] Validating...

2019-01-30T04:36:05+0000 [INFO] Running validation for vora-cluster...OK!

2019-01-30T04:37:59+0000 [INFO] Running validation for vora-sparkonk8s...OK!

2019-01-30T04:38:41+0000 [INFO] Running validation for vora-vsystem...OK!

2019-01-30T04:38:48+0000 [INFO] Running validation for vora-diagnostic...OK!

2019-01-30T04:43:54+0000 [INFO] Running validation for datahub-app-base-db...OK!


Once the install finishes Verify the various PODS are running under the datahub24 namespace:


[ec2-user@<> ~]$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE       NAME                                                              READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE

datahub24       audit-log-viewer-5sd29-97d8b6dc7-tjkg4                            3/3       Running            0          2d

datahub24       audit-log-viewer-pkqjv-85bdcf9867-s7vwm                           3/3       Running            0          2d

datahub24       auditlog-787bfc46f8-w8j9j                                         1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       connection-management-2klfm-b5d8b9d4c-8gcjg                       3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       connection-management-mtknw-5bc4cf5c84-ftjpx                      3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       connection-management-xws79-5b44778855-hqb6m                      3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       datahub-app-db-f2xp5-5bd9dd64bb-6ll8f                             3/3       Running            0          23d

datahub24       datahub-app-db-kl85c-7dc757c7d5-n4cb4                             3/3       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-elasticsearch-0                                       0/1    CrashLoopBackOff   6390       23d

datahub24       diagnostics-elasticsearch-retention-policy-6498488546-8st5n       1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-fluentd-76jvh                                         1/1       Running            0          6d

datahub24       diagnostics-fluentd-bh7zx                                         1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-fluentd-qdr77                                         1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-grafana-6cc75dfdd-gh5hp                               2/2       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-kibana-6d789c9789-nd5bj                               2/2       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-prometheus-kube-state-metrics-6c4b796879-kbkbg        1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-prometheus-node-exporter-dqhxb                        1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-prometheus-node-exporter-hp8n6                        1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       diagnostics-prometheus-node-exporter-lqns7                        1/1       Running            0          23d

          0          6d

datahub24       diagnostics-prometheus-pushgateway-58bb88c4d6-c6qxl               2/2       Running            0          6d

          0          6d

datahub24       diagnostics-prometheus-server-0                                   1/1       Running            0          2d

datahub24       flowagent-5cs77-77b848f7b6-tl9lh                                  3/3       Running            0          2d

datahub24       flowagent-nzp85-cd7855484-p762j                                   3/3       Running            0          2d

datahub24       hana-0                                                            1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       internal-comm-secret-gen-8wgpd                                    0/1       Completed          0          23d

datahub24       launchpad-ddppk-55c669755c-2rgzt                                  3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       launchpad-h9gqt-7cdb6dbcd8-fdpqt                                  3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       launchpad-hpvfp-64fc44dc89-9n465                                  3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       launchpad-js56k-865f9bbff8-wlbvk                                  3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       launchpad-jxhsq-787d74cfd4-v8ccs                                  3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       license-management-bdtq6-85bd9b88b7-k88rc                         3/3       Running            0          23d

datahub24       license-management-nbpt9-64bbc799c-zkl87                          3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       metadata-explorer-mnxlg-69768799f-kjkvf                           3/3       Running            1          12d

datahub24       metadata-explorer-pq6mr-5ddb5dd8d8-x2wmh                          3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       metadata-explorer-rrf5s-84f9686975-qnvzc                          3/3       Running            1          12d

datahub24       metadata-explorer-z995p-64c485856c-kk8jd                          3/3       Running            0          8d

datahub24       monitoring-29qx9-8544fb8594-d248s                                 3/3       Running            0          10d

datahub24       monitoring-6tccm-65cdc5555c-t5hsw                                 3/3       Running            0          2d

datahub24       monitoring-pm4hr-84c749f85b-bs9qk                                 3/3       Running            2          12d

datahub24       monitoring-r5pnh-9856594fc-btbk7                                  3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       scheduler-glwjq-676bb758fb-ljpd4                                  3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       shared-2nj2x-679666c7fd-mnr6q                                     3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       system-management-8p7fp-6bb84c4cd-scbsq                           3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       system-management-9kw5g-6787955c57-mktlw                          3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       system-management-g2k7d-9f8894996-lxnsb                           3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       system-management-lm29n-65d6cdd67c-jv8k6                          3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       system-management-pjsts-754dff5c59-9lhl2                          3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       task-application-6rgnp-5d6fb96d8f-fszgz                           3/3       Running            0          2d

datahub24       uaa-5db6c9d965-kvpzf                                              2/2       Running            1          9d

datahub24       vora-catalog-54b6c76cb9-flw5b                                     2/2       Running            2          23d

datahub24       vora-config-init-jrwh5                                            0/2       Completed          0          23d

datahub24       vora-consul-0                                                     1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-consul-1                                                     1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-consul-2                                                     1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-deployment-operator-c8c848767-ghklm                          1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-disk-0                                                       2/2       Running            0          6d

datahub24       vora-dlog-0                                                       2/2       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-dlog-1                                                       2/2       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-dlog-2                                                       2/2       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-dlog-admin-t7znm                                             0/2       Completed          0          23d

datahub24       vora-doc-store-755689c9d4-k77b6                                   2/2       Running            2          23d

datahub24       vora-graph-7bbdcbff78-8g4hd                                       2/2       Running            2          23d

datahub24       vora-landscape-59664c66fc-cqbfd                                   2/2       Running            1          23d

datahub24       vora-nats-streaming-9d44586f8-2ckqr                               1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-relational-fd7fb7d9-qnqmz                                    2/2       Running            2          23d

datahub24       vora-security-operator-946cbf44f-bw8q9                            1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-spark-resource-staging-server-7548d94c9b-kkkgn               1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-textanalysis-6fc6db7f9b-7qb27                                1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vora-time-series-98c95d7-8m9gl                                    2/2       Running            1          23d

datahub24       vora-tools-225cq-7dc4c9cfb5-sq5s6                                 3/3       Running            0          10d

datahub24       vora-tools-kmvwr-559dbb64c4-b29xw                                 3/3       Running            0          22d

datahub24       vora-tools-rhkb9-575dbdfc85-brv52                                 3/3       Running            0          12d

datahub24       vora-tx-broker-6864547954-6lm2d                                   2/2       Running            2          23d

datahub24       vora-tx-coordinator-6544b9bfd6-pcsjg                              2/2       Running            1          23d

datahub24       vora-tx-lock-manager-5c8699cb6-mhmk9                              2/2       Running            2          23d

datahub24       voraadapter-gq4dt-669f4b4944-r54f8                                3/3       Running            0          23d

datahub24       voraadapter-pdkgm-56fb9f466d-kh5lv                                3/3       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vsystem-fdcf96cbf-mbhn8                                           2/2       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vsystem-module-loader-bbprd                                       1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vsystem-module-loader-c57x6                                       1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vsystem-module-loader-v5fqt                                       1/1       Running            0          23d

datahub24       vsystem-vrep-0                                                    1/1       Running            0          23d

default         busybox                                                           1/1       Running            575        23d

ingress-nginx   nginx-ingress-controller-75cd585bbc-sjxf4                         1/1       Running            0          13d

kube-system     aws-node-292gw                                                    1/1       Running            2          25d

kube-system     aws-node-5d8wt                                                    1/1       Running            2          25d

kube-system     aws-node-whz2n                                                    1/1       Running            1          23d

kube-system     heapster-7ff8d6bf9f-lsk5x                                         1/1       Running            0          23d

kube-system     kube-dns-5579bfd44-6qpxd                                          3/3       Running            0          23d

kube-system     kube-proxy-4g6qf                                                  1/1       Running            0          23d

kube-system     kube-proxy-chmgh                                                  1/1       Running            1          25d

kube-system     kube-proxy-sdq7k                                                  1/1       Running            2          25d

kube-system     kubernetes-dashboard-669f9bbd46-ccp8m                             1/1       Running            0          23d

kube-system     monitoring-influxdb-cc95575b9-24qxg                               1/1       Running            0          23d

kube-system     prodding-walrus-kube-lego-85467b8dd4-vqxm7                        1/1       Running            0          12d

kube-system     tiller-deploy-f9b8476d-wnmgj                                      1/1       Running            0          23d


Access Datahub application : Datahub application is exposed by vsystem Service, Open K8s dashboard and select your namespace(datahub24 in my case) goto "Discovery and Load  Balancing"  --> services --> find vsystem and the port -->



Open a ssh tunnel from your laptop to this port 31855 in the above case:

C:\Users\i338450>ssh -L 31855:localhost:31855 -i EMT_KEY.pem ec2-user@

Access the application on : https://localhost:31855




EXPOSING Datahub App Endpoint on AWS Route 53 Domain

I had registered Domain on AWS : beforehand, so wanted to expose the Datahub vsystem App endpoint as https://poc1.<..>.com. So first create a Domain using route 53, once this is done we would be able to add the CNAME = poc1.<...>.com pointing to the Ingress IP address (Follow the steps below):

As per the installation guide, we first generate an open ssl certificate and expose it as a secret in K8S :

[root@<> ec2-user]# openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /tmp/tls.key -out /tmp/tls.crt -subj "/"

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key



writing new private key to '/tmp/tls.key'


[root@<>-user]# kubectl -n datahub24 create secret tls vsystem-tls-certs --key /tmp/tls.key --cert /tmp/tls.crt

secret "vsystem-tls-certs" created

[root@<> ec2-user]# kubectl apply -f

     kubectl apply -f

     kubectl apply -f

namespace "ingress-nginx" created

configmap "nginx-configuration" created

configmap "tcp-services" created

configmap "udp-services" created

serviceaccount "nginx-ingress-serviceaccount" created "nginx-ingress-clusterrole" created "nginx-ingress-role" created "nginx-ingress-role-nisa-binding" created "nginx-ingress-clusterrole-nisa-binding" created

deployment.apps "nginx-ingress-controller" created


We would eventually need TLS/SSL on our endpoint https://poc1.<..>.com , this can be easily done with Free Certificate authority LetsEncrypt : more details :

For https we have to install  kube-lego chart , email address is mandatory, kube-lego will pick up the change to the Ingress object, request the certificate from LetsEncrypt and store it in the “vsystem-tls-cert” Secret.(which we would be creating subsequently) In turn, the NGINX Ingress Controller will read the TLS configuration and load the certificate from the Secret. Once the NGINX server is updated, a visit to the domain in the browser should present the datahub App site over a secure TLS connection.

[ec2-user@<> tmp]$  helm install stable/kube-lego --namespace kube-system --set config.LEGO_EMAIL=<Enter Your Email>,config.LEGO_URL=

NAME:   prodding-walrus

LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Feb  9 20:29:47 2019

NAMESPACE: kube-system



==> v1beta1/Deployment


prodding-walrus-kube-lego  1        0        0           0          0s

==> v1/Pod(related)

NAME                                        READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE

prodding-walrus-kube-lego-85467b8dd4-vqxm7  0/1    Pending  0         0s


This chart installs kube-lego to generate TLS certs for Ingresses.


> kube-lego is in maintenance mode only. There is no plan to support any new

>  features. The officially endorsed successor is cert-manager



apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Ingress


  name: example

  namespace: foo

  annotations: nginx

    # Add to generate certificates for this ingress 'true'



    - host:



          - backend:

              serviceName: exampleService

              servicePort: 80

            path: /


    # With this configuration kube-lego will generate a secret in namespace foo called `example-tls`

    # for the URL ``

    - hosts:

        - ""

      secretName: example-tls


We are now ready to deploy the Ingress:

My ingress YAML File:

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ cat ingress.yaml

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1

kind: Ingress


  annotations: "true" 500m "true" nginx "true" HTTPS 500m 16k "30" "1800" "1800" "true"

  name: vsystem



  - host: <DNS_REPLACE>



      - backend:

          serviceName: vsystem

          servicePort: 8797

        path: /


  - hosts:


    secretName: vsystem-tls-certs

Note Carefully replace <DNS_REPLACE> as below :

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ export dns_domain=poc1.<....>.com

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ cat ingress.yaml| sed "s/<DNS_REPLACE>/${dns_domain}/g" | kubectl -n datahub24 apply -f -

ingress.extensions "vsystem" created

describe your Ingress :

[ec2-user@<> ~]$ kubectl -n datahub24 describe ingress

Name:             vsystem

Namespace:        datahub24

Address:          adb19<.......>

Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (<none>)


  vsystem-tls-certs terminates


  Host                 Path  Backends

  ----                 ----  --------

                       /   vsystem:8797 (<none>)

Annotations:              500m       HTTPS  30        true      16k     1800           true              true   {"apiVersion":"extensions/v1beta1","kind":"Ingress","metadata":{"annotations":{"":"true","":"500m","":"true","":"nginx","":"true","":"HTTPS","":"500m","":"16k","":"30","":"1800","":"1800","":"true"},"name":"vsystem","namespace":"datahub24"},"spec":{"rules":[{"host":"","http":{"paths":[{"backend":{"serviceName":"vsystem","servicePort":8797},"path":"/"}]}}],"tls":[{"hosts":[""],"secretName":"vsystem-tls-certs"}]}}                     nginx                          true     500m  1800


  Type    Reason  Age   From                      Message

  ----    ------  ----  ----                      -------

  Normal  CREATE  26m   nginx-ingress-controller  Ingress datahub24/vsystem

  Normal  UPDATE  26m   nginx-ingress-controller  Ingress datahub24/vsystem


Note AWS has automatically assigned a classic load balance with A-Record : adb<......>

Check this at the AWS console under load balances:



Lets now create a CNAME in route 53 and assign poc1.<...>.com to the load balancer DNS name(A record) :



Wait for a few minutes for the DNS change to propagate or if you are too eager change TTL(seconds) to 60 in the record set. Access the application as : https://poc1.<...>.com 🙂

Note that the URL is already https secured as we had kube-lego in the steps above to call LetEncrypt to SSL secure the DNS_NAME defined in the Ingress YAML.



Including once more screenshot, as this is my favorite screen:


Overall its fairly easy to install SAP DATAHUB, the complexity often arises with the use of technologies such as docker , kubernetes but that's more of a learning curve.