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The following post addresses the problem of survey summary not showing any results after 1705 Upgrade.


With 1705 upgrade, lot of additional details were added to the standard form template. From 1705, we show "Section" details as well in the generated summary document.

To achieve this, the form message type is changed to hold the additional section data. In the message type, a new substructure "Section" is introduced in the hierarchy between Survey Valuations and Survey Results. The SurveyResults is moved one level down inside Section.

( From:  FormSurveySummary->CODFormSurvey->SurveyValuations->SurveyResults[*].

To       : FormSurveySummary->CODFormSurvey->SurveyValuations->Section->SurveyResults[*]. )

To accommodate this change of the message type, new sub form frmSection’ is added under the Form frmValuations and frmQuestionBlock is moved under this sub form. The Sub form frmSection is bound to FormSurveySummary->CODFormSurvey->SurveyValuations->Section.

The form frmQuestionBlock is now bound to FormSurveySummary->CODFormSurvey->SurveyValuations->Section->SurveyResults [*].


Affected Users:

Customers who made customization to the standard form template.


If there are any customization done to the standard form template, these changes need to be adopted. Form template need to be corrected as per the new Form Message type OR the new standard form template must be downloaded and reused.