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Adobe Document Services (ADS) are an SAP NetWeaver solution extension included in the SAP NetWeaver usage type Application Server (AS) Java. To process forms in an ABAP environment , the ABAP transaction dynpros or Web Dynpro ABAP applications call the ADS. The generation of forms is based on form templates designed with Adobe LiveCycle Designer and business data provided by the applications.

Once installed on the AS Java, the ADS need to be configured in order to be available for form processing.

1. Users creation

If UME on AS Java

In Identity Management http://hostname:port/useradmin

- Add action “AdobeDocumentServices (ADSCaller)” to role SAP_ADSCALLER

- Create ADSCALLERS group and assign role SAP_ADSCALLER

- Create ADSUSER, select Security Policy “Technical User” and assign group ADSCALLERS

Log on to the AS ABAP with an admin user, in the client that is used for the ADS configuration and go to transaction SU01:

- Create user ADSUSER and select user type “System”

- Create user ADS_AGENT, select user type “System” and assign roles SAP_BC_FP_ICF, SAP_BC_FPADS_ICF and SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION

Important: profile of these roles must be generated.

Go to transaction PFCG:

Create a role ADSCALLERS (no authorizations required) and assign user ADSUSER to it.


Log on to the AS ABAP with an admin user, in the client that is used for the UME authentication and go to transaction SU01:

- Create user ADSUSER and select user type “System”

- Create user ADS_AGENT, select user type “System” and assign roles SAP_BC_FP_ICF, SAP_BC_FPADS_ICF and SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION

Important: profile of these roles must be generated.

Go to transaction PFCG:

Create a role ADSCALLERS (no authorizations required) and assign user ADSUSER to it.

In Identity Management http://hostname:port/useradmin

- Add action “AdobeDocumentServices (ADSCaller)” to role SAP_ADSCALLER


- Make sure that the ADSUSER is “Technical User” and added to group ADSCALLERS

2. AS Java configuration

2.1 Web service destination

Start the SAP NetWeaver Administrator via the address http://hostname:port/nwa

Choose SOA Next navigation step Technical Configuration Next navigation step Destination Template Management

Choose New

Choose Destination Type WSIL

Enter ConfigPort_Document as Destination Name

Enter URL http://hostname:port/inspection.wsil (hostname is the AS Java hostname in which the Adobe Document Services are installed and port is the HTTP port of the AS Java)

Choose Next

Choose Authentication HTTP Authentication and select UserID/Password (Basic)

Enter User ID adsuser (with the password that you created)

Then choose Finish to save

2.2 HTTP destination

Start the SAP NetWeaver Administrator via the address http://hostname:port/nwa

Choose SOA Next navigation step Technical Configuration Next navigation step Destinations

Choose Create...

Enter FP_ICF_DATA_<SID> as Destination Name (<SID> is the AS ABAP SID)

Choose Destination Type HTTP

Choose Next

Enter URL http://ABAPhostname:port (ABAPhostname is the AS ABAP hostname)

Enter the SID and productive client of your AS ABAP system

Choose Authentication Basic (User ID and Password)

Enter User Name ads_agent (with the password that you created)

Then choose Finish to save

2.3 Reader Rights Credential

If you want to create interactive forms, you need a Reader Rights Credential (usage rights credential). For more information please follow this link: Applying a Reader Rights Credential to PDF Forms - Configuring Adobe Document Services for Form Proc...

3. AS ABAP configuration

3.1 RFC

Call transaction SM59 Next navigation step Choose Create

Enter at least the following:

- RFC destination: ADS

- Connection type: G

- Target Host: Enter the host name of the J2EE Engine that runs the Adobe document services or of the SAP Web dispatcher if applicable

- Service No.: Enter the HTTP port number of the Target Host you have specified (The following naming convention applies: 5<J2EE_instance_number>00 (50000, for example, if your J2EE instance is 00)

- Path Prefix: /AdobeDocumentServices/Config?style=rpc

Choose the Logon/Security tab, select Basic Authentication

In the User and Password boxes, enter the user name ADSUSER and the password

Save your settings

3.2 Activating the ICF services

Call transaction SICF Next navigation step Activate the following services:

default_host sap bc fp

default_host sap bc fpads

4. Configuration check and Troubleshooting

Call transaction SA38 and execute the program FP_TEST_00.

If the FP_TEST_00 form is displayed in the print preview, the ADS configuration is correct.

Call transaction SA38 and execute the program FP_PDF_TEST_00.

This enables you to check the RFC connection to ADS.

If the system displays the version number of ADS, the configuration of the RFC connection is correct.

Call transaction SA38 and execute the program FP_CHECK_DESTINATION_SERVICE without and with selecting the option "With Destination Service".

If the file size of the generated PDF is displayed the ADS configuration is correct.

If you get this error message:

SYSTEM ERROR: ADS: com.adobe.ProcessingException: com.adobe.ProcessingException: XMLFM Exception during render: com.adobe.ProcessingException(200.101).

Exception of class CX_FP_RUNTIME_INTERNAL please follow this link: ADS configuration error FP_CHECK_DESTINATION_SERVICE fails

If one of these reports does not work please refer to SAP Note 944221 for Adobe Document Services troubleshooting.

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