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In many discussions with Excel-VBA programmers around the world I heard that they use the function module RFC_READ_TABLE. This function module (FM) is very important for them to get data from an SAP system. Very often respectively always they don’t have the possibility to use an individual copy with modifications of this FM. So they are dependent from this FM.

The fresh SAP GUI for Windows 7.50 contains the SAP NetWeaver RFC library version 7.49 PL 0. Now it isn’t longer necessary to download the library from the support portal explicit. Collect the files sapnwrfc.dll, libicudecnumber.dll and also the international components for unicode icudt50.dll, icuin50.dll and icuuc50.dll. This is the base to use COM Connector (CCo), an ActiveX wrapper around the functions of the SAP NetWeaver RFC library. With CCo you can easily use the SAP NetWeaver RFC library with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). You can find more information here and download it here.

Here an Excel-VBA example how to use RFC_READ_TABLE with the table DD03L, which contains information about the fields of the transparent tables of an SAP system. With this program is it possible to get all information e.g. name, length etc. of the fields of a transparent table, to use it inside own VBA programs with the RFC_READ_TABLE FM. In the table parameter FIELDS you can set the fields you need. With the column LENG you can add the total length of the fields you need and you can see whether they exceed the maximum length of the DATA parameter with 512 characters.

Option Explicit

Const RFC_OK = 0

'-Sub GetTableInfo------------------------------------------------------
'- Reads a few technical information about a transparent table from
'- data dictionary table DD03L from an SAP system via CCo
Sub GetTableInfo(TableName As String)

#If Win64 Then
Dim SAP As Object
#End If
Dim hRFC As Long
Dim hFuncDesc As Long
Dim rc As Integer
Dim hFunc As Long
Dim hOptions As Long
Dim hTable As Long
Dim hFields As Long
Dim hRow As Long
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim charBuffer As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Fields() As String
Dim j As Long

Set SAP = CreateObject("COMNWRFC")
If Not IsObject(SAP) Then
Exit Sub
End If

hRFC = SAP.RfcOpenConnection("ASHOST=ABAP, SYSNR=00, " & _
If hRFC = 0 Then
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

hFuncDesc = SAP.RfcGetFunctionDesc(hRFC, "RFC_READ_TABLE")
If hFuncDesc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

hFunc = SAP.RfcCreateFunction(hFuncDesc)
If hFunc = 0 Then
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If

rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hFunc, "QUERY_TABLE", "DD03L")
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hFunc, "DELIMITER", "~")

If SAP.RfcGetTable(hFunc, "FIELDS", hFields) = RFC_OK Then
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "TABNAME")
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "FIELDNAME")
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "POSITION")
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "KEYFLAG")
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "DATATYPE")
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "LENG")
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", "DECIMALS")
End If

If SAP.RfcGetTable(hFunc, "OPTIONS", hOptions) = RFC_OK Then
hRow = SAP.RfcAppendNewRow(hOptions)
rc = SAP.RfcSetChars(hRow, "TEXT", "TABNAME = '" & TableName & "'")
End If

If SAP.RfcInvoke(hRFC, hFunc) = RFC_OK Then

'-Get the column titels-------------------------------------------
rc = SAP.RfcGetTable(hFunc, "FIELDS", hFields)
If SAP.RfcGetRowCount(hFields, rowCount) = RFC_OK Then
rc = SAP.RfcMoveToFirstRow(hFields)
For i = 1 To rowCount
hRow = SAP.RfcGetCurrentRow(hFields)
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hRow, "FIELDNAME", charBuffer, 30)
Cells(1, i) = Trim(charBuffer)
If i < rowCount Then
rc = SAP.RfcMoveToNextRow(hFields)
End If
End If

'-Get the table data of data dictionary table DD03L---------------
rc = SAP.RfcGetTable(hFunc, "DATA", hTable)
If SAP.RfcGetRowCount(hTable, rowCount) = RFC_OK Then
rc = SAP.RfcMoveToFirstRow(hTable)
For i = 1 To rowCount
hRow = SAP.RfcGetCurrentRow(hTable)
rc = SAP.RfcGetChars(hRow, "WA", charBuffer, 512)

Fields = Split(charBuffer, "~")
For j = 0 To UBound(Fields)
Cells(i + 1, j + 1) = Trim(Fields(j))

If i < rowCount Then
rc = SAP.RfcMoveToNextRow(hTable)
End If
End If

End If

rc = SAP.RfcDestroyFunction(hFunc)
rc = SAP.RfcCloseConnection(hRFC)
Set SAP = Nothing

End Sub

'-Sub Main--------------------------------------------------------------
Sub Main()

Dim TableName As String

TableName = InputBox("Name of the transparent table")
If TableName <> "" Then
GetTableInfo TableName
End If

End Sub



Here an example with the table SFLIGHT. All fields with its name are listed in the column FIELDNAME and the length in the column LENG.


This example shows how easy it is to load data from an SAP system into an Excel sheet via CCo. Also this example delivers a good way to detect information about a transparent table to use it in own VBA programs.
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