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SAP NetWeaver Test Center has been testing Chrome 57 on Win7, Win 8.1, Mac10.12 and Win10 with NetWeaver versions 7.02, 7.30, 7.31, 7.40 and 7.50. Tests for UI5 1.28, 1.38 1.40, 1.44, 1.46 and master latest development as well as Fiori Apps and FLP run time, were executed on Win7, Win 8, Mac10.11, Win10 and Android phone and iPad Pro.
No major issues were detected for this new release, except for Google issue (687061), that was opened last release. Google fix will be available at the next release (m58).

Details about Chrome 57 features can be found in the following link:

For restrictions and limitations, see the Chrome general  note 1655306.