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Link of Part 1: S/4HANA 1809 FPS00: Installation Preparation

In part I of S/4HANA 1809 FPS00 Installation series, I have highlighted steps for preparation before installation procedure can be started. This blog highlights the steps to be followed for the installation of SAP S/4HANA Server 1809 FPS00.

NOTE: SWPM will only install S/4HANA Server 1809 and all the add-on installation i.e. Fiori Front End Server, Fiori for S/4HANA etc. will be part of Upgrade procedure (SUM)

Installation Procedure

This section highlights the necessary steps for S/4HANA 1809 installation.

HANA Database

First we will prepare HANA database, we can even install HANA database along with SWPM procedure. I already have MDC install of HANA database in place. I won't be creating tenant manually, instead SWPM install procedure will create it as you will see in below topic.

Installation of HANA database still stays the same and you can search in google about HANA installation and there are many good articles which describes steps to install HANA database in details. But still for your reference you can follow below links for HANA database installation -

But you have to make sure that your HANA Database version is on minimum HDB 2.0 SPS 03 Revision 33

NOTE: Started with HANA 2.0 SPS 01, MDC is the default option. When you create a database, by default a SYSTEMDB and one tenant with same SID will be created together. If you want to create a SYSTEMDB only, without any tenant follow below SAP Note.

But if you are performing HANA database installation with SWPM, it will create a database with SYSTEMDB and one tenant with same SID.

Post Activities on HANA database needs to be performed as per business requirement and there are some standard practice that you can adopt. Below are some of the reference link for post activities in HANA database

NOTE: Make sure that the backup directory on HANA database has minimum of 40-50 GB of space available. As procedure will extract installation archives from zip files to backup directory which you will see in below topic.

S/4HANA Installation using SWPM

If you want to start procedure using URL you can use below command, otherwise to execute procedure on terminal you have to set display variable first and then execute second command.

Command 1: # ./sapinst SAPINST_STACK_XML=/sapkit/S4HANA/S4H_1809/stack.xml

Command 2 (Start SWPM using terminal):

# ./sapinst SAPINST_STACK_XML=/sapkit/S4HANA/S4H_1809/stack.xml SAPINST_SLP_MODE=false

I'm using URL to install S/4HANA 1809, so I have executed command 1. Enter "root" user and password and continue with the selection of installation. As I'm installing ASCS/PAS on one host and DB on another host, I have selected standard installation.

I need to customize some parameter, so I have chosen "Custom"

Check SAP SID and mount directory

As I have not created <sid>adm, sapadm users in advance, SWPM is prompting to provide password for the administrator users.

Enter database information. Even if you have not installed HANA database, provide server information on which you would like to install database.

If it could not find database on that server, it would have allowed you to install database on it by asking for media. But as we have already install HANA database, it has detected the same. But I have not created tenant with SID - S4H, so SWPM procedure will create it.

Enter relevant HANA multi tenant database containers information

As my database version was on HANA 2.0 SPS 03 Revision 31, it has not allowed to proceed further. So I have updated my HANA version to HANA 2.0 SPS 03 Revision 33 and after that I was able to proceed further. So make sure your HANA database is on HDB 2.0 SPS 03 Revision 33

Provide Kernel Location

The reason of choosing central directory for client is that in future if I have to update HANA client then I just have to update it centrally rather than to update locally on each server which is time consuming.

You have downloaded database installation export archives from Service Market place (S4CORE103_databackup*.ZIP - 20 files). Provide the path of the installation export archive, you don't need to extract zip files.

If it could find all 20 files, then it would not prompt you below screen.

The ABAP database schema is named SAPHANADB. This name cannot be changed.

I have kept default import parameters for HANA. You can change based on your need.

If you want to install web dispatcher or gateway with message server or not.

As I will be starting SUM immediately after SWPM execution, it is crucial that you configure Transport Management System with SWPM. Later you can change it according to business compliance.

Default SPAM/SAINT version is 69 but when you perform upgrade some add-on requires minimum version 70 for SPAM/SAINT. So kindly provide latest SPAM/SAINT version or perform upgrade after installation otherwise you will get an error when you are performing upgrade.

In my next blog, I will show you which error you will encounter if you don't have latest SPAM installed in your system.

Confirm whether you want to start SUM automatically.

If you want to install additional language, kindly provide path. By default only German and English languages are installed in the system.

ERROR: Extracted backup check failed. Error: A backup name 'S4CORE103' does not exist at /usr/sap/SID/HDB00/backup/data/DB_SID

Solution: After providing relevant packages of installation export for S/4HANA 1809 in zip format, it extracts S4CORE103_databackup* files in backup directory of HANA database. The path of backup directory will be one you have set in “basepath_databackup” parameter in HANA. In our case it is /hana/backup/data.

But there is some error in SWPM, which checks S4CORE103 files in default backup directory i.e. /usr/sap/SLH/HDB00/backup/data/DB_<SID>

As it could not get the relevant file in the default path it provides below error message. So transfer extracted S4CORE103* files from your custom backup path to default backup path or create symbolic link in default path pointing to custom path where files are extracted and then click Ok or Retry

The reason why installation zip files get extracted in database server is that, it builds the system by using backup/restore method. Due to which installation is taking less time and I think that also the reason why it has default ABAP schema as SAPHANADB which cannot be changed.


SUM will start immediately after end of SWPM procedure.

Installation Procedure using SWPM only install S/4HANA 1809 On Premise product, add-on's like Fiori Front End Server 5.0, Fiori for S/4HANA are installed during upgrade using SUM procedure. It's steps are mentioned in next part of blog.

Link of Part 3: S/4HANA 1809 FPS00: Installation Procedure – II

Learning Highlights

  1. S/4HANA 1809 Installation can be performed using SWPM 2.0 SP 01 or higher.

  2. Minimum HANA Database version required is HANA 2.0 SPS 03 Revision 32 or higher.

  3. Database can be installed using SWPM

  4. The ABAP database schema is named SAPHANADB. This name cannot be changed.

  5. Default languages installed with S/4HANA 1809 is English and German.

  6. Make the database installation export archive available on the installation host. Do not unpack zip files, just provide them path when prompted.

  7. Installation is taking less time as it is building server using restore method from the database installation export archive provided in the form of zip files (20 files). In SWPM takelist "Installing SAP Product from HANA backup", you can see a session in HANA database running "RECOVER DATA FOR SID USING FILE ('<database server backup path>') CLEAR LOG". I think that also the reason why it has default ABAP schema as SAPHANADB which cannot be changed.

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