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  • In this blog, we consume a oData Service in Fiori-App using Eclipse.

  • This oData Service is to perform Create operation (oDataModel.Create).

  • i.e. with this oData Service, we post multiple table as input and in response we get output in separate table.

  • These table are nothing but 'Enity Set' structures.

  • For Creation of this oData-Service, which we consume here, below blog can be referred:

  • For detailed steps for Fiori-App creation, below blog can be referred:

Consume oData in Fiori-app using Eclipse

Steps are as follows:

[1] Create a button in GUI of Fiori App, in XML view

  • In page.view.xml, create a button with press event

[2] On button's click/press event, below code is to be used to consume oData Service

  • In page.controller.js, write below javaScript code to call oData Service

  • We try to POST below request to SAP's oData Service, using oData.Create method:

  • {
    "Field1": "hvl1",
    "Field2": "hvl2",
    "Field3": "hvl3",
    "ItemSet": [
    "IFLD1": "rv11",
    "IFLD2": "rv12",
    "IFLD3": "rv13"
    "IFLD1": "rv21",
    "IFLD2": "rv22",
    "IFLD3": "rv23"
    "NAVRESULT": [
    "MSG1": "",
    "MSG2": ""

  • if we see above request XML, we are passing inputs as below:

    • Entity ‘Header’: At header level one row input (Field1,Field2,Field3)

    • Entity ‘Item’:      At Item level two row input (ItemSet)

    • Entity ‘Result’:   one blank row, this is required to get output (NAVRESULT)

  • pressBtn_oDataCreate: function() {

    //Wait-Processing Dialog
    var lv_BusyDialog = new sap.m.BusyDialog({
    text: "Processing..."

    //Begin of oDataService's Request Preparation------------------
    var lv_srvRequest = {}; //To contain input
    lv_srvRequest.ItemSet = []; //Array to accept item level
    lv_srvRequest.NAVRESULT = []; //Array to store Result

    //Header Input
    lv_srvRequest.Field1 = "hvl1";
    lv_srvRequest.Field2 = "hvl2";
    lv_srvRequest.Field3 = "hvl3";

    //Item level input- [Row-1]
    var lv_Item = {};
    lv_Item.IFLD1 = "rv11";
    lv_Item.IFLD2 = "rv12";
    lv_Item.IFLD3 = "rv13";
    lv_srvRequest.ItemSet[0] = lv_Item; //append to zero'th positon of array

    //Item level input- [Row-2]
    var lv_Item = {};
    lv_Item.IFLD1 = "rv21";
    lv_Item.IFLD2 = "rv22";
    lv_Item.IFLD3 = "rv23";
    lv_srvRequest.ItemSet[1] = lv_Item; //append to 1st postion of array

    //Blank 'Result' structure
    var lv_res = {};
    lv_res.MSG1 = "";
    lv_res.MSG2 = "";
    lv_srvRequest.NAVRESULT[0] = lv_res; //append to 1st postion of array
    //End of oDataService's Request Preparation--------------------

    //Odata Service URL Access: when running app from Eclipse
    var lv_oDataUrl = "proxy/http/hostAddr:8000//sap/opu/odata/sap/ZTEST_ODATA_SRV/";
    var lv_OModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(lv_oDataUrl, true, "userid", "password");

    //Odata Service URL Access: when running app from Fiori Launchpad
    var lv_oDataUrl = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/zmpq_sto_po_srv_srv/";
    var lv_OModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(lv_oDataUrl, true);

    //Open Busy Dialog when request processing

    // Calling Odata Service using OModel.create
    "X-Requested-With" : "XMLHttpRequest",
    "Content-Type" : "application/json",
    "DataServiceVersion" : "2.0",
    "Accept" : "application/atom+xml,application/atomsvc+xml,application/xml",
    "X-CSRF-Token" : ""

    //Call the create request
    lv_OModel.create('/HeaderSet', lv_srvRequest, null, function(oData, oResponse) {
    lv_BusyDialog.close(); //Close Busy dialog

    //extract the result
    var lv_result =;
    var msg1 = lv_result.NAVRESULT.results[0].MSG1;
    var msg2 = lv_result.NAVRESULT.results[0].MSG2;
    var lv_msg = msg1 + " " + msg2;

    //To display result in pop-up lv_msg, {
    icon : sap.m.MessageBox.Icon.SUCCESS,
    title : "oData Response",
    onClose: function(oAction) {
    //do somthing if required
    }, function(err) {
    lv_BusyDialog.close(); //Close Busy dialog
    var lvErrTxt = err.message; "OData Response: " + lvErrTxt, {
    icon : sap.m.MessageBox.Icon.ERROR,
    title : "Do you want to try again ?",
    actions: [sap.m.MessageBox.Action.YES, sap.m.MessageBox.Action.NO],
    onClose: function(oAction) {
    if ( oAction === sap.m.MessageBox.Action.YES ) {
    //If Yes clicked, one more chance to try again
    if ( oAction === sap.m.MessageBox.Action.NO ) {
    //If No clicked, then Cancel
    }}); //MessageBox close
    }); //End of OData Service Call

[3] Testing the code

  • To test the code run fiori-app project, right click on 'Index.xml' -> run as web-app preview

  • Once page appears -> click on button "oDataCreate"

  • On press event, oData Service will be called with given input and URLs.

  • On successful call, status will appear in a message pop-up box

[4] Debugging steps to understand the data flow

  • With help of following debug screen, we can understand how data is flowing from fiori app to oDataService.

  • For debug -> copy and paste URL of project in Google chrome browser -> press 'F12' key to enter in debug mode of browser -> highlight your app's page > '.controller.js' -> add breakpoints within function at line like below screen ->

  • Press 'F10' to go to next line during debugging of code

  • At line 920, variable 'lv_srvRequest', place mouse cursor here, we can see how input is ready in JSon format

  • Exploring other elements to see ready data for input, from here Header and Item set input can be seen

  • and for 'Result' Entity Set, we pass a blank row

  • Press 'F10' key to go to next line, where we can see, oData Service is been called with input and URL

  • Press 'F10' key to go to next

  • Debug enters in Fiori-oDataService's ABAP Code

  • Note: To Debug in Fiori-oDataService, your user-id should have external debug rights

  • Here, we can see, input (Request) is been received in 'IR_DEEP_ENTITY'

  • The strcure 'IR_DEEP_ENTITY; has

    • Header input           in FIELD1, FIELD2, FIELD3

    • Item Table input      in ItemSet Structure

    • and blank Row        in 'NAVRESULT' Structure

  • ItemSet Structure looks like as below

  • NAVRESULT' Structure looks like as below

  • Press 'F8' to go to next breakpoint, RFC call happens and RFC returns output in a structure 'IT_RFC_RESULT'

  • RFC output is been mapped to oDataService's response Structure (i.e. NAVRESULT)

  • Press 'F8' key to finish debug in ABAP

  • Next Debug comes in Fiori-App's page (which is opened in Google Chrome)

  • Response received from service can be seen at variable 'oResponse.Data' on which cursor is placed

  • Here both output elements 'MSG1' and 'MSG2' and concatenated and displayed with help of a message box.

  • Thus we have seen how to call/debug a oDataService from FiroiApp using Eclipse.

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