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In this blog ,

  • The O/S SLES 12 SP3 will be used

  • This is not based on SAP High-Availability scenario.

  • The source system is S/4 1511 SR1 ( a fresh installation ) on a HANA 1.0

  • Minimum Requirement of the HANA DB for S/4 1809 = HANA 2.0 SPS 03 Revision 33


First of all - we will need to upgrade the HANA 1.0 to 2.0


1) Download the HANA Media ( 2.0 SPS 03 Rev 33 ) from Marketplace.





==> SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0 SPS03 rev33 Linux x86_64 1/4 ( and also the 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 )


2) Uncar the downloaded Media to a temporary file system.

in this case, i save this HANA Media to the /backup .... folder.


3) Upgrade the HANA 1.0 to 2.0

Stopsap using following command:-

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <Instance Number> -function StopSystem


Execute the following command in O.S Level :



Select Option 1.


Approximately it will take around 1 hour for the upgrade ( depends on the performance )


Check the HANA version after upgrade. 


Startup SAP system using following command:-

/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr <Instance Number> -function StartSystem


4) Generate Stack File via Maintenance Planner

The software required for the upgrade will be pushed to the Download Basket of the same Marketplace ID ( S-User ) you used to launch the Maintenance Planner.

Upload all the software to a 'download folder' in the server.

The .xml file generated from Maintenance Planner has to be in the same download folder.


5) Simplification Item Catalog (SIC)

The additional effort compared with the ERP6 upgrade is the Simplification Item Catalog (SIC).

SIC is needed when perform system conversion and also system upgrade for S/4.

The blog written by Markus Goebel has a very details information about the Simplification Item Catalog.

Note : transport-based-correction ( TCI ) has to be enabled before 'installing' the SIC Tool.


Launch the report : /SDF/RC_START_CHECK

Choose Target SAP S/4HANA Version = S/4HANA 1809 Initial Stack

The execution of the SIC and a result without Error is mandatory.

The Software Update Manager ( SUM ) will check the status of the SIC.

SUM will not proceed to the next step if the SIC has Error(s).


Note : The test machine I used to upgrade to 1809 is a 1511 system without any customization. For a productive system with customization, you might want to allocate longer time for clearing the items listed in SIC.


6) Release all TRs before launching the Software Update Manager

Ensure all the Transport Request ( TRs ) are not in Modifiable status.


7) Launch Software Update Manager
Uncar the SUM ( in this blog, I used the SUM 2.0 SP03 )

Use the following command to launch the SUM.

    SUMSTART confighostagent <SAP System ID>


Access to the SUM ( ABAP in this case ) via Chrome or I.E.

https://<hostname>:1129/lmsl/sumabap/<SAP System ID>/doc/sluigui

Login with the ID : <SID>adm


Enter the full path to the .xml file.


Key in the password accordingly.    


Update the SPAM ( you can also update the SPAM before triggering the SUM ).


Review the information and proceed to next SUM Stage.


This is a demo system, thus i select single system with longer downtime.




Key in the number of processes according to the system resources.



Key in the schema password.


The default languages is EN and DE.


In this test system, there is no Customer Change Request.


In this test system, there is no SPDD/SPAU Transport Request.


Review the information and proceed to the next SUM stage.


Lock the Development Environment.

The SAP system will be stopped and prompt for backup.
After backup completed. We will be entering to the Execution Phase.


Trigger another backup upon the completion of Execution Stage.


Press next to continue.


Press next to continue.


You may do this now or later ( within 14 days ). In this blog my source system do not has any customization therefore these 199 developments might arised from the SAPnotes has been implemented to the system before the upgrade start.


Run the Note Reset or re implement the necessary notes in SPAU.




Upgrade from S/4 1511 to S/4 1809 is now technically completed.

You can now cleanup the Software Update Manager.


Login to the SAP system and check the components.

Proceed with the relevant post-upgrade tasks like ABAP Load Generation...etc.


That's all the simple steps to upgrade from S/4HANA 1511 to S/4HANA 1809.

Enjoy & welcome to S/4HANA 1809.



2568783 - (Release Note for Software Provisioning Manager 2.0)

2625407 - SAP S/4HANA 1809: Release Information Note

2659828 - SAP S/4HANA 1809 Feature Package Stack 00: Additional Release Information

2108832 - How to Mass Reset in SPAU

2689851 - SAP S/4HANA 1809 (Documentation Corrections)

2670175 - ABAP Platform 1809 – General Information

2670347 - ABAP Platform 1809 – Restrictions

2659710 - SAP S/4HANA 1809: Restriction Note

2214409 - SAP S/4HANA: Compatible Add-ons

2378962 - SAP HANA 2.0 Revision and Maintenance Strategy

2551355 - SAP HANA Platform 2.0 SPS 03 Release Note

2502552 - S4TC - S/4HANA Conversion & Upgrade new Simplification Item Checks

2187425 - Information about SAP Note Transport based Correction Instructions (TCI)
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