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With the latest AO and BPC 11 embedded model, you'll now be able to enter comments at any of the data cell. Unfortunately so far as I know the feature will not be included in BPC Optimized version which is the major use case for BPC embedded model.

BPC Embedded Model has another short commenting feature available since BW 740. There are a lot of known shortage for short commenting, it's only supported in Direct Update DSO or Direct Update ADSO. you can only enter 250 chars. If you enter a comment which is longer than 250, it'll just be truncated without any warning( This has been fixed by Note 2546014 ). Another problem is the comment itself is a key figure. Meaning if you have multiple key figures already, you cannot comment on the key figures themselves.

This time the new comment feature has overcome the drawbacks form the short commenting. It's cell based and across queries/workbooks. There is no length limitation any more. Further more, you can input comment on any type of cells - not only data cells, but also hierarchy nodes, sub totals, restricted key figures and so on.

Please also refer to this great blog by Frank:


You'll need to create a Document Store in BW.

You'll just need to add the Composite Provider or InfoProvider into the Document Store.

After this, you can create Aggregation Level and Input Query on top of the object you saved in the store.

Input Comment

Now under the Analysis tab, you'll see a new group of buttons. You can highlight a cell and input/edit comments.



Another option is to add or edit comments from the context menu.

When you click on save comments button, after saving, you'll see a pop up message at the bottom left corner.


The Document Store is essentially a direct update type ADSO.


The comment data is saved in the Active Table.