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After having SAP Data Management explained, I wanted to get my hands onto SAP Data Hub, if possible leveraging my SAP HANA 2.0, express edition.

Before attempting to recreate my proof of concept scenario, I suggest you review the appropriate license agreements for the SAP software mentioned in this blog.

I start with Updating SAP HANA, express edition (Virtual Machine) to SP 02. I always recommend to Secure your HANA, express edition, so if you did, you would not have to worry about any libraries being up to date.

Next, I am Installing SAP HANA Smart Data Integration. This has come a long way since I had to Enable Smart Data Integration on your HANA, express edition manually, but you might still find some of the steps helpful concerning user roles and in verifying that all works as expected, especially connecting a FileAdapter to it.

With this I Create Space DATAHUB in my HANAExpress Organization:

And continue with my SAP HANA Logical Database Setup:

To complete my SAP HANA Service Broker Configuration:

This allows me to Install SAP Web IDE for SAP Data Hub. I chose the latest P02 Patch 3 for SAP WEB IDE 2 which works fine with the webide_SPS02.mtaext file from SAP Note 2476922 - Installing the SAP Data Hub Modelling Tool:

As a result, I find the SAP Web IDE Web Client in my Installed Software Component:

Subsequently I install Product SAP_DATA_HUB:

As a result, I find SAP DATA HUB 1.0 in my Installed Products:

Finally, after a successful SAP Data Hub Setup:

I can log into my still mostly empty SAP Data Hub Cockpit:

And register my first BW and HANA systems:

In my next blog, I will connect my Data Hub to my SAP Vora Developer Edition.
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