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This blog post is a continuation of the 2 posts below:

LE-TRA - Config Guide for Shipment & Shipment Cost Document - Part I

LE-TRA - Config Guide for Shipment & Shipment Cost Document - Part II

As I mentioned in this post's Parts I, II and III, I wrote this configuration guide for Logistics Execution Transportation (LE-TRA) sometime ago and I decided to share with this community. The whole post was divided in 3 Parts due to a SCN limitation on maximum of 20 images per post. Between all the 3 parts, the posts are more focused on freight payments and Shipment Cost Document.

I divided this blog post in 3 parts as follow:

I. Transportation – Shipment

II. Transportation Shipment Cost Document

III. Transportation - Shipment Cost Document (Cont.) (this post is covering part III)

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing and I hope you find this helpful. If you like it, I appreciate you rating this blog post.

Index / Content

Part I

  1. SAP Terminology
  2. Transportation – Shipment
  3. Master Data
  4. Maintain Transportation Planning Point
  5. Define Routes
  6. Define Modes of Transport
  7. Define Shipping Type
  8. Defining Transportation Connection Point
  9. Defining Transportation Zones
  10. Define Transportation Groups
  11. Setting up Weight Groups
  12. Define Routes and Assigning Routes
  13. Definition of routes
  14. Maintain Stages for all Routes
  15. Determining Routes
  16. Route Determination in Sales Order
  17. Configuration of Shipments
  18. Maintain Transportation Relevance
  19. Set Up Transportation Planning Points
  20. Define Shipment Type

Part II

  1. Transportation – Shipment Cost Document
  2. Shipment Cost Document Structure
  3. Define Date Rules
  4. Define and Assign Tariff Zones
  5. Define and Assign Activity Profile
  6. Define Shipment Cost types
  7. Define Item Categories:
  8. Assign Shipment Cost Type and item categories
  9. Maintain Shipment cost relevance and default for shipment cost type
  10. Define shipment cost relevance for shipment type
  11. Pricing

Part III (this post is covering part III)

  1. Define and assign shipping type procedure group
  2. Define and assign item procedure group
  3. Define Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs
  4. Maintain Price Procedure
  5. Define Pricing Procedure Determination for Shipment Costs
  6. Maintain Condition Type
  7. Settlement
  8. Assign Purchasing Data
  9. Account Determination
  10. Group Together Valuation Areas
  11. Define Valuation Classes
  12. Automatic G/L account Determination
  13. Automatic determination of CO assignments
  14. Business Process Procedure
  15. Create transportation condition records
  16. Create Delivery Document
  17. Create Shipment Document
  18. Creating Shipment Cost Document & Cost Settlement
  19. Effects of Shipment cost settlement and related documents
  20. User-Exits
  21. BADIs

Define and assign shipping type procedure group

Here you will define the Shipping type procedure group which is associated to the Shipping Type (represented mostly as the Mode of Transport). The shipping type procedure group is important to determine the pricing procedure automatically that will be used to calculate freight when shipment cost document is created.


T_72 / T_08


SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define and Assign Pricing Procedures



See below the relevant settings:

  • VC_TVFCV - Define and assign shipping type procedure group (T_72)


Define and assign item procedure group

When you create a Shipment Item Type (Item Categories), you have to assign an item procedure group. Here is where you create those item procedure groups, which are also used to pricing procedure automatic determination.




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define and Assign Pricing Procedures



  • VC_TVFT_Z - Define and assign item procedure groups (T_71)
    • This comes from item category group (Item type).



Define Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs

This is one additional element that you can use in Pricing's automatically determination. The Service agent procedure group, as you can imagine, is informed in the Freight Agent Vendor Master in the control tab (XK01).




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define and Assign Pricing Procedures



  • V_TVFCD - Service Agent Procedure Group for Shipment Costs

Maintain Price Procedure

To those are familiar with the Pricing Procedure concept (in Sales Order and Purchase Orders for example), the  Shipment pricing procedure is the same as the standard pricing procedure and uses Conditions and Access Sequence to retrieve the data from condition records (entered for example via TK11).




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define and Assign Pricing Procedures



  • VVC_T683_FA - Procedures

Define Pricing Procedure Determination for Shipment Costs

Based on the combination of Item Category Determination group, Service Agent Procedure Group, Shipping Type Procedure Group you can have the pricing procedure automatically determined in the Shipment Cost Document. It is not possible to manually enter a procedure in the Shipment Cost.




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define and Assign Pricing Procedures



  • VC_TVFCSF - Determine Price Procedure (T_73)

The criteria on which the determination of the price procedure is assigned depends on:

  • Transportation Planning Point – Shipment Header
  • Item Group – Based on the SCD’s Item Category
  • Service Agent Group – Service Agent Master Records
  • Shipping Type Group – Based on Shipping Type

Maintain Condition Type

The condition type needs to be “E”  if you want to calculate the freight based on net weight or D for Gross Weight based on Delivery's weight.




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define Condition Type




As the Settlement triggers in most of the cases a Purchase Order and Service Entry Sheet creation, it is necessary  to maintain some assignments, such as Purchase Organization, Purchase Group and Plant to a given Transportation Planning Point and Shipment Type.




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipments Costs > Settlement > Assign Purchasing Data



Account Determination

Group Together Valuation Areas

The account determination is based on valuation area and company codes. This is in most of the companies a FI job, not SD. For this reason, I will show it high level only.




SPRO > Materials Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > Account Determination > Group Together Valuation




Define Valuation Classes

Here is where you create and assign valuation classes. The valuation class is assigned when you do the assignments of Shipment Type and Item Category (explained here previously).




SPRO > Materials Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > Account Determination > Define Valuation Classes


V_025K / V025 / V_134_K

  • V_025K - Account Category Reference

Create account category references under account category reference


  • V025 - Valuation Classes

Under valuation class, define the valuation classes for each account category reference.


  • V_134_K - Account Category Reference/Material Type

Under Material type/account category reference, assign an account category reference to each material type.


Automatic G/L account Determination

From the Transaction “GBB” and combination of General Modification key “VBR” and valuation class the G/L account is determined for the posting to the freight accounts.




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipment Costs > Settlement > Automatic G/L Account Determination


From the Transaction “WRX” and value of valuation class as the G/L account is picked for GR/IR accounts.


Automatic determination of CO assignments

When the shipment cost document is created, the G/L account is pulled in based on configuration above, including valuation class. But how is the cost center assigned in the document? Remember that I said that even if you don't use the cost center as primary account assignment, it is still used to post statistically.

So, based on the configuration below, the Cost Center is going to be pulled to the document and used in the accounting posting (accrual).




SPRO > Logistics Execution > Transportation > Shipment Costs > Settlement > Automatic Determination of CO Assignments


Business Process Procedure

Create transportation condition records

Here you maintain the rates agreed with the Freight Agent. This step is required in order to capture the cost / freight calculation automatically when the Shipment Cost Document is created.




SAP Easy Access > Logistics > Master data > Transportation > Shipment cost > Price


Create Delivery Document

With reference the sales order, you should create a delivery and pick the goods. This document is required as it is the source document to the Shipment Creation. You can use VL01N for example or collectively via VL10B.

Create Shipment Document

After the status of the delivery is open for transportation planning, it is possible to create a shipment document to schedule the transportation.

Create a shipment using transaction VT01N.

You will need to inform the Service Agent (in some cases it can come automatically from the route as explained previously).

Make sure your Delivery is posted for goods issue and your shipment is "shipment start" before you go to the next step.

Creating Shipment Cost Document & Cost Settlement

Call transaction VI01, type the Shipment Number and press Enter:


Then a screen like the one below will show and all you need to do it Save.


If all was okay (a rate was found, G/L account and others accounts assignment were okay), the document will be automatically posted (accrual, GR/IR, ready for Finance pay the invoice).

Use VI03 transaction to display. Enter shipment cost no. and press enter.


Note that the status of this document’s header is C C C, indicating that the document was calculated, account assignment was found and document was transferred (posted and ready to finance):


Effects of Shipment cost settlement and related documents

After the shipment cost settled in shipment cost document, it has the following affects:

  • It creates a service entry sheet that refers to the purchase order determined.
  • It posts acceptance of services performed.
  • It creates an accounting document for the accruals.
  • Further subsequent documents are created in FI.


V54B0001 Shipment Costing: Configure pricing

V54B0003 Shipment Costs Calculation: Determine Rate Type and Currency

V54B0004 Shipment Costs Calculation: Determine Status

V54C0001 Shipment Costing: Description(s) shipment cost item(s)

V54C0002 Shipment Costing: Create shipment cost sub-items

V54C0003 Shipment Costs Processing: Determine Invoicing Party

V54C0004 Shipment Costs Processing: Determine Loc. for Tax Invoice

V54D0001 Shipment Costing: Determining the Tax Countries

V54KSFRC Determining the factors for apportionment of shipment costs

V54P0001 Extended Function Codes for Shipment Cost Information

V54U0001 Shipment Cost processing: Check whether changes made

V54U0002 Check shipment costs for completion

V54U0003 Specification of shipment cost number

V54U0004 Formatting for update of new objects (shipment costs)

V54U0005 Updating new objects in shipment cost processing

V54U0006 Shipment Purchase Order – Header Data Supply

V54U0007 Shipment Purchase Order – Item Data Supply


BADI_SCD_ACCTG          Call During Shipment Cost Account Assignment

BADI_SCD_CREATE          When Generating a Shipment Costs Document

BADI_SCD_CREATE_CHCK     For Checks When Creating a Shipment Costs Document

BADI_SCD_PO_SELECT          Call for the Purchase Order Item Determination

BADI_SCD_PROCESS_CHK     For Checks During Shipment Costs Processing

BADI_SCD_SAVE          When Saving Shipment Costs Documents

BADI_SCD_TRANSFER          For Transferring Shipment Cost Items

This is the end of the Part III. Transportation - Shipment Cost Document. Check here the Part I. Transportation - Shipment and here the Part II. Transportation - Shipment Cost Document.

If you liked, please, rate this blog. Thank you.

Leandro da Pia Nascimento

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