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I could not attend both TechEd's in Las Vegas and Barcelona, but I tried to follow it online and from the fellows' tweets.

4 or 5 years ago bill.mcdermott has declared in an interview (sorry I could not remember exactly) that: " SAP will be a cloud company powered by HANA and presented by beautiful Fiori screens.

This year I am really convinced that SAP almost hit their targets:

  1. Almost all major SAP offerings are moved to cloud or has a cloud native twin.

  2. SAP has cloud platform with full support of Cloud Foundry principles with Kubernetes support. Now extending SAP Cloud Products are so easy.

  3. Existing expertise is not wasted, ABAP now in CP.

(Many thanks to steinermatt  for the screenshot, I get it from his twitter feed)

However I am very much impressed to see how Intelligent Enterprise is evolved into something real: SAP Intelligent RPA Studio.

This will really change the rules in RPA market, any process/step in most of the SAP products (S/4HANA, Ariba, Concur, SF, I can only noticed these ones in Keynote today) can be recorded and enhanced (this means you teach the bots) and can be saved as a bot skills. Building combinations/collaborations of bot skills are designed as process automation. Great thing is CoPilot can consume these automation.

(Many thanks to tammy.powlas3  for the screenshot, I get it from her twitter feed)

I have only one concern : pricing. SAP Ecosytem need a simple pricing !!! Please do it right at first time.

Now there are real and solid reasons to move to new SAP World.
