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Back in 2012 during SAP TechEd at Bangalore, attended a workshop on HCI by Sujit HemaChandran and was really wondering how this tool on cloud can fulfill the actual needs, what current on premise PI/PO is doing. By that time, (I even don’t know what tenant means, hence obviously don’t know the tenant version) while configuring the adapters in the IFLOW which created in eclipse IDE consists of only 3 adapters SFTP, IDOC and SOAP. Within these years SAP Cloud Platform Integration tool has been matured and providing many functionalities almost similar to the on premise PI/PO (however still with some limitations,AFAIK)

Business Scenario:

This document more focused on creating an IFLOW to process the field fixed length file and passing the data to SFSF EC Entities. In a simple language it’s a file to EC integration using Cloud Platform Integration. The aim of this document is to target the newbies and entry level consultants in cloud space who wants to explore SAP Cloud Platform Integration tool.

Systems Involved:

Ø  Cloud Platform Integration Tenant, lite edition, Version: 2.33.4

Ø  SFTP server

Ø  Success Factors Employee Central

Ø  Eclipse neon.3, Release (4.6.3)

Ø  Postman test tool to call the ODATA service for testing purpose


This document does not cover about configuring eclipse and installing additional software add-ons, configuring the tenant URL and test connection etc. for cloud platform integration(including runtime environment). Switch to the Integration designer perspective and choose new Integration project and IFLOW as shown in below screen shot. This will not be tough job if you already have experience in working SAP PRO(Process Orchestration)


Below is the final IFLOW design deployed in cloud integration tenant which integrates SFTP server and EC. Let’s discuss about the each step in detail.

Step 1: Configure the sender SFTP adapter

Configure the sender SFTP adapter by providing the unique name and choose the transport and message protocols from the drop down. SFTP adapter on cloud platform integration does not have the provision for File Content conversion similar to the SFTP adapter on premise PI/PO.(However we do have standard converters under message transformation, which converts CSV To XML and JSON to XML, vice-versa).In this business case there is no standard converter available to convert field fixed lengths to XML. Below screen shots refers to SFTP sender adapter configuration.

Step 2: Configuring Iterating Splitter

From the palette, select splitter step under message routing and choose configurations as per the below screen shot. Right click on the splitter and choose the relevant splitter option of your choice as per the requirement. This step splits the records in the source file at the end of the line. (Similar to new line ‘nl’ option in FCC).I was under the impression to write a groovy script to convert fixed length file to XML however HCI expert Sriprasad Shivaram Bhat mentored me to use these steps.

Step 3: Configuring Content Modifier

Use the content modifier to build the required XML payload by adding below parameters under the body properties of content modifier

Step 4: Configuring Gather

Gather step is used to combine the incoming XML messages with same format by selecting the below properties from the drop down list

Step 5: Configuring Filter

Choose the filter step and provide the below values to filter and create the nodelist.

Step 6: Second Content Modifier

Second content modifier creates the final XML structure which acts as an input to the further message mapping steps.

Output of IFLOW after the step 6 will be as follows:

Input field fixed length test file:

Output XML file:

Step 7: General Splitter

General splitter splits the Details sub node and group them into single record/message and pass it to the mapping steps. This is similar to the record set per message in SAP PI/PO sender SFTP channel.

Step 8: Sequential Multicast

Multicast step sends the source message to multiple receivers. In this case, messages send sequentially one after another, since data in the source file has to be passed first to the PerPerson entity and then to PerGlobalInfoUSA

Step 9: Message Mappings

Configure the message mapping steps from the palette and create mapping programs between the source and target structures. Use substring function and map source data to the relevant target fields.

Based on the output, after step 6 second content modifier, create the source XSD. Target XSDs will be automatically created while creating the Resource path in the receiver SFSF ODATA V2 channel

Step 10: Configure Receiver SFSF channels

Monitor the IFLOW:

Deploy the IFLOW into the HCI tenant,log into web UI and under monitor search for the IFLOW and enable log to debug mode to view the complete pipeline steps. Click on monitor message processing to check the complete message processing details


To the best of my knowledge I have explained most of the steps in detail with proper screen shots.

Happy Learning !!!
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