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We create the Dashboard for Technical Monitoring to display status of important metrics. However, the list of metrics available in standard dashboard is limited. It does not list all the metrics you have activated in Technical Monitoring Scenario.

This blog will show how we can add any metric or alert to the Dashboard.


The new metrics need to be added to table DSH_METRICS_CUST and display text for corresponding metrics should be provided in Message Class DSH_MAI_METRIC_DSCR1. The table DSH_METRICS_CUST is delivered empty and gets filled with initial entries when dashboard is opened for the first time. They are copied from table DSH_METRICS_SAP.

You can modify existing entries if required.

Add following values to table DSH_METRICS_CUST.

Column Description
TECHNICAL_NAME_ORIGINAL Technical name of the metric or alert in the Monitoring and Alerting Infrastructure. It is explained below how to get this value.
TECHNICAL_NAME Technical of the metric or alert for the Dashboard. It can be defined same as TECHNICAL_NAME_ORIGINAL.
MAI_TYPE M - Metric; E - Alert (Event)
ORIGIN S - SAP; C - Custom
VISIBLE Provide X when metric or alert should be listed by Dashboard Apps. Otherwise, field should be blank.
MSGNR Provide Message Number from Message Class provided by MSG_CLASS. It indicates descriptive text for metric or alert displayed on Dashboard
MSG_CLASS Name of the Message Class. It can be always DSH_MAI_METRIC_DSCR1.

Technical Name for any metric or alert can be identified from Template Maintenance page on the tab Metrics and Alerts, respectively.

Value for column MSGNR depends on values maintained in Message Class DSH_MAI_METRIC_DSCR1. For every new metric or alert you can add an entry in this message class using tcode SE91. Provide the own text you want to see on Dashboard in the column 'Message Short Text'. Assign Message number for every new entry. Numbers as of 900 are available for customer use.

Once all required metrics and alerts are added they will be available for selection on Dashboard apps.

The rating for Alert entry on Dashboard will be based on worst-case rule on the metrics assigned to that particular Alert. This means when any one metric turns red the Alert will be rated red.
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