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Tutorial 1: Create a native iOS application (Fiori Master-Detail template) with SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS

About me :

Hi, my name is Guillaume HENIQUE, I am a French student in an engineering school specialised in Computer Sciences. I am currently in the second year of my three-year program and I work at SAP France as an intern in the Presales Innovation Lab in Paris. As a developer, I learnt the Swift language at Sap so I am not really an expert in this particular language but I still found it interesting to write this tutorial to demonstrate that the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS highly facilitates the creation of Native iOS applications.

Introduction :

This tutorial aims at creating a native iOS Application that gives a view of an Odata Back-End using the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS.

In this step 1 we will learn how to create a skeleton of a Native iOS App from the SAP Cloud Platform.

This App will consume the ES5 Back-End thanks to the es5 destination that you will be asked to create in the prerequisites.

We will use this skeleton in the next tutorial to generate the real application thanks to the Assistant of SAP Cloud Platform SDK for IOS.


Prerequisites :


  • You need to have a SAP Cloud Platform Account to follow this tutorial. If you don't have one yet, please click on this link and follow the tutorial made by lpareek.


  • You need to create an account on Gateway Demo system to follow this tutorial. If you don't have one please click on  this link and follow the tutorial made by Jonathan Baker.


  • You need to create a ES5 Destination on SAP Cloud Platform, to do so, please click on this link and follow the tutorial made by Jim Jaquet.

             Notice that you must use the following URL instead of the one provided in tutorial to create your ES5 Destination on SCP:




Step 1: Create a Native iOS App skeleton on SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services


 1. Sign in to SAP Cloud Platform


2. Choose Neo Trial. 


3. Go to Services and choose Service: Development & Operations, std


4. Click on Go to Service


You are now in the Mobile Service of SAP Cloud Platform...


5. Click on Go to Mobile Applications > Native/Hybrid


6. Click on New to create a new Application.


7. Fill in with the following information:

- Config Templates : Native

-ID :

-Name : IosEs5Demo

  Then click Save


The Application skeleton is now created ! You can configure your application skeleton from the SAP Cloud Platform through this service. We now need to link it to the es5 destination that we created in the previous 1st step this tutorial...


8. Click on Connectivity.

In Connectivity section you can manage destinations that your application will consume.


9. Click on + to add a connection.


10. Choose es5 and press OK.

The App skeleton is now linked to the es5 destination, in other words the application will be able to consume the es5 Odata Back-End...


Your Native iOS App skeleton is now created and linked with the es5 destination !


To Conclude…

In this step of tutorial you discovered the SAP Cloud Platform Mobile service from which you can manage and configure your mobile applications.

You also learnt how to create a native iOS application skeleton on this service. This skeleton will be helpful to generate the real iOS application thanks to the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for ios Assistant.

I hope that this tutorial was clear and helpful for you. I would be pleased to receive some feedback from you for any suggestion or question 😃

In step 2 of this tutorial, I will show you how to easily generate a Native iOS application (Fiori Master/Detail template) without any coding with the help of SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS Assistant tool.


Next Step: Tuto 1, Step 2: Generate a native iOS application (Fiori Master-Detail template) with SAP Cloud Plat...

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