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Why SAP BusinessObjects Lumira add-on is important for a true

Trusted Data Discovery experience

(This blog is part of the Lumira 2.0 launch blog series)

Hello there, one thing I had firm in my mind when I started writing this blog post was to keep things in simple format and begin by explaining the basics first. I am going to explain why SAP BusinessObjects Lumira is uniquely positioned as THE Trusted Data Discovery product in the BI market today.

Before we get into the technical details of the architecture and the add-on itself, let’s discuss some of the basics;

What is Lumira add-on for SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform?

SAP Lumira add-on is an in-memory component that is deployed on the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform to enable users to brings their SAP Lumira content into BI platform thus allowing users to leverage the security, scalability, and ease of use that the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform provides.

(For more details, refer the latest version of the SAP Lumira, server for BI Platform User Guide available here at the Analytics Documentation Portal -

How does the add-on enable the Trusted Data Discovery experience?

I hope you would agree with me that Sharing, Securing and Scaling are the main focal points when it comes to defining a trusted data discovery experience, right? So, let’s look how SAP Lumira add-on provides all these features;


The story that you can create in SAP BusinessObjects Lumira is stored in. lumx file extension. These Lumira stories, in general, contains two Lumira assets in it - Stories and Data Sets (However, to clarify, users can have stories that can be blank).

(Datasets are nothing but collections of data used to create visualizations. You can use SAP BusinessObjects Lumira to import data to create the datasets. A story is a group of visualizations arranged on a board in SAP BusinessObjects Lumira that can be imported into the BI platform.)

A user creates a story in his / her Lumira Desktop client and then wants to share it with 100’s and 1000’s of his / her colleagues. This is where the Lumira add-on comes into play. The add-on will provide this user the option to easily share his / her story with colleagues through the professional grade powerful SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform.

Not only that, the add-on enables the users to view but also let them edit and refresh the stories with the latest dataset. As I mentioned before, all this happens with the powerful enterprise BI platform behind i.e. SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform.


Next, while a user can share his / her Lumira story with his / her colleagues easily, how secure he / she can do that? And how to define the security access so he / she can control about which user can access, view and what information? This is achieved through the native security concepts available and supported in SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform. Let’s look at how this sophisticated security mechanism applied to Lumira stories, datasets;

Authentication and Authorization – when you talk about enterprise security there are two things to discuss authentication (how to let a user access the system) and authorization (how to control the user access to a Lumira story and its dataset). Lumira add-on will fully leverage the in-built enterprise security mechanism provided by the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform to take care of the authentication and authorization requirements at enterprise level.

Also, it is important to note that Lumira supports the object level security (applying access control to a specific object within the story) and the data level security that is provided during ‘Refresh on Open’ through SAP BusinessObjects Lumira add-on for BI Platform.

All these, along with user management (managing users and groups), setting security infrastructure (SAP or third party), configuring single sign-on experience), can be achieved by having the Lumira add-on for the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform.


Next comes the third important aspect of Trusted Data Discovery – Scaling. Scaling, in general, defined by Number of users, Data Volume and Performance. Which means, the so called trusted data discovery tool/solution should be able to support 100s and 1000s of BI users access and manage their Lumira contents + the users shouldn’t feel the pain of any data volume limitations/ restrictions + having the ability to all these without compromising the performance.

Bottom line, the solution should be highly scalable by number of users, data volume and rapid access the key information from anywhere (desktop or mobile).

(For more details around security, scalability and sharing Lumira objects, refer the latest version of the SAP Lumira, server for BI Platform Admin Guide available here at the Analytics Documentation Portal -

These are the additional features that you can get when you have Lumira add-on for SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform;

  • Support for Promotion management

  • Leveraging links to your existing assets (Open document link to Web Intelligence, Crystal Reports etc.)

  • Bookmarks (personalization of documents) works only on BI platform

  • Auditing is another

  • Mobilizing your content, Viewing your Lumira documents on Mobile BI App

  • No need to have thick client for viewing and editing Lumira document (pure information consumers use case scenario)

Deploying the add-on

Let’s quickly look at the architecture before we wrap-up;

Some additional info to share…