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Need help? Chase the one you can get help from. Once received, forget even to thank for the favor. It is definition of a character who contacts only to get his/her problem solved.

He/she doesn’t know the basic principle of life that being grateful opens up unimagined possibilities.

Selfish to the core, the individual remains ungrateful for whatever s/he had, has, will have.

Q. Who is that person?

A. Whoever. Doesn’t matter. What matters most is “I shouldn’t be like him/her”.

Q. How so?

A. Simple. Start thanking those who help you.

At home or at work, there’s a lot we could be grateful for.

  • Parents for their love and for raising us as we are now.

  • Siblings for being there when we need them.

  • Spouses to share all difficult (& of course pleasant) moments of our lives.

  • Children to bring smiles on our faces with their innocence and letting us forget tough times.

  • Friends to keep us lively with their jokes and support.

  • Colleagues to share work we can’t do alone.

  • Bosses to keep us challenged and to help (indirectly) for growth.

The list can be expanded, but I end it with one more item i.e. Communities to share thoughts and learn from each other. At the SAP Community Network, we talk to each other, get help and therefore have to be grateful for the wonderful advises given by many from time-to-time. I thank you all for your support.